By noseypotter
RED AND WHITE WITH GRAVEL FOR WHITE SPOTS . 30" tall and quit heavy as made from cement and one offs as i made them . if seen please report to thetford police station . i know its a long shot but they got to go in somewears garden at some point . thanks for your help . take care bye for now .
13 Nov, 2011
Previous post: my mums dog zebadee
Next post: chipolaters
oh Leigh........:O((---so sorry this happened
in my local paper one youth was responsible for most of the garden thefts-- have you spoken to the neighbours or even your paper, maybe others have lost things too
13 Nov, 2011
Aw what a shame! Thye look so pretty too :) Not seen them up here!
13 Nov, 2011
Why do people do these things? It will be someone going past, seeing what they like and nicking it when it gets dark. Have a look in local gardens, see if you spot it, gumtree is also somewhere to look in the next few weeks - see if they try to offload it.
13 Nov, 2011
Aw no Nosey! there are some mean spirited B......ds about. Let's hope they turn up undamaged somewhere.
13 Nov, 2011
Sheer vandalism... I hope the culprits are found..
and that the concrete mushrooms are returned...
13 Nov, 2011
That is such a shame keeping my fingers crossed that they are found and the culprit punished:(
13 Nov, 2011
Oh Nosey! what a crime, just makes your blood boil. Listen you can rise above this and make some more, you are such a talented artist, make another set and keep them somewhere safe, were these in your front garden originally? They are wonderful Nosey, great design. Sorry you have lost them.
13 Nov, 2011
Such a shame, NP! And they were so pretty in your garden. I hope they are found. Clearly someone enjoyed them enough to steal them, but I'm sure you'd rather have your work appreciated in a different way!
13 Nov, 2011
Oh,Leigh,I am so sorry,and also very angry at these malicious people..I can't understand their mentality at all..I do hope you find them,and also the culprits..they need more than a 'smacked hand,and don't do it again '
punishment..a B....y good hiding,in my opinion!!
13 Nov, 2011
i agree bloomer and do it in public!!
13 Nov, 2011
What a shame, it's absolutely disgraceful, some people will take anything that's not nailed down.
13 Nov, 2011
We will organise a public lynching,Sticki..or a name and shame policy should be used more than it is...
It doesn't matter if it is nailed down these days,Sheilar..they go forearmed with tools..On Friday,all the street lights were out of action ,on a slip road to one of our main roads..all the cables were stolen and wiring stripped from them,on a long stretch,rendering it very dangerous at night,so had to be closed..The police said it could only have been done during that time,as they would have been seen otherwise..but they are hoping someone will have seen them..they also faced the hazard of being electrocuted,it was so is now being patrolled at night..a bit too late,really,but the police can't be everywhere ,with so much crime..what a world !!
13 Nov, 2011
I do hope they are returned. They will be difficult to sell on because they are unique. Someone on here had stuff stolen and they got it all back, I think it was from an allotment ,because of some sharp eyed person. Here's hoping someone spots your mushrooms soon.
13 Nov, 2011
I am sorry B, but, all I can say is pity the electrocution didnt work!!! I know thats harsh but...........
13 Nov, 2011
Hello leigh! A good place to start, if not thought of already, might be any local car boot sales. I never go ... too much junk or stolen stuff. Could be worth a nose about.
13 Nov, 2011
Np I hope whoever has taken them has just moved them as a prank and you get them back, it does happen sometimes, fingers xx.
My dad rang me this morning, he`d been to the cemetery with flowers for Mum, its two years since we lost her, Oct 12th would have been her birthday, Dad had purchased two patio rose bushes and took them out to the grave, he was upset to find they had both been stolen including the special pots...
Those gangs stealing the wiring are obviously moving around the country, it happened a few weeks back to a village only a few miles away from my town, caused a lot of problems and hundreds of homes were without power whilst everything was re-instated, yes my first thought was pity whoever was responsible didn`t electrocute themselves....
13 Nov, 2011
Scum. bring back the birch...
13 Nov, 2011
Sorry to hear this Np. Can't say what I hope happens to the thief (thieves), but needless to say it's something very unpleasant - won't replace your possessions though, unfortunately.
13 Nov, 2011
sorry to hear theyve been stolen. Do hope you get them back.
13 Nov, 2011
they should bring back the stocks but use bricks instead of rotten fruit . they were in the front garden . i did have them put in the paper and even said there the only ones on the plannet in there and i got a crime number . the thing is there heavy concrete and people do have great memories so any garden they go in the nieghbers may see them or a workman or an aquaintance so there very hot . if they get dumped ill get them back and if they use them they will get seen . people move and concrete lasts a long long time and its not like there subtle . id imagine there a thorn in the thieves side now . i dont know weather to make 2 so big its impossible to steel them or make them easy and put something very unpleasant on the underside wear you cant see like raser blades or dog mess or both lol . dont worry he who laughs last laughs longest . thanks everyone and keep your eyes out as you never know xx .
13 Nov, 2011
linclass im sorry about the low lifes robbing from graves there just scum x .
13 Nov, 2011
13 Nov, 2011
Thats shameful NP.
13 Nov, 2011
i know at least most of us are good people thow . what goes around comes around .i believe in calmer . they mite get caught doing it again and the old bill will raid them and find my mushrooms . its just a matter of time .
13 Nov, 2011
Sorry to hear this NP...thieving b******s!!
Punishment is too soft!!!! I do hope you get them back.
14 Nov, 2011
Oh! what a shame Leigh. Hope they catch the culprit, why can't people leave things alone.?
14 Nov, 2011
Linclass the people who stole your mums roses are the lowest of the low. It worries me that stolen and smuggled goods only have a market because people are prepared to buy them. There is something very sick about too many people today.
14 Nov, 2011
thanx everyone i much apreciate it . just keep ya eyes open . i thaught just slugs lived under rocks .
14 Nov, 2011
Love that Nosey!!! Slugs under rocks. Lol
14 Nov, 2011
Ahh I remember them well Leigh looking fabulous in your garden , bring back the stocks !! I will throw all my rotten tomatoes and eggs at them ...... Hope you are well xx
14 Nov, 2011
thanx again everyone . at least slugs dont mean to eat your plants and are honest so it was not a fare comparrisen .we have the old stocks of thetford down the town as it goes amy . do you still want a concrete pussycat to remember your one or i could draw her . im going to set them people up . nice hidden camera and put something out there thats irasistable to them as these people have know brains and tend to reafend in the same place . i think i know who did it now but i have know proof . every dog has its day and speaking of dogs im going to be a dad kind of . my sharpei called sausage is aprox 6 days of having little chipolaters and being as i cant stand xmas im calling her or perhaps him humbug . take are and thanx again x x .
14 Nov, 2011
Nosey-- photo's of the babies please-- when mum allows....:o))
15 Nov, 2011
You better no forget to take pics of the babies!!!!
and that's an order :)
15 Nov, 2011
hell or high water wont stop me lol . you should know me bye now you lot . any opertunity for a picture especialy when its my little darling sausage and her babies . go on utube and look under nosey potter and you will see plenty of my house, art and lots of my wee dogs andsausages last 3 goargeous pups excuse the spelling .
15 Nov, 2011
Gosh sorry to hear about this NP, seems like a bit of strange thing to steal, as you say its easily identifiable. My bet would be kids doing it for a laugh and then maybe chucking it. Have you looked nearby in any common land where it could be chucked? a nonsense isnt it, good luck
20 Nov, 2011
yes ive had a look around stevie but kids i doubt as id imagine they were very heavy .
thanxanyway xx .
ive done my first blog on the pups scottish lol take care bye for now .
21 Nov, 2011
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They looked beautiful, so sorry some greedy person has taken them.
13 Nov, 2011