Due To Advers Weather Conditions....Alternative Activities In The Garden...
By majeekahead
Thoughs of you that have been following my recent blogs on my new projects in the garden will know that i have been raring to go with digging, planning, researching and buying plants…well i had planned to really break the back of the digging this week, kept the week clear so that every afternoon while Brooke is at school i would get a good couple of hours out there…well that was the plan…….
….but this moring we woke up to this…
ofcourse Brooke was really excited, she has never seen snow quite like this before, we have had a few flurrys here and there, and just enough to make a snowman last year at Easter! but this really is the real thing!
and bless her she had been waiting by the back door ready to go out in it since 6am, so once the sun was up…well sort of, out we went.
this is about 8am this moring and the snow was approx 8-10" then, as you can see little Brookie is nearly knee deep..
and then onto the important stuff of snowman building….
Brooke much prefered it when i was doing this bit as it left her hands free to throw snow all over me while i was bending down!
Nearly done…
Now that is a funky snowman if ever i saw one Brooke…
…is it just me or can you kind of hear the theme tune to the film ‘Staying Alive’ in your head when looking at it lol
2 Feb, 2009
Previous post: Garden Projects 2009 - Part 2 - More Planning, Digging and Buying Plants....
Next post: Garden Projects 2009 - Part 3 - Progress Report...
Happy times,a very impressive snowman love the hair and smiley face .....
2 Feb, 2009
That's the only sort of gardening for this weather. Looks like you had a whale of a time.
2 Feb, 2009
Ha ha ha ......Glad to see that you and Brook had a brilliant day........
2 Feb, 2009
Three happy smiling faces! Not to mention the pink hair-do... what fun! I hope you both had a nice warm drink after that. :-) Another snowman tomorrow to keep him/her company?
2 Feb, 2009
Nothing to beat it, great fun for both of you.......staying alive, you have started me off now, lol it will be in my head all evening now!!!!
2 Feb, 2009
LOL. Great blog Maj. Brooke sure had fun didn't she. Lovely photos. :o)
3 Feb, 2009
Thanks all, and the snow seems to have stopped, and it looks like the sun may even try to get out today, so we may make a friend who knows.
3 Feb, 2009
Brooke must have been impressed with the deeper snow.
Last time it snowed, not quite enough to make a snow man!
You didn't draw a plan for this one ~ it would have been a white sheet of paper Lol.
3 Feb, 2009
It's nice to see children enjiying themselves. I like the snowman's hair. lol
3 Feb, 2009
Oh that is lovely, my 4yr old has gone to school this morning but I really want to build a snowman, I wonder if my 17yr old will help???
3 Feb, 2009
Pleased both of you enjoyed yourselves
3 Feb, 2009
You seem to be enjoying the snow................
3 Feb, 2009
Thanks everyone for you kind comments, funky snowman has now become a bit lop- sided, looks like he is falling backwards. the sun has been out since yesteday, but the snow is still at least 6" thick, so i think it will be a while before he completely melts.
4 Feb, 2009
he/she looked fantastic, l too love the pink hair well done Brooke and mum!
17 Feb, 2009
Ha ha - brill snowman - you and Brooke did so well! Defo a bit of Saturday Night Fever going on there.....
26 Feb, 2009
I actually remember wearing this wig on a night out with 5 friends, all donning same pink hair, who would have thought it would end up on a snowman, still suits his complexion far more than it did mine! Glad you two enjoyed the snow, xx
3 Mar, 2009
PMSL - actually this is Brookes lasy town wig... however i do remeber seeing the photos of the night in question, don't think i participated in that one lol
3 Mar, 2009
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lol looks like ye both had great fun out there this morning
2 Feb, 2009