Our new project ,our new garden decking area
By mark61
Hi all,as it as been so quiet on here we was going to do this project next year and do a blog about it then but after having a few drinks sunday night we drunkingly brought the decking off of ebay for £40 which we are picking up tomorrow lol.So now we have to start the project this year lol.
Hopefully will be completed tomorrow if we work hard lol.Hope you enjoy.:)))))Went and got the decking this morning ,popped by b and q aswell for extra wood just in case we need it.
Julie and Jordan helping me treat the wood.
Me and Jordan treating the wood.Sorry about his boxes hanging out but all he says is dont dis the pants man lol lol
Jordan mixing the cement
Jordan still mixing cement bless him
Having a rest watching the labourer lol
Mixing the second mix he will ache in the morning
Jordan wanted to add his name to the cement as he as done all the work NOT LOLOL
Im bored come on your lightweights
Jordan working yet again as i watch over him lol
View from above
Julie teaching jordan how to measure!!!! dont forget i taught julie how to do it first lol
Finally thats it for today we are all worn out food and chill time eady for tomorrow.
A break in the weather so i thought i would try and get the last pieces down before the rain comes again
Please note the marine ply on the right hand side as this is where the toffee bar is going to be
Me Julie setting out where the decking lights are going to go
Just concentrating on cutting the circles for the decking lights, women why cant we just have one big spotlight instead of all this trouble for decking lights lol
Pressure washing the old decking
My turn washing lol Not every day lol
We had to get the next door neighbour to help as me and me jewels are aching badly lol
Lights in and working may i add lol,Will add a picture showing this tonight if im still awake when it gets dark lol,
A break in the weather so we managed to get the decking painted.
As you can see from the picture the large conifer trees block most of the sun from the new decking area.
To cut down or not to cut down that is the question?? please help and me and the wife are at split decisions on this.
Brought all this wood today for the Costa Del Barnsley Toffee Bar lol and also for my next project with TT.
I have just started it and the final picture will be of the finished job.Thanks for all your patience on this blog Hope you enjoyed it:)))
Not quite the final picture now as we have decided to extend the decking area mmmmm!!!,maybe a while longer now before you get the finished product.
2 Sep, 2011
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Hi Stickitoffee,we hope so the wriggly path was my wifes idea.
The gnome loo is only TTs territory lol.
You will laugh when i tell you this ,yes we brought the decking drunk not realising its pick up only and we have only got a renault clio and a peugeot 106 with no tow brackets doh us,but father in law as come to the rescue and he his lending us his pajero.lol.What are we like no more shopping when drunk lol.:))))))
2 Sep, 2011
Looking forward to seeing the results and remember, no driving drunk ;)
2 Sep, 2011
good luck you little drunk, will take a look whe I get back off holiday, don't let me forget, it will look great if you are doing it, want to see a picture of you sat on the decking with a pint in your hand, xx
2 Sep, 2011
thats funny ~ will be a great memory when you are sitting on the decking with a drink or two!!
perhaps you should build a bar on the deck too!!
2 Sep, 2011
Hi Lilcrawford i will keep you informed as we go along tomorrow.Yes you are so right never drink and drive only drink and buy off of ebay lol:))))
Hi Yorkshire yes i am ,i will not let you forget and have a great holiday.Cant wait to see the pictures.Me sat on me decking with a beer me thinks not lol,i will be sat with a case lol.Hopefully i can under decking lights up tomorrow to be fitted aswell.:))))))BBFB
Hi Stickitoffee,yes it will be a great memory with a drink of 10 or 11 lol,oh no what a good idea of the bar mmmmmm may have to try and presuade the wifey lol:))))))
2 Sep, 2011
could be ordinary bar, coffee bar, cocktail bar??
2 Sep, 2011
Hi stickitoffee yes you are so right i am going to include a bar in my new project
The bar will be dedicated to you as it is your suggestion.I may not get it all done now this weekend as i am doing plans for the bar aswell.:)))))
2 Sep, 2011
What a bargain! That must be Annellas secret because I know for two facts that she gets lots of bargains and also drinks quite a lot!! :)) Annie...only kidding hun! :)) So what to do is, only go shopping when you've had a few! Nice one!
2 Sep, 2011
aw! mark thats really nice ~ never had anything named after me!!
The Toffee Bar??!!
oh and cheers! have the first drink on me!!
2 Sep, 2011
Beautiful garden Mark61, can't wait to see the decking down! :)))
2 Sep, 2011
What are you like,Mark ? .Lol.hope the transport bit goes well..and that you are sober when laying the decking..don't forget the spirit..(level)..you don't want a sloping deck..the bar will slide off the end..and so will you..:o))
2 Sep, 2011
which spirit level would that be bloomer ~ look good ~ like a thermometer on the wall ~ alcohol free at the bottom and 40% at the top??!! or over the top???
2 Sep, 2011
I think we will leave Mark to choose which one,Sticki..but I think he is a more of a beer man,myself..he could use a can underneath,to help level it out ! :o)
3 Sep, 2011
3 Sep, 2011
LoL, lucky the decking wasn't in Spain!!
3 Sep, 2011
Would have been a nice holiday tho! Sight seeing from the deck?
3 Sep, 2011
Hi all i love all your comments we have had such a laugh reading them.
Anyway cant spend much time on here as i have got to go and crack the whip with julie and jordan ,oh and dont forget i have got to get going on me cans lol.
Stickitoffee the bar will come later if not this weekend it will be next,Costa Del Barnsley Toffee Bar opening soon lol.:))))))
3 Sep, 2011
I hope you are good at sign writing Mark ~ thats a very long sign:
Costa Del Barnsley Toffee Bar!
i shall look forward to the photos!! btw i have toffee vodka in my freezer ~ that would be good in your bar!!
if you let us know the opening times ~ we will all come up to visit!!!
3 Sep, 2011
here is an idea for your spirit level gauge:
| ~ alcohol free ~ still standing
/ ~ some alcohol ~ leaning happily
_ ~ high alcohol ~ lying down
3 Sep, 2011
lol Sticki!
3 Sep, 2011
Well, this could be a trip up to south Yorkshire then.......to the bar!
3 Sep, 2011
looking forward to seeing your decking when its done.
3 Sep, 2011
I look forward to the decking too! Enjoy this gorgeous weather that we are having.
3 Sep, 2011
im looking forward to a drink in the bar!!
no sun here GM
3 Sep, 2011
Yorkshire and me,will meet you all there..we have a head start with living nearer..we will be the ones lying down
and giggling uncontrollably..empty glass in hand ! Lol.
3 Sep, 2011
"What shall we do with the drunken Goyers, what shall we do with the drunken Goyers, what shall we do..........................!!
3 Sep, 2011
Hi all thankyou so much for your comments,
You are all welcome to the toffee bar opening ,
Stickitoffee you have to come and cut the ribbon to officially open it,
We are so proud of Jordan today he well and truely mucked in.As a reward for all his hard work i gave him 50p for the shop for all his effort lol.NO IM NOT TIGHT HES GOT TO LEARN.
Please keep following as will try and finish the decking tomorrow.Oh i forgot one thing i also pick my under decking lights up tomorrow doh me i have already screwed the wood down so it as to come up again lol.:))))))
3 Sep, 2011
Hi Bloomer empty glasses you will have not,weve plenty of corporation wine straight from the tap nice and cold lol,
Hi Lulu love it what a great song lolol,best we get karoake sorted for when you come round aswell:)))))
3 Sep, 2011
You make a great gang master, I can see your a master at it, just glad that Jordan and Julie are nt picking cockles but love the work Julie and Jorden have acheived so far and incorporating those grasses on the edges lovely idea, which I know that has to be one of Julies ideas.
3 Sep, 2011
hi 6d how wrong you are its MINE all MINE im the manager here works over looker lol :)))
ill say it now before they look at the blog lolol
3 Sep, 2011
Your the bully and sure Julie would agree on that bossy Barnsley bully all JORDANS WORK AND JULIES WORK I ll say it now before they get to yours haha
3 Sep, 2011
That will suit me fine,Mark..I like Adam's Ale..:o)and guess what ? I'm all talk,cos I don't drink..!! if you twist my arm,,I'll have a tonic water..lemon ,no ice!!..I know how to live life on the edge don't I ?....I used to,a long time ago..but I got this mad urge to build some wonky decking...!!!!!!
3 Sep, 2011
Was that grasses or glasses round the edge?
This is going to be such a good party!
I have the scissors ready Mark!
3 Sep, 2011
Hi 6D,oh thats not nice 6d,it may have looked like i was sat down watching but believe me my body is aching all over from all the work i didnt do lol.:))))
Hi Bloomer,lolol,good for you for not drinking wish i could stop NOT lolol.My decking is a bit wonky due to my bad helpers lol.:))))))
Hi Stickitoffee,lol they are grasses naughty.Once i get the decking down not today now as it is raining,i will have to find the perfect spot for the bar.I have got a fridge already just got to do the bar part lol.I havent got a steady hand for doing the sign but i know someone who has.:)))))
4 Sep, 2011
Love the deck and all the comments Mark! I like shopping online after a few drinks, it helps me to forget that I can't really afford to do it Lol ;0))
4 Sep, 2011
Hi Annella yeah its ok shopping on line when youve had a few drinks but we have just spent two hours trying to find where the person had brought the decking from as we havent got enough lol.I just cant believe it got over 20 pieces for £40 now i have got to go and get three more pieces for £20 Not good:((((
4 Sep, 2011
That's a shame but you will still have made a big saving. How much will the bar cost?
4 Sep, 2011
Hi Annella its ok we have just been to wickes and we have just saved even more money as they had a sale on so i have brought with the saving some marine ply for the bar area.I am not sure how much the bar is going to cost yet as i am just working it all out.
I have already spent up to 2014 gardening budgets so i will have to keep creeping to the wife lol.:))))))
4 Sep, 2011
more flowers will help Mark!!
4 Sep, 2011
YES will get some on way home for work tomoz good thinking Stickitoffee :))
4 Sep, 2011
4 Sep, 2011
at least the sun is out now.. :))
4 Sep, 2011
it has here too!! thursday was beautiful!!
4 Sep, 2011
Oh cool, love the extra pics!! Can't wait to see the bar!
4 Sep, 2011
this is fabulous ~ that Jordan is a great worker!!! somebody must have taught him well!!
im feeling very thirsty!!! what's your drink lulu?? and what are you having mark, julie, jordan? this is getting an expensive round!!
4 Sep, 2011
oh there's a question.........white wine, Brandy and ginger ale and negroni cocktail, not all in one day though!
4 Sep, 2011
All done for today phew.
Only the toffee bar to do now.Will work it out this week.It all will be ready for next weekend.Cant wait me self lol:)))))
4 Sep, 2011
think i will have to book a train ticket ~ cant wait to see it Mark!
I think Rose's friend/neighbour could do with your help ~ if you read her latest blog!!!
i had to google your drink lulu ~ sounds nice!!
4 Sep, 2011
well done to you all..... looks great
4 Sep, 2011
Hi Lulu mmmm your drink sounds nice but naughty lol could get in a bit of trouble with that one lol.:))))
Hi Stickitoffee im lost roses friend/neighbour???? i would love to see the blog but dont know where to start lol:))))By the way thankyou so much on how much our jordan helped he was a true star bless him.
Hi Hollyeves thankyou so much great it will be on the opening night :))))
4 Sep, 2011
Its this one Mark:
Could have a Jordan tuck shop? or a special chair named after Jordan ~ he will be doing his own blogs next!!
4 Sep, 2011
Great set of action photos Mark...
You all worked very hard ...
A special "well done" to Jordan. :o)))
6 Sep, 2011
Hi Stickitoffee,i looked at your friends blog and i was falling off my chair with laughter.It was very funny.Sounds like she could of done with my help to get the job done.Hope she is ok now lol
Please dont give our Jordan any ideas as i will have to share my wood and tools with him.I have only got enough for myself lol.:))))
Hi TT,thankyou yes we did work hard but our Jordan really made us proud of his work he did that day.He was a real trooper bless him.I have told him of your comment and he went a bit embarrassed bless and he said thankyou to you aswell.He was certainately the star of the day.:)))))
7 Sep, 2011
I thought you might enjoy it Mark!! We never got the end of the story ~ so who knows ~ maybe the lady is still covered in paint!!!
It wont be long before Jordan is making all sorts!! Good for him. Nice when they learn from you. I have a go at a few things but havent done woodwork ~ I like to cook and both my [grown up] sons are now really good at cooking and enjoy it ~ at least I taught them that!!!
How is the bar coming on??
7 Sep, 2011
Hi stickitoffee,yes we did enjoy it.
I did cooking and needlework at school instead of woodwork/metalwork.So everything i do now as been self taught.
Managed to paint the decking area today as there was a break in the weather.Do you think i should cut down the large conifer trees at the back to let the sun hit the decking area???:)))))
8 Sep, 2011
you must be younger than me ~ or a more enlightened school ~ i wasnt allowed to do woodwork or in particular technical drawing ~ because of being a girl!!!
what colour is the decking? its getting very exciting.
i dont think i am the right person to ask about your trees ~ do they give you protection from the wind ~ or privacy??
8 Sep, 2011
Hi i am a lot younger than you i was 25 last week lol,The colour of the decking is the same as the gnome loo.
As far as the tree we still havent come to a agreement so we are going to leave them there till next year so it gives me plenty of time to persuade Julie:))))
9 Sep, 2011
now tell me the truth mark ~ are you 61 or born in 61???
9 Sep, 2011
Lol yes im 50 i was born in 61 got you worried though lol
9 Sep, 2011
wasnt sure!!!!!!!!! you tease!! if you had said 40 i might have believed you!!!
you are younger than me ~ but not by much!!!
so did you celebrate your half century??
9 Sep, 2011
thank you lol
yes we put a blog on lol :)))
9 Sep, 2011
i found it!! ~ 5 months late!! looks like a good time was had by all!!
9 Sep, 2011
you have done a good job there BBFB, Jordan is looking very colourful I must say, looks like he was the one to do all the work though, noticed you acting as foreman with a can in your hand, well done to all three of you,
12 Sep, 2011
Hi all sorry the final picture is taking so long i am just waiting for a few finishing touches .Cash flow a bit tight at moment .So been working overtime to pay for the extra items .lol.:))))
Hi Val thankyou very much.yes jordan was looking very colourful that day but apparently it is all the style with the younger ones lol.Thanks again us 3xx:))))
17 Sep, 2011
Will be finished this year before summer :)))))
26 Feb, 2012
It will be fabulous!!!
26 Feb, 2012
I've just read all this through again,Mark..and enjoyed it just as much..such a good laugh ! I will look forward to the next stage..keep us informed,when you you are going to start again..I bet Jordan wil have muscles on his muscles by then :o)
26 Feb, 2012
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thats going to be lovely, i love that wriggly path going down the lawn.
will you have room for a gnome loo on the deck??
2 Sep, 2011