a thank you
By mookins
A thank you is in order today. The rain is pooring down and so I ran out in it to get some snaps just for you guys to show what your help has acheived.
a BIG thank you first for all the help ive been getting on here. since i came on here in April everybody has been SOOOOOOOOO helpful. With my silly questions that are so obvious now but back then i had no idea, with my panics when my rose head looked burnt and most recently when I was worried about my Japanese acer.
It was in a sad old state and still looks a bit rough but the other day when I was weeding i noticed a beautiful deep red leaf at the bottom, so now i know shes on the mend.
also my aloe vera, now perking up nicely witha new shoot/baby and more growth inside.
also after many questions on growing veg I have now stripped the area down the the soil and have been busy preparing it for my oriental agrden. This is before
thats a Japanese Maple “butterfly” in the corner
Pink Spangles fuschia
Climbing rose but cant remember the name
Tidy greenhouse at long last with empty shelves and my Hops plant in the very back ground looking fab and a cheeky tomato plant held up with string trying to escape out the door.
our new member of the family Bob the Buddha
And heres me…. yes I look like a chap with no make up on, but had just been for a long walk with Cody!!
!removed for safety reasons
am in a much better mood now. last few days things were getting me down. but have given myself a good talking to and a shake. Cant keep me down for long
Now looking out the window as Ive written this the rain has calmed down and its brightening up.Just goes to show start thinking positive and things can change
love to you all
x x x
29 Jul, 2009
Previous post: feeling low
Next post: spare ribs anyone?
Thats the monkey well done Hywel it was part of a collection
hehe ok i may not look like a chap but I usually look a bit better hehe
x x x
29 Jul, 2009
you look how i imagined actually. cody is very like you too.
glad you are feeling better and less down in the dumps.
Like Bob very much.
29 Jul, 2009
Hey Mookins great blog I must take photo too of all my successes since joining GOY what a great idea - and you don't look like a bloke - I however look like "bob the buddah" I often wonder what other members look like - maybe we should all post a photo
29 Jul, 2009
Will def post a better pic if we do that Angie good idea.
theres no way you can look like Bob silly billy hehe
SBG not sure how to take that hehe is that a good or bad thing how you imagined. I had waist length hair until xmas this year and it just gets shorter and shorter (boredom)
does cody look like me? i hope so shes beautiful hehehe
x x x x
29 Jul, 2009
def good mookins. and until they produce a camera that makes me look half decent i will remain a beautiful rose :o)
yes i think cody is like you but what does hubby look like? she may be a good mix. apparently my two are and in some lights more like their dad.
29 Jul, 2009
Your garden is shaping up nicely, Mookins...
Well done :o)
....Your smile is happy and pretty ...
..and your GoY comments are entertaining and interesting... :o)
29 Jul, 2009
hehe terratoonie interesting and entertaining comments... hehe could take that in many ways but Im glad to see Im liked
SBG Im sure you are a real pretty rose, post a pic. Im now gonna find one of my hubby hehehe
x x x
29 Jul, 2009
I've done that with the hair too Jen! It's gone from down to my shoulder blades to just a wee bit longer than yours!
You DO NOT look like a guy! A GoY maybe.........!
I agree with SBG, I prefer my cartoon to real pics of me!!
29 Jul, 2009
hi jen lovely to see you, and how pretty to, you have come a long way with your garden, looks great and cody does look like mummy :o)
29 Jul, 2009
Your garden is coming along nicely Mookins.
Angie. What a daft idea that we should all post pics of ourselves. While Mookins, you, and many of the other lady members are enough to keep me in cold showers for a long time, speaking for myself, you would not be impressed and the pic would probably be flagged.
29 Jul, 2009
I am with you on that Toto , When I was born the Doctor took one look at me and slapped my mother.
29 Jul, 2009
anyway I am glad you havecheered up mookins
29 Jul, 2009
Cant keep me down for long
too much to live for
x x x
30 Jul, 2009
Toto and Mac - I have an image in my head that Toto you look like a young Steve McQueen and Mac you a young Richard Gere - so is it fair to say that I have it all wrong ????
31 Jul, 2009
aha we got you , you got us the wrong way round angie
31 Jul, 2009
I think it'd be quite interesting to put faces to names, tho!
2 Aug, 2009
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- you hoo
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- thank you Hywel
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- R.I.P Stephen Gately
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You don't look like a chap at all. lol.
Your climbing rose reminds me of Handel but I could be wrong.
29 Jul, 2009