art competition
By noseypotter
every august the local guildhall wear they filmed some dads army episodes i mite add they have an open art competition for any artists within a 30 mile radious of thetford amater or professional once a year in august .
id already finished one piece ie an orangutan and her new born a while ago for said competition .
i have won this about 3 times over the last 15 years incuding beating my old art teacher which i was realy happy about . she didnt seam to be . realy she should be happy she taught me so well youd of thaught but so is life . i was just going to put the one piece in but ive just finished a jaguar that im very pleased with and its a big cat that people dont seam to draw very often . normaly you see leoperds or cheetha even descussing the differance between leoperds and cheetha . personaly the jaguar and leopard are far more similer to each other than the cheetha is to either .here is that useless bit of information lol . a cheetha just has round spots all over it . a leoperd has circle kind of spots called rosettes on its flanks and the jaguar has the circles (rosettes) on its flanks with a circle in the middle of that . so if you ever bump into one you will know what type of big cat is about to eat you lol . not trictly true as a cheetha would rather run away but hay ho .
my next project i think will be drawing a good friend of mine called jim whos 68 years old . i want to get another friend to photogragh him smoking one of his roll ups with a black background and looking at 45 degrees ish to the camera as if he dorsnt know its there kind of thing . he has a face with a lot of character and i mite even do it in black and white and get him to look a bit sad maybe but ill see when i do it. i hope you enjoy my art and i will keep you informed of how i get on. take care bye for now everyone .
i walked over to my drawing board about 11.30 pm last night and picked up a pencil . i was quite serprised when id finished the jag looked at the clock and it was 4.51am lol hay ho not to worry lol.
2 Jul, 2010
Previous post: my puppies
Next post: a vissit from skillen
thanx a lot seaburn . i hope your enjoying the weather . take care bye for now xx .
2 Jul, 2010
you are so talented Np, the jaguar is wonderful but the oran mum & baby are as well-- couldn't you take both!!! I will look forwards to seeing the portrait of your friend--- he looks a lovely character :o)
2 Jul, 2010
Wonderful drawings, I love them both particulary the Jag ! Good luck
2 Jul, 2010
The way you have with painting eyes will make the picture of your friend special! perhaps you could make them smokey? Lol
2 Jul, 2010
Good luck...your paintings are stunning!!
2 Jul, 2010
ow you can take 3 pictures pamg and the picture of jim if i can get it done will be the trio . glad you liked my work and yes my mate is a proper character and a lovley old boy .dont tell him i said that thow lol .
funnily enough drc i want to take a picture of jim in mid smoke with it drifting partly over his face and possibly in black and white .
thanx again your support means a lot to me .
2 Jul, 2010
Well done Leigh, your art is fabulous and thanks for that bit of "useless information" lol. I shall certainly be on the lookout ! ! lol
Seriously, you are a mine of info'.
Look forward to seeing Jim. :o))
2 Jul, 2010
Great Leigh, I love seeing the pictures gradually taking form from the first drawings to the complete picture. Good luck in the competition.
2 Jul, 2010
you will be one of the first to see jim . i mite actualy do this picture with all the background in it . that would make a change i think and be a challange . and he will think if forgotten about him lol . i do like a friendly wind up its all good fun lol .
thank you so much doc . i guess youve been busy in ya garden as ive only just started seeing you again . i bet your loving the hot weather doc . i hope your well mate . take care bye for now mate .
2 Jul, 2010
Brilliant again Np. You are so talented. They're both stunning. Good luck in the comp. :o))
2 Jul, 2010
thank you so much looloo
2 Jul, 2010
Super Jaguar Leigh and you know I love the Orangutan and baby I expect your picture of Jim will be 1st class too....smoke and all :o)
Thanks for the info on the spots and rosettes but I don't think I'd be hanging around to check them out.......but good of you to point that out anyway lol
Good Luck happy drawing to you :o)
2 Jul, 2010
Yes Leigh I've been very busy in lots of gardens, haven't had much time to get on to GOY, I like to keep up if I can but find it difficult this time of year but I'm glad I saw your blog.
Best wishes to you as always.
2 Jul, 2010
You're welcome! I do a bit of art myself. Mostly cartoon characters for the children, although I've just been trying my hand with pastels.Never used them before, but quite like the messiness of them actually. Lol. Nowhere near as good as you mind!!! Tried copying a pic of a red Indian, looks nothing like the pic, but looks ok to me. ha ha lol. :o))
2 Jul, 2010
im so glad you sore it to my friend .
3 Jul, 2010
Good luck again in the cometition Np....not very charitable of your old art teacher..thought she should have felt quite proud! Oh well..nothing stranger than folks....
3 Jul, 2010
good luck leigh, love the jaguar painting so life like, look forward to seeing your new project of your friend jim ;o))
3 Jul, 2010
no there isnt bonkers lol xx .
thank you somuch and you sanbaz xx.
4 Jul, 2010
Hi Nosey. I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you in anticipation of the competition, so shall be glad to hear when I can uncross them, with a shout of triumph from you on the blog.
Good luck!
4 Jul, 2010
ow felinfan thank you the comp is in august bless ya xx
4 Jul, 2010
.Love your work. I do envy people who can paint. I went to classes but just can't draw. They come out all peculiar. I was OK at colour mixing tho. that's about all. Husband Dave paints. We and other people have lots of his paintings. He always has 2 or 3 on the go at the same time. Good luck in August.
8 Jul, 2010
thanx casso i wish i had room for 3 drawing boards lol . your not per casso then lol .
8 Jul, 2010
yes best of luck with the competition leigh, i'm sure the jag is a winner. it looks fantastic now it's framed. Are you not going to put a photo on? xx
10 Jul, 2010
erm yes i guess i will thank you so much skillen xx .
10 Jul, 2010
sorted lol xx.
10 Jul, 2010
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good luck with the exhibition Leigh. the jaguar is stunning too.
2 Jul, 2010