wild life art competition
By noseypotter
at last i got the date right lol .i also found out that i can enter more than three pictures.ive enterd six some that some of you mite of seen before .it started yesterday at www.thetfordartscentre.org.uk and runs for 2 weeks.ive enterd three that im selling which are the gorilla and the two orangutans.
the last one is rajang who i drew on his 40th birthday and they were going to sell for charity .they totaly let me down and didnt sell it ,didnt contact me, sold the wrong picture etc and theres signs up saying how much it costs to run to . i will donate to charity but not vier colchester zoo.i love animals i guess the tattoos didnt fit.it was there idea to as it was rajangs 4oth . i wanted to study the elephant to build this one but that was over the phone before the woman sore me.anyway swiftly moving on .the other three .one is a tiger i did a while back for my mum .it has a certain 3-D look about it .i drew it in the 90`s.there are barn owls that i sold 10-15 years ago and got given back not long ago but thats another story and last but not least a thompsans gazzelle excuse my spelling . i hope you enjoy them and your all well take care bye for now.the thompsans gazzelle is my sisters and i cant sell the owls as they were a prezzy .its a funny old world
i havnt got a picture of the thompsan gazzelle but i think it is on my web site at www.noseypotter.com .
the straw bales were to hold the elephants belly up till it had set then i kicked them out and put them inside the elephant to fill that huge stomack or it would of weighed more than a real elly lol .
i couldnt help putting a couple of me and my dog blanche named after veras mums eyes of coronation street lol.
18 Nov, 2009
Previous post: orang utan and baby
Next post: exerbition of my art
These are really brill NP. I particularly like the silver back!
Have you seen my blog about the pastell drawing of our daughter (Holly) drawn by Sid?
18 Nov, 2009
Amazing pictures NP!
18 Nov, 2009
I love these pictures NP. You are very talented, I think my favourite one i of the owls, and of course BLANCHE!
18 Nov, 2009
Oh Leigh, your drawings always take my breath away
18 Nov, 2009
hope things are good , I like them all but my fav is the second one of the young orangutang it's the eyes I think quite brilliant .
18 Nov, 2009
Nosey they are all brilliant........
18 Nov, 2009
I agree, they are all great.
18 Nov, 2009
well like i said the first 3 are for sale and i will give 20% to an ape charity. im so glad you like my art every one , i hope your all ok thanx again .take care bye for now . i will check out your blog ian and message you there .
18 Nov, 2009
blanche is a foot tall devil dog .shes got real attitude .shes only about 2 years old and she looks about 15 already lol.
18 Nov, 2009
I've sent you a PM Leigh!
18 Nov, 2009
ok ian
18 Nov, 2009
Hi Leigh,
I always love your work but the young orangutan gets me every time I see it. Mac is right it's the eyes.
As for the woman on the phone …well how very sad she could not see your talent. So sad when people are judged by appearance. I get it all the time because I’m short and fat but I don’t let it bother me now because I know I’m not prejudice so that makes me a far better person. I am going to grow old and become a very eccentric old lady (my kids are now panicking LOL!!)
18 Nov, 2009
i love them all but the tiger is my fav.
18 Nov, 2009
thanx again i agree with you sueb but its going to be her loss .she obviously could here my friendly voice on the phone but couldnt here it or see my i think very friendly demeaner when we met .so shallow and i would of thaught charity was the last place for snobbery or judgemental people but again humans nev fail to amaze me.its there loss but not the animals .im going to specialise in orangs i think and get involved with there charity.its her loss not the animals .you say eccentric like its a bad thing lol sueb. you no what though people like her just make me all the more determined .im eccentric so that makes at least 2 of us at least you can see who i am if only you look.anyway ill stop running on thanks again and seaburn xx
19 Nov, 2009
They are all wonderful my favourite is the Owls and the second one down such sad eyes, I am a sucker I know and adore the Elephant
19 Nov, 2009
Love them all Leigh and agree it is their loss and I'm sure orang charity will be truly happy to have you on board raising funds in such a super way
Good luck
19 Nov, 2009
All wonderful Leigh. I think I'd have to say my favourite is the Tiger. You're right, it does have an almost 3-D effect. Like he is coming right out of the painting at you. Absolutely brilliant.
19 Nov, 2009
Add eccentric No. 3 to the list Leigh !! You have the most amazing talent and if she couldn't see past the exterior, then you're better off not knowing her. Her loss and the Orangs gain ...... no contest !! All the very best of luck with the competition and Blanche is so cooool !! :~)))
19 Nov, 2009
i adore elephants to morgana as it goes in fact i have lots of faverites realy lol .i think ill get in touch with monkey world and thanx again.funny how everyone has there own faverites xx
19 Nov, 2009
I'm flabberghasted, astounded by your talent. You so obviously put your heart and soul into your animal paintings and as for the elephant, I honestly thought it was a photo of a real one until I saw the bales of straw in the process of making her.
I had thought of you as a female until now, I don't know why. I had pictured a slightly hippie attractive young woman who was involved in some kind of further education or artistic venture. Strange. I wonder how other members picture each other (in the absence of photos).
Wow, I can't get over your talent. I'm now off to see your website.
19 Nov, 2009
Their loss at teh zoo NP. I don't like zoos anyway - think they're depressing places - so I'm glad you're going to help out the other charities. Blanche is a work of art in her own right! Where's Sid?!
19 Nov, 2009
Love them all.
19 Nov, 2009
So do I Clarice. Wish I could buy them all. Except the elephant (nowhere to put it). Well done NP.
19 Nov, 2009
bye the way i thaught sid was a man to mad lol and thanx again everyone .
19 Nov, 2009
im almost tempted to draw this perticuler picture of blanche maybe it realy shows here character sid .
19 Nov, 2009
I think you should draw Blanche and Sid NP!
Did you think i was a bloke?!
19 Nov, 2009
i have done before but we sorted that out a while back lol.im a bit put of drawing my own dogs as when i did for the first time before my dog died of twisted gut unexpectly and right next to his half drawn picture to boot.he was healthy one minite and dead the next.to realy rub it in i got my mum to take his picture of my drawing board for when it was less raw and upsetting as it made me cry like a girly for a week just looking at it.anyway just for good measure his mum died of the same problem about a year later laying on the egsact same floor tile or touching the same one.the whole downstairs is floor tiled so that was mad.just to finish that of when i felt strong enough to get the picture out and draw it it had bean all bent up and damaged beond repare.im not much of a believer but even i thaught that was an omen and have never drawn my own dogs.i just realy like that one of blanche and shes only young but we will see lol.
19 Nov, 2009
Yeah, I knew that's why you wouldn't draw them, but I think it's a shame - surely the same thing CANT happen again?
20 Nov, 2009
well thats just about what im thinking sid as its been about 8 years now .trouble is which ones do i draw and which ones do i leave lol ? i have five dogs and i have photos of all the ones i have had to including the one that died.ill keep mulling it over i have many pictures i can draw and ill never forget my dogs weather i draw them or not .
20 Nov, 2009
Of course you won't Leigh. None of us ever do bab, but that one of Blanche is just crying out for you ! It's wonderful ! In your own time our kid x
20 Nov, 2009
just what i was thinking sue it shows her true attitude a little fiery devil dog.forget pit bulls she eats them for breakfast lol.ill have to copy her eyes from another picture of her xx .
21 Nov, 2009
I can just imagine her taking on a pit bull and winning hands down !! Lol Look forward to seeing it when you're ready :~)))
21 Nov, 2009
Same here :-)
21 Nov, 2009
cool thank you so much everyone on here are my faverite audiance and ofcourse you will see her if and when.you know me well enough .take care bye for now .
21 Nov, 2009
Amazing NP, Every time i look at your Paintings i just shake my head slowly in amazement, im speechless...
23 Nov, 2009
behave daisy lol thank you so much lol
24 Nov, 2009
Sorry late to this amazing gallery Np ! Wonderful ...favourite is the orangutan !
31 Dec, 2009
me to bonkers and as they say better late than never xx happy new year
2 Jan, 2010
Meant to say baby orangutan ! Wishing you all the very best for 2010 !xx
2 Jan, 2010
i knew you did and back at you ditto xx
2 Jan, 2010
Ditto..roll on January !
2 Jan, 2010
he he cant weight
2 Jan, 2010
the young orangutan with the lovley eyes and the silver back are up for sale actualy or i can do commisions if anyones interested with 20% going to charity . i specialise in portraits from photos as its hard to get a dog to stand still lol. the other thing is if i do a commission for you and your not happy i will happily keep it with know bad fealings . its never happend yet which i think is good kind of garantee . not trying to be big headed but if i drew your dog you would apreciate more how alike i get them . i think theres some art and the photo i did them from on my web site www.noseypotter.com . actaualy ill upload the photo im taking this orang im drawing now from.take care bye for now.
15 Feb, 2010
it will be on my newest blog ok everyone .
15 Feb, 2010
Going to send you a pm Nosey.
17 Feb, 2010
ok skillen xx .
17 Feb, 2010
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heres another bit of useless information.only the top male in a group gets the silver back.he has to be detrowned,die or be killed before the next male in line gets that defined silver back .i bet your glad you know that lol.
18 Nov, 2009