Our new addition to the grandchildren Erin Taylor
By mark61
Hi all
This is our new addition to the grandchildren .Erin Taylor was born this month which was a wonderful early christmas present.
I would also like to thank all GoY friends who kindly gave fantastic messages and thoughts regarding my grumpy husband mark lol ill health.He is now getting better which is fantastic for christmas.He his still grumpy though lol with all the rest he is having to do.
I have done my best trying too keep the garden tidy for him but hes still moaning im not doing it right lol.
He as asked me to also thank everyone from him he was deeply touched by all the prayers and thoughts from you all.
We would like to wish all our GoY friends a wonderful christmas a happy new year.
21 Dec, 2011
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dear little thing!! Congratulations and love to you all.
a happy christmas present indeed.
get well soon mark but dont do too much.
21 Dec, 2011
Gorgeous new baby, congratulations to you both, glad Mark is on the mend, Merry Christmas to you both and Jordan also,
21 Dec, 2011
So nice to hear that Mark is feeling better,baby Erin is lovely, have a really nice Christmas take care :-)
21 Dec, 2011
catch-up soon Mark & congrats on the little one folks.
21 Dec, 2011
What a little smasher Erin is. bless her. how blessed you will be this Christmas. Have a good time all of you and keep Mark tied to that sofa!! Lol x
21 Dec, 2011
Welcome to the world Erin, so glad everything in ok with you all and hope you have a lovely Xmas and New Year.
21 Dec, 2011
awwww welcome aboard :))))) lovely present I'd say there
21 Dec, 2011
Erin is a lovely name ... and what a lovely early Christmas gift! ... Glad Mark is recovering ... even though he's being 'Mr. Grumpy'! ... Christmas wishes to you and yours ... :o)
21 Dec, 2011
Pleased to hear Mark is doing well. Congratulations on your new granddaughter, she is gorgeous (love the names)
21 Dec, 2011
Congrats to you both and what a lovely blog so glad to hear Mark is on the mend:) x Merry Xmas
21 Dec, 2011
Aww Erin is so cute! I am glad to hear that Mark61 is on the road to recovery. Thank you so much for keeping us posted. Merry Christmas to all of you. :))))
21 Dec, 2011
Congratulations , you couldn't have a more wonderful early Christmas present . a merry christmas to you all I'm so pleased to hear Mark is on the road to recovery , best wishes for a wealthy ,healthy new year :o))
21 Dec, 2011
So lovely to hear your good news,Julie..and glad to hear 'grumpy' Mark is feeling a lot better now..Erin is a little beauty,and love her name too ...Hope you,and all your Family have a wonderful Christmas,and peace and good health for 2012...:o)
21 Dec, 2011
Congrats on Erin Julie and Mark :O)
21 Dec, 2011
Oh lovely, two fab bits of news! Lovely wee bub! And Paul's getting better, brilliant! Have a wonderful Christmas!
21 Dec, 2011
Nothing like a new little member of the family to cheer everyone up. Congratulations to all and so pleased to hear that Paul is improving in health. Best wishes to you both for Christmas and the New Year. God bless.
22 Dec, 2011
Such a cute baby. I had to let out an awww....
22 Dec, 2011
Congratulations on becoming grandparents again :o) Erin Taylor is lovely :o) What with her being born, and Mark getting better, you couldn't have a nicer Christmas ...
Give my kind regards to Mark, and I wish you both a lovely time :o)
22 Dec, 2011
Baby Erin is lovely, glad mark is feeling better. :)
24 Dec, 2011
A beautiful grandaughter Julie, congratulations to all of you.
Really pleased to here that Mark is on the mend, I wish you all Good Health and Happiness for the Future, xx..
26 Dec, 2011
Congratulations, baby Erin is beautiful. Such a lovely early Christmas pressent.
Really pleased to hear Mark is on the mend, I hope he is back to full health soon.
I hope that you and your family had a lovely Christmas. Heres to a very happy and healthy 2012.
27 Dec, 2011
Hi all sorry it as taken so long to comment on this blog.
It was a obsolute god send bless her and a fantastic xmas present.She is doing really well and growing bigger every day.Her big brother Max looks after her well too.
She helped so much to get through my illness as i had a new focus to be strong for.
Hope everyone had a brill xmas and a fantastic new year.Wish everyone the best for the forthcoming year :))))
14 Feb, 2012
hello mark, good to see you on here.
all the best to all of you
14 Feb, 2012
Beautiful baby BBFB, congratulations to you all,
14 Feb, 2012
Hi Sticki and Val its nice to be back.
14 Feb, 2012
14 Feb, 2012
Great to see you are back Mark,and raring to go ! Lol.We have all missed you..Glad Erin is doing well,and what a lovely little brother she has too,being so caring..nothing like it to make you happy..:o)
14 Feb, 2012
Hi Bloomer thankyou so much it is good to be back.Yes my grandchildren make me very happy and i wouldnt chang anything for the world.:))))))
16 Feb, 2012
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Well done, Julie, getting the blog on here. :o)
Erin is absolutely cute, and I'm so pleased that Mark is on the mend.
Have a lovely Christmas and good health for 2012 to you, Mark and Jordan.
love from Terratoonie, Conker, Truffle and Crocus. xxx
21 Dec, 2011