Hello to my New Garden
By mrsmelon
Now the kids have grown up and the 15 foot pool is no longer in use, I have reclaimed my garden to start to grow a variety of fruit and vegetables in 4 raised beds and my new greenhouse.
Last year I watched the BBC series Grow Your Own presented by Carol Klein. The enthusiam and easy to understand demonstrations and advice got me hooked…This is a must to watch for any beginner like me.
This is how the garden used to look…
In progress…
Finished design…
Easter Weekend
Went out to B&Q to purchase our hose, after watering the garden with watering cans it was getting a bit of a chore and there is not much in as yet.
Strawberries & Rhubarb in pots.
Strawberries, Peas, Parsnips, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Beetroot and some cut and come again lettuce in the raised beds so far.
The Onions and Garlic have been in since October and they are now looking well.
Husband decided he was going to have a go at growing some MELON’s(emir), so we bought some seeds and also a min-max thermometer.
Loads of seedlings still growing in the greenhouse. IE. Tomatoes (money maker, gardener’s delight & marmande (beef)) Peppers, Courgettes, Cucumbers, Sweetcorn, Leeks, Onions, Cress and various pots of Herbs.
Growing in the bed in the greenhouse we have 4 varieties of Lettuce, 2 varieties of Radish and some Spring Onions.
Small variety of flowers which i have just pinched out, Marigolds, Daisies & Lobelia, also sewn some Lupin & Sunflower seeds.
Who would have thought that i would get excited about watching Gardener’s World and ordering my FREE seeds from the DIG IN campaign they have launched this year. I am so excited to hear they will be in Rotherham too in June.
12 Apr, 2009
Next post: Lovely Day
Hi welcome to GOY, i'm not in to growing veg myself but quite a few on this site do, like my flowers (etc) mind you i do grow my own tomatoes, lettuce, and this year having a go at growing cucumbers.
12 Apr, 2009
Thanks to you all for your coments and your lovely welcome, i think i am going to enjoy myself in my garden and GOY...It's all new to me
12 Apr, 2009
You've done very well already with your garden.
Carol Klein is a great inspiration.
I love watching her on gardening programmes.
She has so much plant knowledge and her enthusiasm is infectious.
If you would like to keep track of TV shows etc. of interest to gardeners, then please put a comment on my blog # 14, where I put details of forthcoming TV dates ~ and other members add any I might miss ~
By putting a comment, any new input will be highlighted on your home page. Good luck with your garden.
12 Apr, 2009
I wish I had a garden as big as yours, I can see you have put a lot of work in already, Well done, keep us up to date with your progress.
12 Apr, 2009
Hi Mrsmelon - welcome from me, as well. I don't really grow veggies either,except for tomatoes in my greeenhouse. My great love is to be surrounded by flowers! Lucky we are all different,isn't it. You will find lot of members who do grow veggies, though.
12 Apr, 2009
Wow, well done!
I'm afraid I've dedicated most of my garden to flowers, but we left a patch at the end for a few veg (runner beans, maybe some carrots and beetroot). It's not a big patch, and it doesn't get as much sun as the rest of the garden, but it should give us a few fresh greens!
12 Apr, 2009
Hello, welcome to GOY. You have made quite the transformation in the garden. It looks great. I love your greenhouse. What a lot of yummy food you are growing. Well done.
I'm not doing much this year in the way of vegs. Tomato (Big Beefsteak), Bell Peppers, cucumber, garlic, cataloupe and watermelon. The rest are all flowers.
13 Apr, 2009
Sounds like you've caught the bug
Welcome to GoY
13 Apr, 2009
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Fantastic. What a lot of hard work you've put in. Enjoy all your home grown fruit and veg and welcome to GoY.
12 Apr, 2009