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"Weather comes and goes so quickly here!"


By nariz


(Sorry Dorothy, rehashed your quote from Wizard of Oz). So there we were yesterday, in the garden, partner planting more parsnip seeds, fiddling with French beans and tying up the grape tendrils; me taking in the washing and both of us saying how “close” it felt when, in a matter of moments, a huge black cloud appeared from over the mountain with thunder, lightning and rain that made little indentations in the ground as it was crashing down so hard! I’d escaped the wet with my basket of dry washing, but my partner – seeing what was about to happen – was scraping a small trench with a pick axe down the slope from the hard-packed earth we haven’t dug over yet so the water had another outlet rather than finish up clogging the drain in front of the boiler house and gushing in under the door. His back was soaked in a matter of seconds.

Then Pedro, who was on the meadow getting the previously “escaped” hay into a line so he could scoop it up into his tractor attachment to make a bale, came running down the meadow to shelter on our balcony and was so wet and dripping that he was standing in a puddle within seconds! A towel, a dry T-shirt and a glass of vino later and he was a happier Spaniard! By which time everything was drenched, the rain was stopping, the sun came out, there was a beautiful rainbow in the valley and everything went back to normal. It had been like Armageddon in ten minutes!

Even the emerging birds seemed to be saying to each other “What was that?” as they carried on their business of scooping up mown-down insects.

Still, saved us getting the hosepipe out!

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Lovely story Nariz, Hope partner and Pedro dried out ok.
Funny how a glass of vino always seems to help LOL.

I have this image of Pedro and partner standing in pools of water, with a glass of wine each and huge smiles. HeHe

H & K's............Ian

29 Jun, 2009


You're spot on Ian! :o)))

29 Jun, 2009


The weather plays daft tricks on us doesn't it. I'm glad it didn't last too long for you.

29 Jun, 2009


Thanks Hywel - it tried the same trick again yesterday, but the cloud drifted further over and some other poor village got hit with it. Strange place this for weather!

30 Jun, 2009


I'm glad it missed you this time. It sounds nasty. I hope it doesn't happen again.

30 Jun, 2009


There's a big black cloud looming up as I type!

30 Jun, 2009



30 Jun, 2009


An exciting place!
I remember how much I enjoyed a thunderstorm in Torremolinos in spring, and later one in Gerona in summer. I love lightning and thunder! Not much of that in Cape Town, occasionally we do get some good ones though.

13 Apr, 2010

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