my mums garden
By noseypotter
i designed and helped build this pond and pagoda about 8 years ago . the clematis was already here so i built round that . . i designed the pagoda for the clematis and at me mums back door theres a water proof piece of cigated plastic. theres also a piece at the steps which is me mums garage .i put in a planter at the end of the pond for interest and i put the filter in the garage.also my mums lovley old alsation likes the pond water so i built a rill that goes from one end to the other.this kills a few birds with one stone . my mums kitchen window litteraly looks over the pond so she sees all the birds comming down for a drink , her dog can easily drink out of the rill , the rill takes the water and deposits it through her plants and the other end of the pond to the filter and pump helping to cut out the dead spots.the pond actualy goes right under the rill so her fish can get some cover if they want and some shade .also the pond is a lot bigger than it looks and the rill gives it more serfice area which in turn puts more oxygen into the pond allowing for more fish . it works out well as what looks like a smaller pond appears to be overcrowded like an optical illusion . excuse my spelling .the other thing is its easy to look after for my 78 year old mum as it is raised . i didnt have to dog much out either though there is a little from her old pond that i did dig out for the pump so the filter works more efissionatly .i went round there yesterday and my mum wasnt there . my camera was at hand so i thaught id share another pond/water feacture i designed with you all . i hope you all like it take care bye for now .
ps i built the rill bye getting some angle iron the length of the pond.putting it 18" away from the edge and using ceramic tiles as the base. i then put a layer of cement on top . there is this liner you can buy that is impregnated with gravel. i baught some of that to give the rill a natural stream bottom look along with some natural stone that also seconds as seats in a couple of places . i think my biggest tip about pond and infact garden design is give it a lot of thaught as to what you want from your garden and why . the saying a stitch in time works well here .
what i realy dont understand is why my mums fish do so much better than mine . ive got a far bigger pond and because of my sterlet,barbel and trout ie predetors i feed higher protien food to yet her fish just grow at an amazing rate compared to anyones i know . realy my fish grow quite well but hers are unreal . i mean the reasen shes got a bigger pond is the fact her koi and goldfish outgrew her last pond . she had a 6` moulded pond . it had a circuler deeper part in the middle about 2` round maybe 30" . it then had 2 shelves at each end that went into a point if you like . it was basicly diamond shape if you looked at it from the top .its deepest part was 18" .she had a pump in a filter box that went in said deeper part . she had plants both ends on the shelves to . i swear i took three 5lb karp out of it and about half a dozen good sized goldfish . infact what swayed me into changing her pond was her carp were damaging there tails when they were bottom feeding bye getting them sun burnt sticking them out the water . i know you will think im egsagerating but this is true . take care bye for now .
10 Jun, 2010
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It is a lovely pond Noseypotter the fish are some size and what a lovely dog .
10 Jun, 2010
Hiya NP perhaps your mum talks to or sings to the fish to make them grow, well it works for plants doesn't it ??? Lovely pond bye the way.
10 Jun, 2010
thanx everyone as for the fish growth i guess ill never know but you could be right lol .
10 Jun, 2010
I love her garden NP, the more you feed fish the more they grow so how much more do they get than yours do you think?
10 Jun, 2010
Love this NP must be great for mum to be able to see it all from the kitchen window.
10 Jun, 2010
Thats great and must give your Mum a lot of pleasure Np, of course the dogs and Mum are lovely as well.....
10 Jun, 2010
thank you so much.
i think my mum cooks the fish 3 course meals the way they grow drc726 lol .
10 Jun, 2010
lucky fish
10 Jun, 2010
very lucky my mums here and sais she gives them broken snails,bread and meal worms .
11 Jun, 2010
Oh my! That dog is just so gorgeous. He looks so wise and very distinguished.
Love the pond too. The rill is interesting. What supports the angle iron and the natural stones? The rill must be very substantial to support stones that might be used as seating, or have I misunderstood. Also what sort of liner has the pond got? It all looks lovely.
13 Jun, 2010
hello elles the liner is just a high quality liner which is a must realy .the anglr iron holds up the one side of the rill and the pond side holds up the other side . yes some of the stones were made to sit on to . the cement reinforces the rill once it went of and most of the weight is taken up bye brickwork as each end of the thick angle iron sits on brick work to .the dog is called zack and hes 12 now in his twilight years . my mums having one of my sharpei pups in about 2-3 weeks to keep him company and so when he passes away she still has company and a gaurd dog.take care bye for now xx.
14 Jun, 2010
Thanks Leigh, I understand now. I'm just planning ahead. If I move house and have to build another pond it would probably be above ground level for ease of maintenance. I know who to come to for advice :-)
14 Jun, 2010
definatly there are lots of advantages to a raised pond and feal more than free to pick my brains xx .
14 Jun, 2010
What a clever pond design. you must have a head like an encyclopedia there is so much going on in there at once.
The dog is beautiful;he looks so wise and it is nice that he will have some lively company in his old age and that your Mum will not feel quite so alone when he goes.
18 Jun, 2010
thank you felinfan sometimes i wish i didnt think as much as i do but its not easy escaping from my own brain lol xx .
18 Jun, 2010
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I love the dog!!, he lookds like he could tell a few tales lol Just goes to prove you can put a pond anywhere. Love the ducks by the way.
10 Jun, 2010