my mums dog zebadee
By noseypotter
here i am at 6.13 in the morning but instead of just staying up ive started drawing my mums dog zebadee and i think its looking good . i did the whole dog instead of a portrate for once . do you think the green works in the background ? i think so again but i am biast . this was supposed to be for her birthday on may the 28th but at this rate ill have it done bye that horrible day ba HUMBUG lol and i just got her a new phone lol . just be an extra surprise lol . she thinks im doing it for her birthday . anyone who mite know her like killen mums the word excuse the terrible pun . i started this at about 10 pm so ive been on it 8 and aquarter hours already but once i get in the zone the time just dissapears lol . i hope your all well and your gardens are . take care bye for now xx . ps the kisses are for the woman lol .if any men think thats sexist then there for you to lol .
the first sharpei is called le le and lives in scotland .the second one is banjo who lives in east harling . both of these are bitches and the third one is zebadee my mums male and all pups of the last sharpei called sausagewho is the mum and one of my lovley dogs . they all came out lovley . as it goes she is heavily pregnent again about 2 and a half weeks to go and ready for homes january the first . because of my dislike for xmas and the timing im going to call mine humbug lol . ill keep you up to date with the picture im doing mother and ofcourse ill show you the pictures of sausages next puppies that will be along soon . i think this is a bigger litter because she wasnt anywear near this size when she had the 3 last puppies . i hope you enjoy take care and happy gardening .
3 Nov, 2011
Previous post: amulree exotics
hello pixie so far it is just the basic outline and pastels but nows the long job of going over the whole dog with water colour pencils . ive found the best are carrandache excuse my spelling . i dont use them for there water colour properties but over the years theyve proved to be the best . thow the od highlight like in an eye ill dab the pencil on my tongue . im not sure what gets the most colour me or the art lol . carrandache arnt the most expencive but at about 95 pence there right up there . glad you like it pixie . ill keep you updated xx .
3 Nov, 2011
i dont like watercvolour pencils myself..maybe I jsut dont use them properly..I dunno lol. It looks fantastic so far.
I sold couple of painitngs recnetly..Good at this time of year! Bought a snow shovel! lolol
Cant wait to see how this goes Nosey..good work! :) x
3 Nov, 2011
Leigh you have the talent to bring out the character of the!
3 Nov, 2011
Brill. picture Nosey, what a wonderful dog, he is just gorgeous, looks so cuddly. Cant wait to see the finished article, your mum will love it. My daughter uses carran d'ache pencils, they have such a lovely colour range. Hope you are well Nosey, how is your garden?
3 Nov, 2011
Wonderful colours. Love carran dach (scuse sp also!) but boy are they expensive!! A full colour tinful was £114 poss cheaper online!
3 Nov, 2011
What a lovely accurate "portrait". I find the background colour a bit lurid though - liked the "before" picture best.
3 Nov, 2011
thank you all so much i realy apreciate it . i will definatly keep you up to date . take care bye for now .ps the picture should come into its own once the dogs finished and the right mount and frame are on it finished i think youl find theherbgard but i guess time will tell xx .
3 Nov, 2011
thats a great picture and im sure your mum will love it. keep us up to date about the puppies too, please.
3 Nov, 2011
Your Mum is going to love that painting Np, its great and mum won`t mind when she receives it, even if it does come from scrooge, lol....Hope all goes well with Sausage and her pups..
3 Nov, 2011
ill keep you up to date with the pups ofcourse baaaaaa humbug lol.
3 Nov, 2011
Great picture NP....smashing doggies and your mum will not care when she gets it I'm sure. x and that kiss is just for your :)
3 Nov, 2011
bless ya thank you so much scottish xx .them 2 are specialy for you lol .
4 Nov, 2011
That's really good Leigh ,your mums going to be over the moon with it .. Zebadee looks all wrinkled as if she has a coat a few sizes to big for her .. LOL... xx
4 Nov, 2011
he has amy lol i hope your well xx .thank you so much .
5 Nov, 2011
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Excellent drawing!!!!!!! Is that pastels?? or have you painted it? really good man!!!!!!! Your Mum will love it!
Brillaint dog. :))))))
3 Nov, 2011