A Meadow Walk
By nariz
Having recently – and annoyingly – been diagnosed with tennis elbow (I wouldn’t mind, but I don’t play tennis!) and being unable to dig, weed or generally faff about in the garden, I had to find something else to do – so I took myself off for a walk through the meadow overlooking our garden leaving Partner in the garden doing all the things I should have been doing!
The view looking back towards our village was as wonderful as always!
Glad I took the camera with me as I first came across this in the meadow – a Lizard Orchid
Contiunuing up the incline I found further orchids – Pink Butterfly Orchids – and White Rockrose:
I turned onto the track that leads through the little forest and out to the village we drive through to reach our village, and from where we can see the mountain we call ‘Purple Top’ due to all the heather growing on it.
It was just there that I encountered this fun-guy (Fungi – Sorry! Bad joke!)
On heading back to the meadow I found it to be buzzing with swarms of hunting Thread Lacewings and finally managed to capture a photo of one that sat still for a moment!
Further down the meadow and in one of the hedges I found this prolific wild Honeysuckle. It shows how plants find the best conditions to suit themselves: when I had Honeysuckle in my garden in Essex I only ever saw one flower on it before it curled up and died!
Spanish Moss on an oak tree, showing how pure the air is:
This patch of Winter Wild Oat needed an arty touch:
Nearly home and came across this lovely Mazarine Blue butterfly sunning himself. Sadly, as I moved around to get a better picture showing his wonderful colour he decided to fly away!
A last photo of one of the traditional old casas in the village showing the built-out bread oven, and back home to a lovely pot of coffee.
I’d enjoyed the walk, but I can’t wait to start doing things in the garden again! I’m about to do another blog of the garden as I took more photos after the coffee! Thanks for reading the blog – hope I haven’t gone for overkill by posting the next blog!
16 May, 2011
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What amazing scenery to help take away the pain and annoyance of your tennis elbow Nariz , have thoroughly enjoyed sharing with you all the delights of the beautiful country you live in.
16 May, 2011
Wonderful. I love to see wild flowers. They are more natural than the cultivated ones. and i always preffer them :))
16 May, 2011
Thanks guys! Hywel, I always find it fascinating to know which wild plants our garden plants have originated from. I used to pay pounds for plants in my Essex garden, like the Mullein I was so proud of - now I walk down the lane and see fields of them for free!
Lincslass and Stroller, glad you enjoyed my walk. Having a nuisance of an ailment in these surroundings doesn't feel quite so bad! ;o)
17 May, 2011
stunning Nariz, cant tirer of seeing the lovely countryside :o)
17 May, 2011
Nariz, a tip for your tennis elbow: See if you can find one of those bristle body brushes. Brush your arm from wrist to shoulder regularly. It improves the circulation and speeds healing. Worked for me. What a beautiful place you live in!
20 May, 2011
Thanks for the tip, Steragram, I'll try that.
20 May, 2011
Do let me know if it does any good!
22 May, 2011
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Nariz you live in a beautiful place and I really enjoyed taking a walk with you, obviously I`m sorry about your ailment, I used to suffer when I worked and know it can be really painful.
You did the best thing spending a relaxing time in such a gorgeous meadow and taking the lovely pics to share with us is an added bonus..LOL...
Thanks Nariz....
No such thing as overkill on Goy..
16 May, 2011