Lots happening in the vegetable garden.
By moon_grower
I feel a trifle guilty for not posting more often about what David and I are getting up to in the veggie garden… snag is there are only so many hours in the day and I am not yet retired!
There has actually been a lot of progress in both the moon bed and the control bed. Remember that the vegetables in both beds are being grown organically. Those in the control bed are sown, weeded, hoed and harvested on any day but specifically not on the correct day by the moon calendar. Those in the moon bed are only sown, weeded, hoed and harvested on the correct day by the moon calendar. Hopefully the trial will be conclusive enough this year that we can just grow everything the same way next year!
So what have we been up to over the past 8 days? We had already sown 1 row of onions in the control bed so last Wednesday 14 April, which was a leaf day, we sowed Nantes 2 and Autumn King carrots and then sowed another row of onions to help to deter the dreaded root fly and also covered the 3 rows with fleece. We finished off the roots in the control bed with a row of two varieties of parsnip Tender & True and Student. We then sowed the peas again two varieties, Ambassador and Karina.
The broad beans and peas, same varieties, were sown in the moon bed on Thursday 15 April which was a fruit day.
In my last blog I told you we would sow the potatoes and other root vegetables in the moon bed on Sunday – given that it snowed in the afternoon we felt it would be better to hold off until this Monday and managed to get all the root vegetables planted prior to 11am when the day changed to a flower one.
David also sowed the leaf plants in the control bed. So now all we have to sow is the flower plants in the control bed and the leaf and flower plants in the moon bed. Flower plants in the control bed and leaves in the moon bed will be sown on Thursday, a leaf day, weather permitting; whilst the flower plants for the moon bed will be sown before noon tomorrow Wednesday. Then it is a matter of keeping on top of the weeding and erecting the pea netting once the peas have started to grow.
Just to help you visualise the plot below is a little plan of everything.
At the top of the garden is a confer hedge which has been rather harshly cut back and is several metres in height… and the same at the bottom. This protects the vegetable garden from some of the wind. Each side is open fencing to about 1 metre, the south side then having another 2 metres of wire mesh as the neighbour keeps hens.
20 Apr, 2010
Previous post: Finally Planting Really Starts!
Next post: French Field Trials of 'Growing by the Moon'
I have nothing but admiration at what you are doing. So, will you find it frustrating to weed and hoe the moon beds only on specific days ?
20 Apr, 2010
Hi Genius we have to keep careful notes and a chart to know what to do when - even then there are a few times we nearly slipped up. Fortunately the monthly calendar 'In Tune with the Moon' really does supply all the basic information and so long as we follow this we know we wont go to far wrong!
We certainly could not be running the trial if David was still in full time employment... grow by the moon yes but have two beds where we were doing exactly the same thing at different times no. Remember as well if you have had to sow on the 'wrong' day you can help improve the quality of the plant by planting out, weeding and hoeing on the right day.
20 Apr, 2010
Hi Megan yes and no, we will be vigilant to start with to ensure the weeds don't overtake the crops but there comes a certain point when we don't worry to much about weeds appearing. Our's is not a pristine garden and in a way I feel if there are some weeds about then maybe the pests will eat those instead of my plants.
20 Apr, 2010
I'm really looking forward to seeing and reading about the results MG! Wouldn't it be amazing if the moon bed was much more successful, it would give us all something to think about!
20 Apr, 2010
An interesting experiment MG. I know nothing about growing in line with the cycles of the moon but I do wonder it the moon affects other things too - us including. After all it shifts a lot of water around the world.
20 Apr, 2010
Hi KarenS well last years results were inconclusive but this is because we were growing in two different gardens. This year the two plots are bang next to each other and the whole area was a thigh high mass of weeds and brambles less than a year ago. There have been innumerable field trials all of which have pointed to the fact that growing by the moon really works. Toby Buckland carried out a trial a couple of years ago though I doubt he did most of the work himself. Monty Don is also a supporter... If you want to learn more visit http://intunewiththemoon.findhornpress.com/
20 Apr, 2010
This is a true labour of love. You and he must be so pleased with your efforts. and well done for working as well. [not meant to be patronising, full of admiration] just a thought from one working woman to another - is your house as tidy as the garden? mine certainly is not. :o)
20 Apr, 2010
mine niether SBG !..... well MG know wonder you don`t get much time for blogs ... well done on getting it all planted and logged
20 Apr, 2010
Thanks! :))
20 Apr, 2010
Tidy house what is that... I/we do our best to tidy up when we have visitors otherwise the dust just keeps on piling up! I have a little wooden plaque in the kitchen which says "A tidy house is a sign of a waste life" well my life is obviously not wasted!
20 Apr, 2010
A layer of dust protects the wood !
20 Apr, 2010
I agree lol!
20 Apr, 2010
My mum used to say there was enough dust under the beds to grow spuds :o)
so perhaps it is genetic.
Saw a sign a bit back that said 'P**s off I'm busy in the garden'. Oh I wish I had got it but the girls were too little to understand it properly.
20 Apr, 2010
Lovely blog I'm sure that you and David will get some time to relax as well
21 Apr, 2010
We 'relax' by going to rock garden plant shows! This week it is our own small show in Nairn in the community centre. Doors will open at 10am for the coffee morning and plant sale (we usually have some great plants) then the show will pen at noon - but you don't have to hang around for 2 hours we give out a little pass so you can go away and come back!
21 Apr, 2010
sounds like all is well in the MB gardens,, glad to hear ;o))
21 Apr, 2010
Yup happy if slightly frantic at present :-)
21 Apr, 2010
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Recent posts by moon_grower
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Wow you have been busy - doesnt it get confusing for you - I must admit I am fascinated by growing with the moon - common sense really just going with nature but I do try and then I have an hour spare and just nip out and do something and then think "oh bother wrong day!!!" so doesnt always work with me!!! - but good luck it will be interesting to see the outcome.
20 Apr, 2010