Unlucky or what ?
By nanjo
Feeling sad:-(( I had an accident last Thurs (26th) and broke my wrist ! Luckily it was my left one as I am right handed but am finding it very difficult to do the most simple things…. one plus is that I managed to do quite a lot of jobs the week before while I was on holiday so the rest must wait until I get the cast off 23rd Aug.
Just a few pics of slug , snail and ant damage which is finally growing again and the border I have started to replant after moving my plastic greenhouse. My new helpers too :-))
15/7/12 Stripped !
Festuca GLAUCA
This is the second year that ants have built a nest under this grass on my rockery !
Border after greenhouse removed.
Greenhouse in new home.
Border after some planting.
Basket to protect Peony from neighbours cat !
Young Robin helping to eat the worms while I was digging..
Young Blackbird helping too..he was lost as his parents came looking for him later.He seems to be a resident in my garden now :-)
30 Jul, 2012
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That's good you got some garden tasks done before hurting your wrist. I hope it heals soon... Lovely pic of the young robin :o)
31 Jul, 2012
Always hard to know wether to like a blog like this, but im sure you know that we are only liking your garden pics :-)
What a pain about your wrist, hope it heals soon x
31 Jul, 2012
Sorry to hear about your wrist, hope all will soon be well again. The slug and ant damage is such a nuisance isnt it. I should move the grass I think.
31 Jul, 2012
Sorry to hear you've broken your wrist, what a nuisance for you!
Hopefully you,ll get used to doing things one handed fora while
31 Jul, 2012
Sorry you have this to contend with, remember to elevate it as much as you can, helps to stop the fingers swelling, especially on hot days. Sadly you are not alone with stripped plants, I have lost quite a few too. Ants like dry conditions if you keep that grass damper hopefully they will not settle there.
31 Jul, 2012
Hope the wrist okay after cast removed. This year has been the worse I have known for slug damage, strange but hardly any snails. I believe there are a species of slug that feed on other slugs. Just wish I could find some as for the ants, going by the size of their hills they must be related to moles.
31 Jul, 2012
Lovely pics, sorry to hear about your accident hope you are mended soon:)
31 Jul, 2012
sorry to hear that Nanjo ~:( lovely pictures - sweet birds
31 Jul, 2012
Thanks to you all for your good wishes and hopefully the next 3+ weeks will pass quickly :-) I am retiring from work at the end of Aug and with a sick note for 5wks it means I don't have to return !! All your advice is gratefully received....
31 Jul, 2012
Sorry about your wrist - frustrating not to be able to do things. My lobelias have suffered exactly as yours during this last week while I was in hospital; before that they were looking really strong and healthy. Isn't it upsetting? Hope your wrist heals well.
31 Jul, 2012
Sorry about your mishap Nanjo, hope its not too painful and heals well for you, it must be so frustrating for you, great pics though, especially of the birds....
31 Jul, 2012
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Hope the wrist heals well! Showering with a taped-on plastic bag can be fun! I speak from experience!
31 Jul, 2012