"I've got Cabin Fever - Get Me Outa Here!"
By nariz
Due to illness and the snowy – then muddy – weather we’ve been stuck in the house for days. We finally decided that, whatever the weather, we would go for a walk and get some much needed fresh air and exercise.
We were delayed for a while at the start due to cattle being brought to their winter quarters. Watch out for those horns!
We’d decided to do the ‘Urdon to Treviso’ walk – a rather hard, almost vertical, slog upwards to the village of Treviso but with spectacular views and a nice bar at the top! As you can see from the rain drops on the window of the car in the previous photo – we weren’t going to get many views, but the colour of the river coming from its source and rushing down the mountain was amazing!
This is the track we’d walked as we looked down from our ‘soup stop,’ We’d found a hollow in the rock that offered a dry escape from the rain, so we took the opportunity in case we didn’t find another one!
Apparently only 20 years ago the postman was still making a daily journey up this track to deliver the post to Treviso!
The rain got heavier as we continued our walk so, sadly, we decided to abandon it and start the knee-trembling walk down, but not before a couple more photo opportunities: “Who could paaasibly live in a house like this?”
A lovely little Gentian to brighten the day, and a very wet Nariz looking forward to returning to a roaring fire and mug of hot chocolate!
Hope you all stayed cosy and warm on a day like this!
19 Dec, 2010
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I love to live in the house in middle pic it will keep me fit walk up and down that lovely track Grate
19 Dec, 2010
What a wonderful place. Pitty it wasn't better weather though. Maybe you'll go again.
19 Dec, 2010
Goodness me Nariz, it looks a beautiful place and very treacherous. Hope you are feeling better now. Thanks for sharing your walk.
19 Dec, 2010
what a lovely walk, thanks Nariz ~ you've got clear roads??
that gentian is gorgeous
19 Dec, 2010
Love the clear colour of the water. My dogs might like that cabin!
19 Dec, 2010
Lovely blog and photos, pleased you enjoyed getting out in the fresh air.
19 Dec, 2010
Wow that looks steep! lovely scenery even in winter, can't get over the colour of the water.
19 Dec, 2010
What a great place to explore! Splendid photos and I got a real feel of the place. If there were a nice chair lift all the way up and down I could join you, as it is I am still confined to barracks although I did venture out this morning to feed the birds as Roy fell asleep on the sofa after all the excitement with the power cut. I forgot to cover my mouth and breathed in the cold air -8C. I have a wheezy chest now!
My Gentian has keeled over.
19 Dec, 2010
Glad you can revive yourself at the top on better days, it looks quite a climb, but I'm sure the idea of that hot chocolate speeded your descent. Looks fantastic!!
Merry Christmas.
19 Dec, 2010
What views, even in the rain! Lovely to see a gentian in its 'real' home, too.
Happy Christmas to you...take care. :-)
19 Dec, 2010
Thanks Nariz, its great to see where you go on your walks, don`t think I`d make a climb like that unless the sun was shining and it was dry underfoot. Lovely photo`s......
Merry Christmas.....
19 Dec, 2010
Your blog brings back nostalgic memories of my years in Spain!
The river JĂșcar in the high Sierra de Cuenca looks just like the river you photographed! Even the winding path is similar to some I know of in Cuenca! I could post several photos that would look very similar to yours - even to the point of lone, lost houses! I can't replicate you Gentian though! :-((
I miss that scenery though I'm not as young as I used to be & no longer would be able to climb those paths! I only have to us a a few stairs once a month, when I go to get my monthly prescription from the pharmacy - I could even avoid those if I really wanted to!
Happy Christmas.
19 Dec, 2010
Thanks everyone for all your comments.
Bulbaholic - you'd wait a very long time for that bus to Treviso - like centuries!
Hywel - it IS nicer in better weather and we WILL go again.
Stickitoffee - Yes, we've got clear roads. We haven't had the constant snow like poor old Britain. Just an inch or two a couple of weeks ago and snow on the high peaks.
SimplyLyn - if you were to stay in this region there is a cable car at Fuente De, 15 minutes' drive further on from our little town, that will whisk you 3,000 ft up into the mountains and a cosy bar at the top. The immediate tracks from the cable car are mostly flat and easy to negotiate. Worth a try?
Balcony -I'm sure you'd love it - just as I would love Cuenca. I WILL get there one day! And what's this about 'not as young .....'!! I'm 67 years young and, even though I'm slower than I used to be, I STILL get up there by sheer b***y-mindedness and will continue to do so. Go on - give a mountain a try!
Happy Christmas everyone! :o)))
20 Dec, 2010
Thanks Nariz, for taking us with you on your walk, and definitely encouraging to know there was a bar at the top! (Don't the Spaniards do such things well? :) ) Amazing house on the cliffs (I'd feel dizzy living there, but what a view), and how GORGEOUS to see Gentians in December.
20 Dec, 2010
Hi Sheila. Bulbaholic has put me right on the faux-gentian - it's a Lithodora. I just saw bright blue, trumpet shape, and thought 'Gentian!' Now I know the correct identification. And you're right! The Spaniards do that sort of thing soooooo well! I just love the bars everywhere where you can have an alcoholic drink at 9.30 am if you want one (I hasten to add - I don't!) I know people elsewhere THINK they are making coffee, but I'm now addicted to Spanish coffee and don't ever bother to drink the poor copy when I'm in Britain. I'm definitely a Spanish wannabe! :o))
20 Dec, 2010
"you can have an alcoholic drink at 9.30 am if you want one"
When I lived in Madrid, back in 1975-6, my workmate & I would often go to a bar close to the workshop we were based at before going onto our place of work for the day.
We were glaziers & often had to travel all over Madrid putting glass in windows of new buildings or doing reforms in peoples' houses. But we had to report to the workshop every morning to get our "Marching orders" for the day. About 8.30am we would have "breakfast" at the bar & my workmate would always have a glass of brandy! As I don't drink, most of the time, I never joined him.
I always had a couple of glasses of wine with my midday meal but then I didn't have anything else.
20 Dec, 2010
Great times, Balcony! I just love the 'laid back' attitude here without the constant hassle of the Health & Safety bods telling us what we should and shouldn't be doing! Life here is just based on common sense and a feel for the seasons and I've NEVER seen a drunken Spaniard in all the years I've been holidaying in this region or in the 4.5 years I've been living here. Everyone is in charge of themselves and deals with his/her life accordingly. During the last few years the Government decided that smoking in bars etc. should be regulated so what happened? EVERY bar/hotel/hostal/posada put up a notice saying that smoking was permitted in their premises and people just carry on enjoying a ciggy with their cana. 'Life is for living' is my philosophy! :o)
21 Dec, 2010
I noticed the signs when I was in Cuenca last Christmas! Most surprising! But I agree with you about the laid back attitude of the Spanish, they enjoy life much more than we do here! It's one of the things I miss about Cuenca!
This coalition government wants to abolish the "nanny state" attitude & get rid of all the "cotton wool" that's suffocating us! It wants us to go back to using common sense & everybody to be responsible for their own actions.
21 Dec, 2010
Responsible for their own actions, here here I would drink to that
21 Dec, 2010
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Don't try to tell me about cabin fever - ugh, though I am glad that someone has managed to get out :-). It looks like a nice walk in fine weather, Nariz, but I think that I might have tried for a bus to Treviso and walked down!
19 Dec, 2010