my open garden 13th june
By noseypotter
this sunday .
im trying to tastefully get rid of the chicken wire stopping jerry getting across my pond .im making sculptures in the right holes to stop my springer diving in my pond and piercing it again.i was lucky they have braught out a new kind of sylicone excuse my spelling that will even fix a hole under water or it would of been a nightmare to fix . i none the less dont want the dogs in that part of my garden.i think he sore a mouse or something as he didnt even atempt it for 10 years then the next min i couldnt keep him out.i had this head green on my pagoda that im changing.i didnt think so i just cemented it facing inwards to my 2000 gallon pond and slapped cement on it.then i built a face on the outside . it then dawned on me that it looked horrible and it was green instead of there i was today with a fold up ladder with bubble wrap on the feet in the pond.grinder in hand . yes it was a tad dangerous which didnt leave my mind.i had to make a key for the new cement to go over the old. i had to flood the pond to get the lime out of it .lucky it holds so much as i didnt drop to much . it was more the dust from the grinding and the black stain.anyway the job is done, the fish are well and im alive though my back is apserlutley killing me lol . i hope you like it . take care bye for now .
this is the head thats the garden side that some of you have seen that i did the other week.
and here is the same green head now black and remodled excuse my spelling . i hope you like it . i was pleased now as it was a niggle that i couldnt forget every time i looked at my fish . it took me a while to think of a way of doing it glad its done . ow and how could i not just show you one of my latest picture of my lovley little pups .
9 Jun, 2010
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Well done Leigh , don't worry it will all be ship- shape by Sunday ... . if you put your pups out nobody will look at anything else , , they are getting so chubby and gorgeous ..... will I be able to see them ? x
9 Jun, 2010
Im sure Amys rite NP your open day will be Fab :) BTW I love your Puppys Little Cute Chubby Faces :)
9 Jun, 2010
good luck for the open day leigh.
9 Jun, 2010
Good luck from me too,Leigh,It will be a great success,and worth all your hard work,when you see the interest it will generate Fingers crossed for the weather too,think its improving for the weekend..yippee...
9 Jun, 2010
thank you so much everyone .
i realy apreciate it .
as for amy ofcourse you can see the wee puppies as long as you buy a couple of tickets or make the collection box a bit heavier lol. i hope your well take care bye for now xx .
ps im not letting the weather be bad im being posative its just not going to happen .
9 Jun, 2010
Good luck on your open day, your visitors are in for a rare treat....NP.
9 Jun, 2010
good luck and the pups are not so ugly anymore,never taken so much notice of shar peis(spelling)before but seeing a few of them lately round here
10 Jun, 2010
bless thank you so much im getting all excited about the pups and definatly the open day lol.
10 Jun, 2010
wow wonderfull ,u are haveing an open day ,
17 Jun, 2010
i had one me and the other 38 gardens raised just over 4,000 pounds for the local hospice . thanx for your interest xx.
17 Jun, 2010
omg thats fantastic ,well dun , i no its very hard work but well worth it . me an a frend did a show 3 years bak raised £1800. never wored so hard lol 4 francis house. have u herd of it,in m/c. termanliy ill children . arhh bless u . well dun again .x
17 Jun, 2010
well im disabled and it kills my back . im not after sympathy you understand but it just makes it all the harder . especialy asking my 77 year old mum to carry bags of cement etc . the way i see it is i love doing it .it prompts me to do more to my garden and one day i wont be able to do it . also with all my tattoos i guess im somewhat of an extravert maybe and last but definatly not least the hospice benefits from it . its realy nice doing something selflesly sometimes especialy when your doing it for the much more needy . we as a race are baught up to be selfish and shallow and i have been just that in my past but ive seen the light with age i guess . a lot of people would do well to take a leaf out of my book realy excuse the pun and yours .39 houses made 4`000 pounds but theres over 30,000 people in my town which is a very small minority realy when you look at it like that . im sure as i do some give to other charities but still its im betting a small minority .good on you for doing something like that . have a pat on the back . sorry i havent herd of frances house sorry .im terrible with money so i raise money like this or i draw pictures for charity or donate from a picture i rehome .im sure if i got 10,000 a week i would still have empty pockets lol .anyway take care bye for now xx.
17 Jun, 2010
i no wot you mean ,wish i cud win lottery lol wud have loads of rescu animals ,but mainly horses . mine is 18 now bless her, francis house is surported by wane rooneys wife . do u remember the little girl who was allways in the news doin the charity balls .she was very ill with a revered heart. they dont recieve any goverment funding at all . i worked wth a lady whose darghter went there and thats y me and a mate did it . very rewarding but very hard work . i think its great ,all your work but omg your poor mum bless her . any way enjoy while u can ,each day and all that x
21 Jun, 2010
no i dont sorry cristina good luck take care bye for now xx.
21 Jun, 2010
24 Jun, 2010
if i had money i would have more dogs,pigs,miniture horses and definatly a french donkey . id also have a huge lake built with a man made iland thats also a sculpture.youd never see me again i dont think .i think id have a moat like in a castle to lol .
25 Jun, 2010
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i still have some holes to do but i will do another blog on those .
9 Jun, 2010