Caribbean Holiday Part 1
By mushybanna
Hi everyone
Hope your all well.
Were back home from our travels thought you might like to see some photo’s of some wonderfully warm Caribbean views,wildlife, flowers and trees :
Ill do it in 2 parts as so many photo’s
Can you see the Caymen ?
A cactus fence :o))
3 Apr, 2011
Previous post: Holiday Time Yeahhhh
Next post: Easter Weekend
Yup, that's why i love the Caribbean !
Great pics :-)
That cactus fence was inspired, i'd do the same, and the caymans are nicely camouflaged aren't they, and the blonde in the 18th picture wondered why you were photographing her bum though ;-)
4 Apr, 2011
Wonderful photos. Beautiful location and lots of familiar plants! Loved the Heliconias and Oleander shots. I've never seen a cactus fence before, but what a good idea for dry areas, especially if you have prickly neighbours!
4 Apr, 2011
Beautiful, beautiful plants and flowers, love the oleander. Thanks so much for sharing
4 Apr, 2011
quite amazing, thank you for the photos ~ that cactus fence amused me, i loved the flowers but i liked that blue ocean best.
4 Apr, 2011
What an array of beautiful and unusual plants. The palm tree that had the fanned out branches looked at first glance to be a peacock....I had to look twice at that one :)
Everything is so your holiday was one to remember!
4 Apr, 2011
Beautiful pictures.
4 Apr, 2011
Such lovely pictures. they really have some nice tropical plants in the Carribean.
4 Apr, 2011
Welcome back Mushy you've been gone for so long I was beginning to think the Caymen had had you for supper :o) I could do with that Cactus fence round here to stop the cats getting in , thanks for showing your lovely photos, you will have some catching up to do in your own garden now ! BTW i've had a lovely Pheasant visiting while you have been gone , we call him Jack .. :o))
4 Apr, 2011
Thank you all for your lovely comments These are only some of the photo's i took but they take so long to upload and some are to big to fit on :
Whistonlass Yes it was a holiday to remember especially swimming with stingrays but that's in the next instalment
The caymans were very well camouflaged as i'd walked past 2 without noticing them .And that bum i followed for 10 miles as we biked round Bonaire in the morning so i was quite aquianted with it...LOL They were our guides for the day
I have been back a couple of weeks but off work at moment with a chest infection thanks to the grandson and your right the garden is pretty overgrown lots of weeding to do but nice to see, what's still left alive from winter, growing again.
I'm glad to hear you have a new pheasant to cook oops i mean look after. (typing error)
Hope your feeding him well. :o)))
4 Apr, 2011
Sorry to hear you haven't been well Mushy and hope you are well on the road to recovery, you have lots of wonderful memories from your amazing holiday to help you along the way ... I might have known you would mention that horrible C. word, Jack is not for cooking he is far to handsome :o))
4 Apr, 2011
will look forward to the swimming with stingrays ~ do you have to wear body armour for that?
i edit my pictures to put them on here ~ the photo program has a drop down menu where i can resize them.
4 Apr, 2011
Which programme do you use i did not know you could do that
No didn't have to wear body armour just watch where you tread because there really placid creatures but if stand on 1 its gonna defend it's self...:o)))
you should you know the better the looking the better the cooking........... LOL
4 Apr, 2011
i think its the program that comes with the computer mushy ~ when i look at the pictures i have stored on there i can right click then an option comes up to edit ~ the computer will automatically take you to that program which is on mine then you go into 'image' at the top which has a drop down menu and from there you select 'resize'. you will see the size ~ many of mine come up as 4,500+ ~ i simply change that to 999 and all of those will load easily on here. hope that helps.
4 Apr, 2011
Thanks Stickitoffee will have ago later
4 Apr, 2011
you're welcome ~ hope it works for you
4 Apr, 2011
wow lovely photos mushy and nice to see you back, hope you enjoyed your hols, i just loved seeing all the beautiful plants and flowers :o))
5 Apr, 2011
Thanks San :o)))
7 Apr, 2011
Great photos! I recognized all the plants in the photos, with the exception of the first one which appears to be a Jathropha species (Maybe: J. integerrima which is pretty widely grown outside here too...and is native to the Caribbean).
I love the Pritchardia species in the pots! The Heliconias are very beautiful, too!
It's funny to see the cacti fences...they're very common here too.
9 Apr, 2011
Wow those pics are lovely and oh how I would love to go there, another destination for my list. One of the pics showed what looked like coleus, obviously not but lovely. Hope your garden doing well :)
26 Apr, 2011
Thanks for the kind comments i think there are coleus but they grow all year round there .
My garden doing well now just spent 4 day's over easter weeding hedge trimming etc etc been busy but worth it :o)))
26 Apr, 2011
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Brilliant, it was like being there myself, will have another look tomorrow as it is time to hit the sack.......
3 Apr, 2011