Been to london to Visit the queen...
By mookins
well hubby and I had a few days in London, No children which was lovely although we did miss Cody very very much. Spent the first day travelling there in the morning and then the afternoon in the Natural History Museum and the Science Museum. In the evening we had a quich Shower and change and back over to the History museum for an awards evening for a photography competition hubby entered through his work. We had to go to the Earth Galleries which is amazing.
Anyway the exciting part was seeing all the photos up on display on eisels, out of roughly 300 entried hubby was down to the last 20. It was all very nicely set out. After wine (i had 3 glasses!!!!) and nibbles we all sat down for the awards. There were various children pictures entered as family members of employees lots of budding David Baileys out there, very good indeed.
Heres hubby collecting his certificate.
Unfortunatly he didnt win but he did receive this fab certificate framed and a goody bag.
Was so proud of him. We were told by a lot of people there 1 being a chap who commisions pictures and the other the director of the Natural History Museum that his photo was excellent one of the best, but the judging wasnt being done by proffessionals. Hubbys pic was “The hoverfly”
unfortunaly I cant load it up as the image is too big.but it is brilliant, being in flight just near a flower. They have the big competition for Veolia in the next few weeks as they are now prod sponsers of the Natural History museum. So next year hubby will enter .
after the awards evening we hopped back on the tubes and I walked the last bit in bare feet, my shoes were killing me and even after 3 glasses of wine the pain was unbearable! I never do heels anymore spending most of my time in trainers or flipflops and now to be wellies again.
Yesterday we went for another wander. Popped over to her Maj for a cuppa, heres me waiting outside to be let in…
then I remebered.. I wasnt actually invited.So we went for another wander,
We went here. I was all ready for giving the bunch in here a piece of my mind, sort em out about various things… and they werent in….too busy changing their expense sheets
loads of photographers all parked out side a building so hubby and I waited aswel cameras ready, dont know who they are but these came out
Dont think its the Autumn winter collection!!
Heres a gorgeous water feature, this actually very slowly turns round, want one !
Heres a group that are giving their views on the activities happening in variuos areas of the world, we wont get on that subject too upsetting for too many.
and this is a chap called clive!! thats all I know sorry
Changinf of the guards
I want this cottage, my neighbours would be royalty but cant imagine them to be too noisy, although being in st James park you wouldnt hang your smalls on the line!!
Beautiful flowers
sorry about the face on me here but not to keen on pigeons and this one wouldnt leave me alone as much as i tried to shoo it away he just flap[ped at me!!
there we have it, the highlight of my time in london was definatly the squirrels, they were amazing, as much as they are pests to some you gotta love there boldness.
The weather was lovely(thanks Bamboo for the weather report) the tubes werent as sacary as I thought although the armpits in my face were not as fun !!
Right Id best be off Cody has a cold AGAIN and its her birthday tomorrow so I need to purchase some Calpol, pink balloons and a cake
love to all
x x x
2 Oct, 2009
Previous post: Put in the oven for Cody and me....
Next post: R.I.P Stephen Gately
Mookins .. what a fab. day , your hubby did so well, how nice to be presented with a framed certificate , congratulations to him ( again ) can't say it often enough !
Those pigeons and Squirrels are so use to being fed they are so bold , I like them but not much fun if you really don't like them :o(
I hope your little Cody will soon be feeling better and has a brilliant birthday party .............
2 Oct, 2009
thank you hunny, much appreciated, isnt it always the way though!1 shes now snoozing on the sofa with her London bear from her Daddy
x x x
2 Oct, 2009
That's a lovely blog Mookins and your photos are great :-)))
2 Oct, 2009
thanks both for your comments. So proud of the other half,
x x x
2 Oct, 2009
thnk you Louise, am getting the hang of taking snaps...slowly but surely
x x x
2 Oct, 2009
love the hair cut ~glad you enjoyed your trip in St James Park~did you see the Pelicans? Theyre fairly tame too.Well done your hubby~it's always nice to get some recognition!
2 Oct, 2009
Yup saw the pelicans, stayed well away, they were trying to get a ladys coffee!!
dont talk about my hair, its way to short and my ears get cold :o(
x x x
2 Oct, 2009
What a great blog Mookins and how good is hubby!!
Looks like youhad a great time ans something for you both to cherish and show off - the certificate.
Really well done to Hubs and some nice flower & squirrel shots to boot!
Glad you enjoyed yourselves:0)-
2 Oct, 2009
Oh lovely blog - well done to your hubby!
I'm going to London in just over a week with my teenage son to the British Library (getting Birth certs of grandad born in India) and then to HMS Belfast (Father served on her) so I hope to see the Queen too (not invited either...!!) - So if we take our picnic in the park are we likely to be mobbed too???
2 Oct, 2009
if you dont want to share your picnic with many woodland animals I would pic a quiter spot hehehe
its brilliant fun though so take extra
xx x
2 Oct, 2009
Mookins what a great blog and your photo`s are lovely,I can see you had a fantastic day, well done hubby...Hope Cody is feeling better and enjoys her birthday celebrations.
2 Oct, 2009
Thankyou for sharing London with us.
2 Oct, 2009
Congratulations to your hubby, you must both be very proud. It was a nationwide competition too. Great. The photos are brilliant andd sounds as if you made the most of every minute of your time. Lovely.
2 Oct, 2009
You seem to have a knack with animals who want to land on you.
I remember a blog about a robin on your leg which was so cute. I only have to put my ugly mug by the window and everything disappears quick sharp!! LoL
2 Oct, 2009
Thanks for showing your photo's, it's a long time since I have been to London.
Congratulations to Hubby too!
2 Oct, 2009
Lovely clear photos the fab to have him eat from your hand!
Well done to hubby & hope Cody's cold gets better for her birthday.
2 Oct, 2009
great pics jen and so glad you and hubby had a great time, bet he was happy with his certificate, i love the squirrel pics bet you were made up, lovely flowers to in the park jen, hope cody id better for her birthday x
2 Oct, 2009
Great blog Jen, & WELL DONE MR MOOKINS!! Lol!
Seriously, its a really good achievement.
Happy Birthday Cody!
2 Oct, 2009
Congratulations to your husband !
And I'm glad you enjoyed the day.
( I would have died 100 times if that bird had landed on me !! :O:O .... lol )
Glad you had such nice weather too.
3 Oct, 2009
Well done to hubby on his achievement.
Looks as though you had a lovely day looking at some of the sights of London.
It's a lovely blog. Thanks for sharing with us.
3 Oct, 2009
Brill blog Mookins, I haven't been down there for years and to be honest I'm NOT looking for an excuse to go back. The armpits were spot on though, I hated the underground more than I hate bad drivers.
Congrats to hubby for his entry, it must be good if the pro.'s said he should have won. :~)))
3 Oct, 2009
congrats to the ould man in your life :-) and i hope the wee 'un gets better soon and has a fantastic birthday. Loved the picture diary especially the squirrel and im with you about the pigeons they scare the living daylights outta me.
The wee cottage is beautiful
3 Oct, 2009
How brilliant was that - shame we can't see his picture of the hoverfly.
The mystery men in gold and black capes are our 'new' Supreme Court. Take a look at
Wonder what sort of expenses THEY claim.
3 Oct, 2009
now theres a question we may never get an answer to :-)
3 Oct, 2009
Congrats to hubby no wonder you're so proud of him.Really enjoyed the blog and the trip round london curtisy of you.
3 Oct, 2009
Great blog Mookins, congratulations to hubby, well deserved prize I'm sure.
3 Oct, 2009
Very entertaining read, Mookins - "changing their expense sheets" lol! I can't believe you did all that in 2 days. told you it wouldn't rain...;-))
3 Oct, 2009
Lovely blog Mookins, and well done to Hubby.....Some fantastic photos here. Happy birthday to Cody..and wish her better soon......
3 Oct, 2009
thanks for some great pictures and a nice blog, it made me feel a bit homesick, haven't been back to my old stomping ground for years, so some nice memories :)
4 Oct, 2009
ooh mookins you must be very proud of your hubby what a lovley time you must have had, i went to buck house about 2 years ago i took mum she is 82 we had a lovley couple of days in london
4 Oct, 2009
OK so he did'nt win but down to the last twenty out of about 300, thats b****y fantastic!!! He is a winner in my book.
Some great shots of our capitol there, and how bold are those squrrels? Great blog and great shots Mookins, and well done to Hubby.
4 Oct, 2009
Great blog Mookins, well done to hubby too. I grew up in London but moved away when I got married - I have been back since we moved abroad but think the heart has gone out of it now :-( May be childhood rose coloured specs of course. I bet you were glad to get home though.
Lovely shots and the squirrels are something else, like you not so keen on the pigeons.
Glad you enjoyed it and well done to your personal 'David Bailey' again.
Chris xx
5 Oct, 2009
Thank you all for you lovely comments.We have hung his certificate up, he wanted it in the down stairs loo!!!
but its in the cupboard under the stairs also known as the computer room. Cody is much better just down to a sore throat so a lot quieter hehe Had her birthday party yesterday my ears are still ringing from the noise. One of her presents was some a beautiful flower pot compost and bulbs (Hyacinth) so can say I have bulbs this year hehehe
now got to start saving for christmas !!!
x x x
5 Oct, 2009
Congratulations to Mr Mookins (sorry it's late just catching up!!) lovely Blog like the Squirrels and the sweet little cottage.
5 Oct, 2009
Loved your humorous blog, well done to Husband I expect he is well chuffed to say the least. It is a pity we all cannot see the picture, what about another site?
Only been to London twice in my life...... couldnt cope with it now, far too busy.
7 Oct, 2009
great blog and so glad you enjoyed your trip. the nh museum is fantastic, i love it. pity hubby didnt win but such is life. i hope he keeps taking pictures. hope cody had a good birthday and is fully recovered.
7 Oct, 2009
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WOW! Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures with us. Congratulations to your hubby. Will be thinking of Cody and pray that she will be well enough for a good birthday bash tomorrow. Happy birthday Cody!
2 Oct, 2009