Lily2 Is coming out!!!!! UPDATE! AGAIN!
By madperth
*Sorry GoYs! I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to go ahead with this idea, as I’ve had word from Ajay, and it breaks the rules!!
Here is the email he sent me.
From: Grows On You
Sent: Monday, 31 August, 2009 7:17:39
Subject: Re: Feedback for
Hi Madperth,
Unfortunately this could cause us some problems and it breaks the rules as they are set out.
Though you request is innocent it may set a precedent and make it more difficult for us to turn down other requests in the future especially seeing money will change hands for these magnets.
We like to see charities supported but when we decide use the Grows on You brand we will want to do so in a bigger way and wouldn’t want anything to have jeopardized that.
Any merchandising done with the Grows on You brand will really have to be done by us so we would ask you to refrain from using the name and to refrain from selling anything on the website.
I hope you understand.
So I’ll have to let you all down!
In order to continue the idea of raising funds for Conker, I have set up my own (very much in its infancy) website! I WILL be selling the magnets etc through this. I will NOT be using GoY, Growsonyou or any image generated BY the owners/founders of GrowsonYou.
For further information, please follow the ensuing link!
It has been suggested by Lily2 that I make a “I Love GoY” fridge magnet for her, as she wishes to come out of the closet (or rather, should’nt that be come out of the potting shed??)!
Anyone else who wants one can get in touch, but I have a little challenge for you!
Anyone have any suggestions for the design?
As I/you come up with ideas ( I havent had a chance to design anything yet) I’ll put them up as pics & we can choose one later!
You have one week to help me create Lily’s “coming out” badge!
28 Aug, 2009
Previous post: MY BRILLIANT DAY!
Next post: What A Time I've Had!!
I want creativity above intelligence!
Just ideas for a background!
28 Aug, 2009
Denise! Why are you being qiuet?????????
28 Aug, 2009
How about a lovely sunflower with GOY in the middle .... because .... altogether now
"Goy is the sunshine of my life" (with apologies to Stevie Wonder for changing the words !) haha
28 Aug, 2009
Good one Sue!
28 Aug, 2009
Is there another denise?
28 Aug, 2009
No, it was you, but I hadnt seen your pm (I answered it!)
28 Aug, 2009
How about a Rose......everyone knows that Roses grow on you...........
28 Aug, 2009
Good thinking, I was on the same lines! What would be the perfect rose tho!
Or should they be as individual as the GoYers themselves?
Everyone could name their preference if they wanted a badge/magnet/ keyring, or could even have their avatars if they wanted!
28 Aug, 2009
That's brilliant Sue!
Wow that was quick Marie! No sooner said than done. I was only joking about making the badges myself although I could get the grandchildren on to it. Give them something to do in the hols. buthink Jasmine may be a bit too young!!
You make it and I'll model it on GOY!!
Meanwhile, thinking cap on........
28 Aug, 2009
You could have your favourite Lily on yours!!
28 Aug, 2009
Sue that is brill i think:o)))
28 Aug, 2009
Lily, the magnet frames I have can be made up as either badges or magnets!
28 Aug, 2009
I would order a badge and a fridge magnet. A rose is nice how about a lancastrian rose very colourful and decorative.
28 Aug, 2009
I can see I'll need to get a move on with my website, but in the meantime, anyone who wants one, they'll be £2 each including p&p, but the bright spark who set this off will get hers as a gift (Lily2, I do mean you!)
Of course, reductions will be made for anyone daft enough to want loads of em!!
28 Aug, 2009
Well now I'm torn, a Lily is appropriate for me but sunflowers are so cheerful and so are GOYers so that's appropriate too. :o)))
28 Aug, 2009
Do you have a pic of a lancastrian rose Denise? I would hate to mix them up, & I'm a Scot, remember!
28 Aug, 2009
oooh thanks Marie x
28 Aug, 2009
We could do a pseudo "official" GoY one with a sunflower, & individual ones as well! Any "adjudicators" out there got an input please?
28 Aug, 2009
what about a flowerpot man design with GOY on his hat,
28 Aug, 2009
Yes how do i send a pic?
28 Aug, 2009
So what's your favourite lily Lily?
28 Aug, 2009
Just put it in your pics & I can save it from there! (I think)
If that doesnt work, I'll pm you & you could attach it to an email!
28 Aug, 2009
Oooh, I like that, San! A flowerpot man!
28 Aug, 2009
will do
28 Aug, 2009
Lily's favourite Lily is a water lily Marie. Don't really like the tall ones.
28 Aug, 2009
28 Aug, 2009
Sorry to go off at a tangent but can't resist : Re Flowerpot Men
Bill & Ben go into a pub. Bill goes to the bar and says 'Shlob a lob, shloba loba lob' Ben says 'Oh I'll get them he's p****d again' lol
28 Aug, 2009
Hi Madbeth it will not let me send it but if you google lancastrian rose they come up
28 Aug, 2009
so you noticed me then sue,, flowerpot men :o)
28 Aug, 2009
Ok Sue! I'll give it a go!
Like the joke!
Now I need to find a flowerpot man San!
28 Aug, 2009
Sorry San, so much happening, so fast on here tonight, can't keep up. Flowerpot men sounds great or even 'little weed'. So many good ideas already. That Marie doesn't hang about does she? lol. I need a lie down now. nite nite
28 Aug, 2009
lol i know she`s none stop thinking, hehe, good ideas though :o), sorry i was a bit rude there,:o( cant wait to see you showing your badge off lily
28 Aug, 2009
~I would love one with a protea as per page 23 of my photos and my avatar~send me your add in a pm and we can sort it out?
28 Aug, 2009
Have a look again first Lily! Got your waterlily!
28 Aug, 2009
I like Lily's idea of a water lily too
28 Aug, 2009
Ok Arlene, will do!
28 Aug, 2009
I'm thinking .........................................................
unacustomed as I am to thinking as it can be very dangerous for a man of my age and with only one brain cell, I have come up with ..... absolutely nothing all the suggestions are very good. I like San's suggestion of a flowerpot man.
28 Aug, 2009
thanks bob, great minds think alike lol
28 Aug, 2009
Ha ha Sue I like it, How about this one,
Bill and Ben in the bath and Bill says to Ben "Flobba flob dibble dob flobba dob" Ben says to Bill "If that stinks Bill I'm gonna hit you"
28 Aug, 2009
Hi San yes I did like that its a good suggestion.
28 Aug, 2009
hi bob you ok? good joke there hehe
28 Aug, 2009
Tee hee hee Bob !!
28 Aug, 2009
Yes San fine thanks, you OK? We had a 150 mile round trip to Telford today our Grandson has a girlfriend there and we went for Genealogy reasons.
28 Aug, 2009
Peace is a lovely Rose...........but whatever design I would like one......and a keyring just to be awkward please Madperth, and Its a brilliant Idea. It would be nice to have an official Goy magnet.....What about charging a bit more and donating to a charity?
28 Aug, 2009
im ok thanx, sounds interesting bob, long trip in a day
28 Aug, 2009
Me too please MP. One of each x
28 Aug, 2009
Peace rose sounds nice Milky!
The beauty of this is that I can just play around & use your ideas for individual ones if you like!
The pics are coming up too big, but I can give you a rough idea of what they'll look like!
28 Aug, 2009
mari just fit me in when you have time, looks like your going to be busy lol,:o) i will look for a pic
28 Aug, 2009
Sorry Milky! I obviously answered you while you were editing! Good idea! If I charged another 50p each, we could put that to a charity, no problem!
I'm involved with a local charity that provides outings & holidays for people who are marginalised (through disabilities/mental health or other reasons), and would love to donate to that, but I'm open to suggestions!
28 Aug, 2009
Hi San! I'm working on your flowerpot men as we speak!
28 Aug, 2009
i think thats a great idea milky,
28 Aug, 2009
Poor Sanbaz is feeling left out ......I will go with whatever the official design is or ends up....How about a pair of wellies......TT did a brilliant blog on wellies and there were some really nice ones in there....
28 Aug, 2009
Thats a brilliant charity to donate to....I am more than willing
28 Aug, 2009
im ok milky just not on the ball at the moment,:o(
thanx mari, will catch up tomoz im tired, nite all x
28 Aug, 2009
What about a gnome?........
28 Aug, 2009
Yes me too ....Dont stay up all night Madperth.......C U tomorrow x
28 Aug, 2009
TT would love the wellies!!
What've I started? So many ideas!!!!!
28 Aug, 2009
Ok, goodnight GoYs! I'm working tomorrow so wont be too late!! LOL!
28 Aug, 2009
I think that it has to be a lily flower in background, the logo "I Love ( but just a green heart shape)YOU GOY! with a clickable button alongside the phrase "remember me" , and the badge lights up?
28 Aug, 2009
Nite ~X~
28 Aug, 2009
Night Bob. Have lovely dreams about Bob's Big Choo Choo !
28 Aug, 2009
David! I'm not building lights into them! You've had too much chocolate!!
Night Bob!!
28 Aug, 2009
A teddy bear holding a Leek lol with going 4 written on it.
28 Aug, 2009
Dont QUITE get that one, Morgana!
Oh! I need to remember to get that plant off to you! Damn thing decided to flower again!
28 Aug, 2009
How about just using the "GOY tree" but with different single flowers "growing" beneath the tree to give us all a choice of which flower to choose?
29 Aug, 2009
I'll buy one, thank you. When they are ready I'll send my address and payment :o)
29 Aug, 2009
I can see I'll have to make a selection up, but I'd rather KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!)
than get too carried away, as the pics will be on a very small area!
So if everyone agrees, we'll charge £2.50 inc p&p, with 50p of each sale going to The VISOR Group, the charity I'm associated with (& secretary of).
29 Aug, 2009
Agreed Marie. Great cause
29 Aug, 2009
Thanks Sue!
When I get time I'll do a wee blog telling people what the VISOR Group's all about, but gotta go to work now!
29 Aug, 2009
Well Marie, you are such a fast worker, all this from my litle comment!!! There's no going back now, you've well and truly slammed the closet door behind me......and thrown away the key!! Who cares, GoY is great and we should tell the world! The Lily pics are great, now I have to choose which one and on what......oooh I'm so indecisive....will send you a PM
29 Aug, 2009
Like the idea of a lancastrian rose Marie.
29 Aug, 2009
How about a pic of a pile of manure with several spades forks stuckin it, with the caption GOYS all muck in together?
29 Aug, 2009
thats a good one Indypendant!
29 Aug, 2009
And don't we just ??? haha
29 Aug, 2009
Thats pretty good (& very restrained for you!) Indy!!
29 Aug, 2009
Dont all fall over at once, it'll cause a tsunami!
What about the extra funds being raised towards Conker's vet bills?????
29 Aug, 2009
wonderfull idea mari :o)
29 Aug, 2009
Good! Although I'd like my chosen charity to benefit, I really think a cause close to GoYers' hearts is a better one in this instance & I'll think of something else to raise funds for VG!
29 Aug, 2009
i agree mari, as the badges/fridge magnets are GOY related, see how many you get to do, could always split it for both causes, im happy to go along with either option :o))
29 Aug, 2009
I'm happy just to cover my costs, & will work out exactly what the materials & postage come to, then I'll see if anything's left after Conker gets his share! Then I'll donate any profit to VISOR Group
29 Aug, 2009
ok mari thats cool, just let me know when mine is ready, just badge as i dont have a normal fridge for magnet, its intergrated lol
29 Aug, 2009
Sounds like a great idea Marie.
29 Aug, 2009
I've just ordered a load of magnets, as I thought I had bought a box of magnets & a box of keyrings, but I'd actually bought keyrings & pens that you can put inserts in!!
At the moment I have 9 magnet/badges, but the rest will be here in a few days! Loads of keyrings, & 20 pens!
I'll keep the prices the same, to save muddling!!
Have pm'd you Lily!
San, still working on flowerpot man, I love the idea!!!
Ok, now to pm Terra!
Will she shoot me?
29 Aug, 2009
i will have a keyring and badge them please mari :o))
29 Aug, 2009
Ok sweetie! I'll add you to the list! And I'm going to hunt out the stuff for the flowerpot man!
I've pm'd Terra!
29 Aug, 2009
great mari thanx,
29 Aug, 2009
I'm pleased to say that Terratoonie was happy with the idea, (with suggestions that I give it all to VG)which I'm NOT doing, half WILL go to Conker!!!
so IF I get permission from Peter & Ajay to go ahead with this, I'll update the blog!
29 Aug, 2009
sent you pm mari, im confused lol
29 Aug, 2009
Where's Ian Marie? Is he ignoring us?
29 Aug, 2009
Whats confusing you, San?
I dunno, Lily! I havent seen any sign of him!!
29 Aug, 2009
read my pm, mari,
29 Aug, 2009
I'm here.......... Bl***y H**l can't even take a bath in peace............... Lol. I hope Peter and Ajay don't complain about their copyrights..............?
29 Aug, 2009
I wan't mine to have potatoes on! ! ! Pllllllleeeeeaaaaaassssssssssssseeee.
29 Aug, 2009
I've contacted Peter & Ajay to ask them!
I'm waiting for an answer!
Potatoes? why not!
29 Aug, 2009
Sandra, I've read & answered! She's ok with it!!
29 Aug, 2009
PM - MP Lol
29 Aug, 2009
answerd you to mari and im ok with whatever you decide :o)
29 Aug, 2009
I'll have a key ring and a magnet please.
29 Aug, 2009
Got your pm Digger, & read the blog! Aaaargh! Pm on way in a mo to you!
29 Aug, 2009
Its a B****er ain't it? PM back
29 Aug, 2009
It is that! I wish I'd known!
But I need to wait for an answer from Peter or Ajay!
29 Aug, 2009
OK then talk soon, Nity nite.
29 Aug, 2009
Goodnight, may angels sing thee to thy rest!
29 Aug, 2009
nite mari sleep well,
29 Aug, 2009
Nariz idea of the GOY tree is a good one?
30 Aug, 2009
I think so, but will need permission from Peter & Ajay!
30 Aug, 2009
I'll take a fridge magnet if the proceeds or part of are going to Conker, make that 2, can you do me one without the magnet so I can stick it up in my campervan (I'll be living in it when at uni through the week!
30 Aug, 2009
Yep! I'm waiting to hear from P&A but I could do you one with a sticky back instead of a magnet!
30 Aug, 2009
Bang on M. just whats needed!
30 Aug, 2009
Okey doke!
30 Aug, 2009
Ha Ha had better bulk buy the stuff.....he he he ......Im getting really excited.....Did you want our addresses now or wait til your ready and got them all done?
30 Aug, 2009
Can i have a magnet please? will wait to here whats happening before i PM my address. Great idea for conkers bills
30 Aug, 2009
I'm waiting to make sure its ok with Peter & Ajay, but I'll happily take names & addresses by pm, then I can get going as soon as I know its ok!
I've just ordered in magnets & badges! I'm goiung to make myself a pen too, then I can show you them! Mine will just be my avatar to give you an example!!
30 Aug, 2009
I'm going to make myself a list from this lot to check who wants what, soI have some idea of what I've done!!
30 Aug, 2009
Good luck Marie and thanks, we're keping you very busy!
How do you manage to do all that organizing and keep up with GoY too?
30 Aug, 2009
Dont ask me!!! I'm winging it!!! LOL!
I'll be missing for a good while tomorrow working on the designs that peeps have come up with!!
30 Aug, 2009
Bet you won't be able to resist a GoY 'fix' lol
30 Aug, 2009
30 Aug, 2009
Of course not Lily!! I got home from work yesterday & the pc was on before the kettle was!!
Digger, have answered but would like advice please?
30 Aug, 2009
I've sent it. Hope it helps
30 Aug, 2009
I do that first thing in the morning Marie...sad cases aren't we! (or just enthusiastic?)
30 Aug, 2009
Thanks Digger, will look now!
30 Aug, 2009
Sorry Digger! I went to the pm & forgot to let you know I'd answered it!!
30 Aug, 2009
31 Aug, 2009
Oh no Marie, what a disappointment all round, but especially for you as you have already put in so much effort. I was so much looking forward to my official 'coming out' badge!!!!
Don't know what else to say really.........
except :o((((((((((((((((
31 Aug, 2009
The joys of commercialism ! But you can understand what they mean. Oh well...never mind. Hope you're not out of pocket with the things that you've bought already Marie ?
31 Aug, 2009
Sorry about that and after all your work. Not sure I understand this site now, I thought it was just gardeners talking to each other? but the possibility of it being marketed means that the essence will be lost?
31 Aug, 2009
I agree Drc, but talking about it here could cause even more trouble/upset. Just about to PM you Hatter.
31 Aug, 2009
I'm really disppointed, mainly because we've lost the opportunity to support one of our friends!
Yes, Sue b, I am out of pocket cos I ordered & paid for a new load of supplies yesterday!
But I'll think of something! I'll probably use them to make & sell VISOR Group ones in Perth , and I'll get my website up & running, & we could maybe find a way to help TT through that!
I now need to pm TT & let HER know!!
31 Aug, 2009
Read my PM first Hatter
31 Aug, 2009
Its such a let down but this is the way of life I suppose.
31 Aug, 2009
Hmmmmm! Sods Law! I didnt get your pm in time, cos I did it straight away, but that can be sorted!!
31 Aug, 2009
Going for a walk, talk later!
31 Aug, 2009
Marie ask people to contact you privately if they are still keen to have them without the GOY logo~I collect fridge magnets and would still like to go ahead as a private transaction.
You may well find you are not out of pocket!
31 Aug, 2009
I'm not allowed to sell them on GoY, but I have a solution in hand! More to follow!
31 Aug, 2009
I just had a look at my horoscope online, & here's what it says for today!!!!
Monday, Aug 31st, 2009 -- You don't have to be overly vocal today to be heard amongst your peers, for your input is valued greatly. Still, memories of a recent rejection can provoke you to either be more forceful than necessary or to give up and keep your ideas to yourself, without even trying to participate.
Dont think I'll be giving up trying to find a way to help TT & Conker YET GoYs!!
31 Aug, 2009
I've set up a website to solve the problem!
the link is
Dont expect much, I've only got a home page & a blog so far!!!
Direct link to the blog is
31 Aug, 2009
Re the website.......
It wont be on google or any search engine cos it was only put together today! It takes ages for them to register it!
I did a copy & paste into the address bar at the very top of the page, & that worked!
31 Aug, 2009
Marie, I am so sure that the guys at GOY would have helped if they could. You are remarkable in that you have so swiftly organised another route.
So many fave garden plants, quotes, etc., to choose from, but, I'd really quite like something along the lines of a pic of beautiful Conker, or an actual chestnut?, with a slogan above and below, something along the lines of......."Conker - a hard nut to crack", "Conker - Your'e a Knock-out!", The Big C - Together, we'll crack it!"
Don't really know, tired, and thinking with my fingers right now. :-)
31 Aug, 2009
...(pic of conker)
...(in a heart shape)
31 Aug, 2009
Good ideas there!
Had a pm from TT, & Conker's had a good day!
I know they would've helped & tho I was upset this morning I'm quite excited now- Its made me get on with things!!
It really was a worry that I was breaking rules without ever meaning to!
I'm bushed too, I've been at this pc all day!!
Talk tomorrow!
31 Aug, 2009
Nice one Indy! You posted that as I was typing! Have the emails stopped? I'm still trying to find my way around it!!
31 Aug, 2009
Not looked yet M. I just hate loads of notifications to delete to find i've deleted sommat important as well know what I men! will go see now!
1 Sep, 2009
I DID send you ONE deliberately, a friend request! But I stopped mine when I went into edit profile & found a button that said notify me or summat, & I scrolled down the hoojy & clicked on never!
1 Sep, 2009
They've stopped Marie
1 Sep, 2009
Oooopppppsss !!! Oh no they haven't !!
1 Sep, 2009
Thats good sue! As long as the ones I DO mean to send go out ok!
1 Sep, 2009
Still getting them M. will put up withit for a bit but it needs sortin
Is your site reeeeeaaaallly slow loading comments and stuff or is it my puter! seems quick enough here on GOY though?
1 Sep, 2009
I clicked the never first time round its ignored me ! grrrr
will do it again, but i did check it the other day and it was still on the never setting!
1 Sep, 2009
Sorry! I'll see if their support link will help me sort it out! I'm jumping back & forth between the sites like a blue bottomed flea!
1 Sep, 2009
I cant get to my edit profile the site times out on me and I go to windows cannot connect etc same with posting comments grrrrr!!!!
1 Sep, 2009
Sorry Indy! I'll try to get one of my mates to take a look at it for me, but I dunno what's up!!!!!!!!!
1 Sep, 2009
I had to faff about, but I got in! I'm not sure what's wrong, I'll need to get someone to checkit!
1 Sep, 2009
No probs M. everything has its teething troubles when you start something new, YOU don't need to say sorry, I know you're trying to sort it out I might just make them "junk" and let them go into that folder, if it gets too bad. though I'm not sure if that would be bad for your site in some way so I'll hold off for a while anyway.
Good morning M. are you well today!
2 Sep, 2009
Morning Indy!
I'm good ta! The sun's shining & it looks like we MIGHT get a good day! And I only have to work 3 hours today!
Might get going on my path after tidying the hovel a bit!
Re the site issues! You CAN put them as spam if you wish! There's an unsubscribe me link on the emails, but I tried it & got nowhere!
I'm still trying to get help from "support" bt keep going round in circles!
I'll get it sorted, but feel free to spam it!
2 Sep, 2009
There's time yet before I need to do anything drastic, are they site issues? are others having the same probs as me/us I keep wondering if its my puter, but its fairly good everywhere else i go!
Have a nice day at work and hope it stays fine for the path thingy, lots of love ,Indy
2 Sep, 2009
No, its not just you! I think its a problem with the site provider!
Thanks! My shift will be good, I just need earplugs!!
You have a good day too!
2 Sep, 2009
cant get on your site mari, will try again later :o(
2 Sep, 2009
Go to my homepage here & click on the link, San!
2 Sep, 2009
2 Sep, 2009
Sorry, only just seen this. What a great idea!
I haven't got my glasses on so couldn't read it properly...Did it say Lily's been smoking pot in the shed????(he he) I'll tell the 'Dragon Lady' at Alnwick about her!!!!
2 Sep, 2009
It's all technical stuff, this, isn't it. I kkep getting emails telling me to buy tins of chopped pork, but I think they're just SPAM!!!!!
2 Sep, 2009
Ssshhhh Paul, I can only come out about one of my nasty secret little 'addictions' at a time and pleeeeeese don't report me to the Dragon Lady of Alnwick!!! :o((((
2 Sep, 2009
Ooh, Lily, you've changed! Nice to see you!
2 Sep, 2009
Well Marie, I was told that my previous avatar didn't look a bit like me! I decided that if I was really going to come out then I should go all the way and show my face instead of hiding behind Daisy!! I deliberately chose a slightly fuzzy photo lol
2 Sep, 2009
LOL! Well its a very nice photo! Was the photographer smoking pot in the shed too?
My avatar doesnt look like me either!
2 Sep, 2009
Wow, well done you, I didn't recognise you without the fur. Lol :~)))
2 Sep, 2009
THERE YOU ARE!! Did you escape???????
2 Sep, 2009
Meeooow......purr..... I did it just for you Ian being as you don't like cats. lol (or maybe you'd prefer me to change it back again!)
2 Sep, 2009
Never Lily you look Purrfect. :~))
Hatter I get to use the pc while they sleep, I've wrote another poem! ! !
2 Sep, 2009
2 Sep, 2009
:~)) Here or on Madperth?
2 Sep, 2009
Oh, tou're not a cat afterall Lily!! Mind you, on that basis I suppose I would be a bit of a vegetable!
3 Sep, 2009
Well you said it Paul, not us!!!! LOL!
3 Sep, 2009
Nice with some SPAM!!
3 Sep, 2009
3 Sep, 2009
U obviously missed my earlier wise crack on this thread yesterday MadP
3 Sep, 2009
No, I saw it, but I missed the connection somewhere!! (NOT unlike me!!)
3 Sep, 2009
Didn't you know witches can turn themselves into cats Paul, so watch out!
3 Sep, 2009
:~)))))))) Lily!
3 Sep, 2009
And - what sits on a lily? A frog, of course!
New idea for a pic for your stuff, M - frog on lily with "Kiss me - QUICK!", either with frog wearing hat, or as a lo-gogh!
3 Sep, 2009
David, did you pay attention to what Lily just said to Paul?????
Living dangerously, boy!!
3 Sep, 2009
But I like it!! LMAO!
3 Sep, 2009
Right then David, where's my cauldron and wand....izzy wizzy let's get bizzy.....
4 Sep, 2009
You get him told!
4 Sep, 2009
Whos the gladiolus expert ?
4 Sep, 2009
????????? Dunno!
4 Sep, 2009
Try sue birmingham she mentioned she loves her gladies, she ma know sommat, but i'm only guessing from a comment she made!
6 Sep, 2009
Please pm me with your choices guys or go to my web & take it from there if you wish! Ta! Mxx
11 Sep, 2009
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- Oops! I went for cheese again!!
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Sounds good. I'll need to think so that is probably the end of my contribution as thinking has and intelligence have never been my strong points.
28 Aug, 2009