What about the brassicas and onions?
By moon_grower
As I mentioned in the last blog. the brassicas and onion sets are also up and looking good. I know many people now sow their brassicas in seed pans and then plant out but we’ve never done this preferring to sow direct into the open ground… this has its plusses and it minuses but overall we feel it works better for us. Our two greenhouses are full of alpines and bulbs at the time of year when we would sow into trays and there are only so many window sills you can grow veggie seeds on. Yes we obviously waste seed by sowing in this way as we have to thin out the seedlings as they grow but it is also a lot quicker than planting into seed pans, pricking out etc., the risk of damping off… at the end of the day it is swings and roundabouts I suspect.
Brassicas growing in the moon bed
And in the control bed too…
Living where we do growing onions from seed is a no brainer here are the onion sets in the moon bed coming through nicely – the control bed was sown a little later and are slightly behind right now.
5 May, 2009
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I'm just hoping that the dreaded root fly doesn't find them - or the carrots!
5 May, 2009
I'm growing my carrots in pot, supposedly so the carrot fly will only get the top of the pot when it flys at 18" high......
Otherwise I'll resort to buying a fleece for it next year.
5 May, 2009
We're trying a totally separate crop of carrots in a raised be to see if this is successful... will let you know if it works :-)
Fortunately none of the farmers near here are growing carrots this year, when they do it is hopeless growing any
5 May, 2009
6 May, 2009
I to have carrots in containers and the top greens are only 5 inches high and very thin looking; but they are also 1 and a half month planted .I was also thinking of doing onion next year. What's a good month to set the seed to germinate?
3 Aug, 2009
Lovegreen you will get a far better crop by using onion sets, especially if you are growing in a container. Main problem we've had with the carrots in the container has been slug damage. If you only sowed them 6 weeks ago they wont be ready for a little while yet.
3 Aug, 2009
thanks moongrower. your are so full of useful info to me being a new gardener. Hope my knowledge reaches your capacity one day.
3 Aug, 2009
I'm sure it will and thank you for the complement
3 Aug, 2009
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25 Feb, 2009
I've never tried onion seeds. I always have sets but not since I've moved here. I'll have to make room for them next year.
5 May, 2009