exerbition of my art
By noseypotter
i am realy happy ive bee selected as one of the finalists in an art exerbition in london.they only want one piece so i sent them a few and they chose my self portate as it is most fitting.i guess thats one realy good way of getting noticed im realy pleased but i guess i have been practising since 1992 or taking my art seriously .if anyone hasnt seen my website and likes art my site is www.noseypotter.com and theres a guest book if you have something constructive to say good or bad.
Hello Leigh
GOOD NEWS! You’re one of the 20 artists selected to exhibit at the exclusive BIZARRE RESISTANCE RISING ART EXHIBITION in London in January 2010.
We had hundreds of entries for the competition, but your work was definitely amongst our favourites. Well done!
The exhibition, at London’s Resistance Gallery in Bethnal Green, will run from Thursday 14 January 2010 – Thursday 21 January 2010 (dates subject to change – but it looks likely these dates will not change).
We’d love it if you could come to the opening party on Thursday 14 January – which will be a private view of the exhibition, with some freaky performances and lots of free drinks! – as one of our special guests. I will forward you more details on this exciting event nearer the time, but please put the date in your diary.
On the night, the ultimate winner of the BIZARRE RESISTANCE RISING ART EXHIBITION will be announced – good luck!
Here are a few important things I need you to help me with…
- To give the exhibition uniformity – and to avoid damage to original works – we will not be exhibiting original pieces of art. Instead, I’m going to get all the artwork printed at A1 size and mounted, then hung on the walls of the gallery. Obviously, you entered a lot of works in the competition, and we only have room for one. Which one do you think best sums up your work? If you don’t mind, I’d rather use one of your flat works rather than a 3D sculpture, as I don’t have the budget to ship any of your sculptures down to the exhibition in London.
Essentially, I need you to supply your chosen artwork at the biggest resolution you can. Which piece would you like to supply at a high resolution, please?
- Sadly, my email can only accept attachments smaller than 8MB. If your hi-res version of your artwork is bigger than 8MB, please can you burn it onto a CD or memory stick, and send it to:
David McComb
Dennis Publishing
30 Cleveland Street
London W1T 4JD
28 Nov, 2009
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It dont surprise me you have been picked Leigh your work is outstanding , go and enjoy ! pity you couldnt get down early and build em an elephant outside the door lol ! Well done Leigh and keep us informed as to how it went in January .
28 Nov, 2009
Well done NP, how exciting for you. ! You should be very proud of yourself :) Good luck in all your future works.
28 Nov, 2009
It's not really surprising they liked your work Leigh, It's fantastic. Congratulations and good luck with the final bit. The opening day sounds like it will be a hoot, will you be going?
28 Nov, 2009
ow thank you so much as ive said before i realy apreciate your comments and support . i wish i could get the elephant there to maccrimmon lol .im well chuffed as it goes especialy as i havnt been formaly trained as that and my tattoos have realy held me back.part of my ame is to show that people are people weather there tattood or not so i wouldnt have it any other way realy .i went today and had a high resilution picture taken bye a friend of mine .about 15,000.000 pixels so it wont pixel out when they blow it up to a1 . im hoping they will let me have the picture afterwoods as i dont think they will need it . i dont know what you get for winning yet either but im probably jumping the gun a bit realy. its sods law that its free drink and me and my friend have given up lol but im not botherd realy .ofcourse i will keep you all updated .we are going to take plenty of photos etc .im not looking forward to xmas living on my own but now i have something to look forward to. the other upside is my friend wants to do a photo shoot looking creepy with a scruffy top hat ,pale make up etc .we are going to do it in the spring but early so it still looks gloomy and black and white which should be fun.anyway ill stop running on lol take care everyone thanx again and bye for now people.
28 Nov, 2009
ow bye the way i will update you on that if you want to see it lol
28 Nov, 2009
Well done Leigh~ hope this works out well for you and gets you lots of commissions~ love your Avatar!
28 Nov, 2009
well done leigh and thouroughly deserved to, best of luck, sandra x
28 Nov, 2009
ow thank you so much arlene .my avitar is the orang i drew after your one .bye the way have you worked out anything with monkey world etc please arlene as i would love to help them and i realy enjoy drawing apes .take care bye for now xx
28 Nov, 2009
and you arlene xx
28 Nov, 2009
~Sent you an email Leigh~we 're getting there!
28 Nov, 2009
Congratulations and good luck at the exhibition
28 Nov, 2009
Well done Leigh there was never a doubt you would be up there! A finallist fantastic congratulations
28 Nov, 2009
i love this sight so many real people i take my hat of to you all if i wore one lol so again thanks so much it humbles me bye bye
28 Nov, 2009
No problem well deserved praise to a talented artist enjoy!!
29 Nov, 2009
Fantastic news Leigh !! How could they NOT choose one of your pieces, they're all brilliant ! Best of luck on the night ! :~)))
29 Nov, 2009
well done uuuu.....i bet u r excited about the exhibition....look forward to your blog after the event...;-))
29 Nov, 2009
Great news, Leigh....
Please keep us up to date with news of the exhibition. :o)
29 Nov, 2009
Congratulations!!!!....hope you win!!.....look foward to hearing all about the exhibition:)
29 Nov, 2009
Congratulations Leigh. You deserve it. I hope you win.
29 Nov, 2009
Well done Nosey......you deserve it and Im sure you will do very well......
29 Nov, 2009
shux thank you all so much your always there for me and believe me i will help you in any way i can. i wont forget to keep you updated i havnt got big ears for nothing lol
29 Nov, 2009
Hi Leigh , I'm pleased that you have put this on because if you hadn't I was getting ready to blow your trumpet for you and tell everybody ....LOL...
We all wish you the very best of luck .. not that we think you need it ..
Go and enjoy the whole experience and have a wonderful time xx
29 Nov, 2009
Congratulations Leigh, and well deserved! Will you be going down there?
Hope you win, but getting this far is a great achievement anyway.
29 Nov, 2009
thanx again everyone .im getting down there with a friend mad so thats good.ill also be taking my camera ofcourse and i will fill you in as soon as i can.i cant weight lol .its better than xmas bye far or it is my xmas lol .thats the best offer ive had in a long time amy lol xx .
29 Nov, 2009
Congratulations Leigh, Youv'e Arrived lol. Dont worry about your Tattoo's, I think we expect Artists to be Colourfull and different from us thats what makes you a Fantastic Artist..Love your Avitar X
29 Nov, 2009
CONGRATULATIONS Nosey that's brilliant news! You must be sooooo proud!
I love the picture, it's no wonder they picked it. Go and have a great time and I so hope you win! Just remember you wouldn't be YOU without your tatoos - they are part of who you are - never be ashamed of that. As for being alone at Christmas, you won't be, you have us, your friends, your mum and all those GORGEOUS dogs!
Take care. x
29 Nov, 2009
aw bless thank you so much skillen and daisy your right i wont be alone will i .that works both ways lol. im not botherd about my tattoos though but it seams people unlike us are but as you say its there loss take care everyone bye for now xx
29 Nov, 2009
i sent this avatar but they wanted my ugly mug lol
29 Nov, 2009
Good luck with exerbition and congratulations...
29 Nov, 2009
Lol :>)))))))))
29 Nov, 2009
i like the name clarice and thank youand skillen
29 Nov, 2009
Oh Leigh! That is absolutely fantastic news… I’m so pleased you must be so excited .congratulations mate well done :0)
29 Nov, 2009
Well done Leigh, your work is amazing always. Do hope it all goes well and you will have some great news for us come January.
All the best mate,
29 Nov, 2009
Well done Leigh.....Congratulations!! How exciting. I'm sure you'll win...your artwork is amazing. I can't wait to hear all about it. xx
29 Nov, 2009
Well I'm not the slightest bit surprised, Leigh, your work is incredible! But I am totally delighted for you!! Well done Maestro!!
A well deserved accolade!
29 Nov, 2009
BTW, Of COURSE you'll win it, & you WONT be alone at Xmas!!
29 Nov, 2009
I said you were a clever devil way back when i first saw your work. and a devil in the nicest possible way. Go get 'em Leigh!
29 Nov, 2009
ow your so kind its nice having you behind me all thanx again .
29 Nov, 2009
Dont do kind, Leigh!! ;~))
Just honest!
29 Nov, 2009
me to mad thanx a lot then lol xx
29 Nov, 2009
You're welcome!! :~))
29 Nov, 2009
lol xx
30 Nov, 2009
Woop Woop!!! Great news! Knock em' dead!
...erm...not literally of course..... ;-) lol
1 Dec, 2009
ill hold back sid lol xx
1 Dec, 2009
Congratulations and good luck Leigh.
2 Dec, 2009
thank you ponty
2 Dec, 2009
Fantastic news, I've caught up on your blogs. Well deserved. Good luck in 2010 your work is amazing.
4 Dec, 2009
ow thank you janie
4 Dec, 2009
Sorry late to this excellent news Np.Your recognition is long overdue and may we offer you our congratulations.
19 Dec, 2009
thank you so much bonkers and everyone on here is behind me and thats very humbling .you dont know how much i apreciate your support thanx again .ow bye the way did you know my web site has been updated latley .if you havnt seen it or didnt know it and ofcourse you like art its at www.noseypotter.com
20 Dec, 2009
Thank you Np...havent seen it but do love art so will be taking a look.
20 Dec, 2009
brilliant and thank you to bye the way i cant weight to see my orangutan on the wall wear it belongs .i was going to contact monkey world but id rather you showed them the one i did in persen if you like as a photo doesnt do a framed picture justice.ive decided to concentrate on great apes especialy orangs and giving to charity .im still doing the mother and baby piece as i realy suffer in winter with depreshion and im a very all or nothing persen.eg i have been taking 4 sugars in my tea for as long as i can remember and im 48 .i didnt cut down i just stopped taking sugar all together .im very up or down to .ying and yang .what realy amazes me is how many charities i offer my art for nothing and for them to sell who just wont take me on including colchester zoo,the rspca ,the pdsa and banham zoo .i even tried the wwf and they dont even give me the grace of an answer .in colchester zoo it sais it costs 6000 pounds a day to run but they left my picture of rajang to get dusty for nearly 2 years and now i have it back.i started taking my art seriously in the early 90,s as i wanted to be a tattooist.i went to a big tattoo convention and sore what is actualy possible to put on skin.i thaught well i want to be that good so id better learn to put it on paper before i do it on skin so i went to evening classes.anyway me and my then partner went to a dog show and there was a dog artist there with various pictures and most very good i thaught.one caught my eye and it was a husky .i thaught i can do that better im sure i can.anyway i drew it and it did come out better in my opinion so i enterd it in the local art compertition down our guildhall.it included amater and professional artists within a 14 mile radious of thetford and there was a good few.anyway they had a pre show for all the artists .i ofcourse did my best had a shave ,clean jeans and a t-shirt,shower etc but im obviously tattood.when i was there there were all these students and rich judge looking people sipping wine and looking at me like i was deseased or something and generaly ignoring me.a young middle class lady came up and said .have you got anything in the show.i said yes and pointed to a couple of pictures and my husky.with that she walked of with the huff .the show went on for 3-4 weeks while the public voted for there faverite.i was quite upset at my treatment as anyone who knows me knows im a friendly quite inteligent man i like to think.i hope im not boring you lol.in the mean time the man who ran the guildhall liked a drink and bumped into me near the end of the show.he said i shouldn`t tell you this but you have apserlutly thrashed everyone bye hundreds of votes.anyway the prize giving was on a very hot sunny day so i thaught about it and decided not to shave ,wear real scruffy shorts and a scruffy t-shirt.i walked in and they all looked at me like i was a lepper excuse my spelling lol . i ambled to the back of the crowded room.they said 3rd place goes to etc ....... lots of aplause claps etc.then second prize with even louder claps.then they said first prize for the husky goes to mr leigh shelton.you should of seen there faces with a look of disbelief when i said loudly excuse me excuse me and they all stopped clapping and started again when i picked up first prize so they didnt look silly . i chuckled inside .they all wanted to chat to me then but i left lol . i actualy sold it about 13 years ago and got it given back recently and it has pride of place on my wall.people never fail to amaze me
20 Dec, 2009
Np...the old phrase " Never judge a book by its cover " springs to mind ! Many people make spot judgements before taking the time and trouble to get to know that person first ! Glad you were able to leave them with "egg on their faces " ! One up for the working man Mp...they say cream always rises to the top ! Your orangutan will be wonderful,and all the more poignant as it is seriously endangered in the wild.How did such a noble and beautiful creature ever end up in that way. Many congratulations again.
20 Dec, 2009
thanks bonkers there is a simple answer and it is at plague proportions everywear and called the human being . makes me feal ashamed for being one realy .anyway on a brighter note take care and have a lovley holiday time xx
20 Dec, 2009
Sadly,have to agree. Hope you too have a peaceful Christmas holiday and a wonderful New Year 2010..........x
20 Dec, 2009
thanx again its a shame but there ya go xxx bonkers
20 Dec, 2009
Good for you NP! What a load of shallow minded people.
23 Jan, 2010
thanx skillen xx
23 Jan, 2010
Great, you showed them all and proved something to everyone (including you). Listen my dear, depression is a terrible thing and I think this is the most rotten month for it. So, have an extra sugar in your tea if you fancy it! I just had a syrup sandwich. Yes, I know! Well there you go. My brother says I need a lightbox, it kind of replicates natural sunlight and can really help. I think we ALL need one during these cold months. Well maybe not all. But I have been peeping out now and again and been out in the garden briefly but, blimey ... it's FREEZIN out there! Anyway. Fantastic - 1st prize. Sorry if I missed the details, but what did you win - not loads of money then? Are you off on your hols. LOL X
26 Jan, 2010
thank you so much janie much apreciated ive herd about these lights .id like to give one a go im glad you understand .people like you are hard to find . i find even my friends want to change the subject or say they have to somewear etc like ive got leperasy excuse my spelling .for what its worth contracting leporasy is the hardest desease to catch .i didnt get anything persay but i got my name and art in a gallery in london and it was a good night .theres going to be pictures and right ups about the winners in aprils bizarre mag .thanx again take care bye for now xx from what ive read a lot of the great artists had a tortured mind. not saying im a great artist ofcourse though i do love it.
26 Jan, 2010
You ARE a great artist, Leigh! You're also too modest & sweet (go on then, puke away!!Lol!) for your own good!
Yes, I agree, depression is hell, but if i hadnt suffered from it pretty badly this summer, I wouldnt have got stuck into the garden, found GoY, & lots of lovely new friends, so it has its compensations! I want a lightbox too! Anyone know the proper name for them??
28 Jan, 2010
They are S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder) light boxes Mad. If you don't get one try to get outside on walks etc as much as you can, I don't think it has to be bright sunlight. I know us gardeners will be out soon anyway-try stopping us :))
28 Jan, 2010
i cant weight it feals like funeral weather and doom and gloom at the moment .i liked the look of the snow much more .the trouble is im very all or nothing which doesnt help when im down .it just means the up is so much or seams so much better .i wish i could balance it out but i guess i wouldnt be me then .anyway thank you so much everyone .this site is one of the bright lights in a gloomy winter i get .thank you so much . you mite never know how much i apreciate it xx
29 Jan, 2010
Thanks Aster! I checked them out, & apparently they just use daylight bulbs, which I have somewhere (used to use them when drawing etc) so I'm going to dig them out! I got them from an art store!
Leigh, up or down, you & your fantastic art work are something of a bright light for us too, sweetie!!
I know what you mean though, I'm pretty much high/low myself!
30 Jan, 2010
ow the troubled mind thanx mad xxx
30 Jan, 2010
Blessed are the cracked, for they let in the light lol
Mad - are those daylight bulbs much good then - for drawing by I mean. I use a lamp and I find the light is a bit yellowish, so was thinking a daylight bulb might be a good idea - what d'ya think?
2 Feb, 2010
you can buy trew light bulbs for marine fish tanks in a strip light that mite be an idea .i remember a story or part of it about a chinese girl going with two water holders on her shoulders and carrying them back home moaning that one had always had a crack in it and only had half the water in it .but the wise man tells her what good the cracked pot had done to the plants along the path she was walking and how sparse the other side was . i hope you get the jist lol it was told far better the way i red it excuse my spelling lol.
2 Feb, 2010
so you realy suffer to then sid this is my worse winter ever im already worried about next winter.
2 Feb, 2010
NP I don't know if you've heard this verse
'God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference'
by Reinhold Niebuhr
Next winter is along way off and there is spring,summer and autumn in between.Try to take each day/week at a time,small steps.
I know it's easy for me to say,I am a very chilled out person,nothing much bothers me and I know how lucky I am in that respect.But try to appreciate what your surroundings have to offer- your family of dogs for one,your many talents another.
Sorry if this sounds like a lecture but there are lots of things we have no control over,but many blessings in disguise xx
2 Feb, 2010
Np, I had a bad day today. When I got home I felt really miserable. Don't know why particularly, nothing bad happened at work and nobody was mean to me or anything, I just felt really down. So, what I did was, had dinner, had a long hot bath with bubbles, read a bit of my book, put the radio on, answered a few e-mails from friends, scoffed some posh liquour choccies left over from Xmas and then got on to GoY to visit my friends here. Feel absolutely hunky doory now. Think sometimes you've just got to spoil yourself :-)
Summer is just round the corner......there are snowdrops in flower in my garden and tomorrow I plan to get my electric propagator out to make sure it works ;-)
2 Feb, 2010
Exactly Sid and all of this cost you nothing.It's good to spoil yourself and enjoy the simple things :)
2 Feb, 2010
Yes, I'm quite good at spoiling myself lol But I think it's important to remember that real depression is not something a person can just 'shake off'. I think it's something like 1 in 3 people will suffer from depression at some time in their life and sometimes it is just as well to see a doctor and get some cheer-up pills!
2 Feb, 2010
Pets help to keep us cheerful..
NP has lovely dogs... Sid has beautiful Birts xxx
2 Feb, 2010
Yeah, Birts cheers me up too TT ;-)
2 Feb, 2010
lol very good sid and yes your right so much terra
2 Feb, 2010
no it sounds good to me aster i just feal like people are waving while im drowning and i guess i take for granted that i can draw . shame on me realy but thanx anyway xx
2 Feb, 2010
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well done you:o) congratulations,,
28 Nov, 2009