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POND DEVELOPMENT - Stage 2......


Ali’s first day back at work today and feeling much better, although very tired by the end of her evening shift. Well, nothing for a week takes it out of a girl……

So, she left early for her morning shift – care work – and left me pondering what I could do with the first day of my Official holday. Okay, I had the camera but I so wanted to continue with the pond area. As I don’t drive, it was down to me to persuade her to take me to the garden centre on her return from work in order to pick up some bark and stones……absolutely NO intention of buying any plants as we must get the pond finished!

Anyway, the thought of me doing some work was enough to convince her to take me and off we went…..She told me to take the camera as we would go through the lanes, she said, in case of any photo opportunites. Very considerate of her, I thought, and sure enough, I did get one…….

…as we reversed off the drive!

So, we arrived at the GC with a list of requirements:

4 bags of bark, large stones, flat stones and possibly some smaller gravel…easy!

However, not wanting my feathered friends to feel left out with all this pond activity, and I have been promising to replace that old palstic nut feeder, they were foremost in my mind and so the first purchase was theirs….

…Aubrey Strawberry Nut Feeder!

We then found an incinerator bin to burn a load of garden cuttings etc that have been quietly drying in the odd moment of sunshine . Not an exciting photo opportunity so I won’t bother showing you the bin!

Then Ali went off in search of a net thingy to use to clean the pond so I, being the gentleman, said I would take the bin to the checkout and return to help her look. 10 minutes later I heard a voice cry: ‘I should have known better! I’ve been waiting up there for you to come back…..’ Look, it’s not my fault if you have to walk through the plant section to get to the till area. I had dropped the bin off there as promised but had got slightly taken off scent, shallwe say on my return to Ali. Anyway, I’m not buying any plants today so I’ll just take a couple of pics instead…..

OKAY, already! I bought one…..but it was HALF PRICE and Ali did say I probably wouldn’t get it at that price again so she made me do it!’

My new friend…..AEONIUM – Blushing Beauty.

So, we’re ready to go….’What’s that Ali? You’ve seen something you like?’ Must be some cucumber seeds I thought….‘OH, it’s a plant!!’

Rather cool though and would look great by the pond. ‘Mmmmm….go on then, seeing as how it’s you! AND seeing as though it’s also half price!’

Ali’s new friend…Zantedeschia – Orange/Gold.

So, off home we went…oh,with an extra 4 bags of bark – 8 in total, and as I set to work with the bark and stones, ALi decided to make Green Tomatoe Chutney with the few toms she’d saved from the blight. The smells from the kitchen were awesome and the taste was even better. She managed 5 jars….

Unfortunately we’ve got to give one jar to her daughter but seeing as how she loves me so much, she can have 1 jar!

So, the pond…..a bit of decent earth around the edge….

Then add some bark to try and get that woodlandy feel….

Stick some plants down and some rocks/stones….

Then for added effect, drop an old tree stump in the background….

Okay, so the plants are stillin there pots for now, and it needs more stones around the edge but their’s only so much that will fit into a VW Polo and think of the weight…..and that’s just me! When you add the bark and the rocks , well, you’re talking wheelies all the way home!

So, to make things just so for my future froggie friends, should they decide to move in, maybe an old terracotta pot on it’s side in the shade of the Hosta…

‘Is that a fro…dare I say it….oh my……just next to the fern under the Acer palmatum?’

Okay, so it’s not the real deal, but give it time!!

So, after Ali had left again for her evening shift, I watered my plants – who’s a good little boy – and took up my position for a photo session with my feathered friends and here’s what happened….

Even had time to take some close-ups of the Hosta by the pond….

…and a French Marigold.

Of course, as I went to take a pic of some more plants, not to bee outdone by the birds….

And, as I left the garden behind for another day, I swear I heard voices again….

….‘Come on Fat Cat, apparently the humans have made a pond down the bottom of the garden!’

‘Hold on, Nod the Dog – named by our grandson, AKA Jac – we have to wait for Jim the Snail’

‘Hurry up Jim. What’s taking you so long?’

‘Sorry guys! I got my girlfriend on my back….Michelle….geddit!’

And so it was, that the 3 comapnions arrived at the work in progress and gawped in awe and wonder at this marvellous site….

…whereas my friend who guards my Fatsia, yes, the Fatsia Guardfrog, was a little less enthused by it all….

…and as all the fuss died down for another day, some excited voices could be heard just beyond the pond…..

‘So kids, come and sees what’s the ponds is!’

‘But daddys, how cans YOU makes the ponds so big and so quicks?’

’Well, you lets the big lummox humans digs the holes and makes the ponds, spends the monies and then takes the credits yourselfs……….


OKAY, OKAY! For those who were secretly interested but too embarrassed to ask, here’s the incinerator bin…..

More blog posts by oddbillie

Previous post: POND DEVELOPMENT....A confession to make!!!

Next post: POND DEVELOPMENT - Stage 3



very enjoyable blog.

2 Aug, 2009


Spot on,Daz! Lovely little story! I bet Jac enjoys your stories!
That was worth waiting for, & you make it look so easy!
BUT, BUT, BUT......... You didn't introduce us to the meerkat family!! Terrible lack of manners! LMAO! :~)))

2 Aug, 2009


Thanks both! Jac is actually Ali's son's little boy and I've known him since about 6-8 months old. He could never say Darren when he was smaller so always called me Dan....and still does! Lo and behold anyone who calls me Darren....'That is NOT his name! IT'S DAN!!'

He's brilliant and follows me everywhere. He's staying over tomorrow night as we've not seen him for a fortnigh nearly due to Ali's illness so looking forward to that. It will be football, lego and playstation all day & night for Dan, I fancy!

As for the meerkats, well, you will just have to wait a little longer MP for any introductions. It was not bad manners, I promise. They are reluctant to give out any details for security security! Ma & Pa are claiming certain benefits and so have to be careful. Iwill suss them out today as I hope to be nipping in and out - heavy rain forecast...there's a surprise - cracking on with the pond area so leave it with me and I'll see if I can persuade them to disclose the info you require.....:0))

3 Aug, 2009


Those Meerkats are incomparable :o)

3 Aug, 2009


You're making fantastic progress with the pond. It looks great. And I love the

3 Aug, 2009


I tend t agree TT!

Thanks SB and to think it was all set to be a Japanese themed area a few weeks ago! We will get more use out of it now though and we're trying to make it as natural looking as possible.

It's looking dark outside so just waiting for Ali to return from her AM shift, quick cuppa then garden centre for more bark and stones!! :0))

3 Aug, 2009


LMAO! :~))))))
I shall look forward to the introductions when it's appropriate!
Yep kids are so funny! I heard my 2 youngest brothers arguing one day & Denis (3 at the time) said, "I'm telling Ree!" Scott (then 5) replied, "it's MArie" Den? "No she's no' she's MA Ree".
He thought my name was Ree!

3 Aug, 2009


What a lovely blog, you kept me entertained from start to finish - great pictures too. Pond's looking great and I love the wildlife real and otherwise!!

3 Aug, 2009


Great blog OB, very entertaining. Good pics too! Pond looks great, post some pics if you get wildlife move in!

3 Aug, 2009


Sure will PG and thanks for the comments. Just about to finish blog for stage 3 to post.

Not a great deal done today and still more 'finishing off' to do, but we have done a bit more on it. See what you think later whan I publish blog 3!!

Hoping for frogs, dragonflys, bees, birds.....deer....wild boar....grizzly bear....flamingo's....and, if we're reeeeealllly lucky, one or two zebra and buffalo down at the water hole!!

Okay, a frog will suffice :0)-

3 Aug, 2009


Or failing that, you could just sit beside it & get P****d as a newt!

3 Aug, 2009


Lol! Not a bad idea sat on the stumps!!

3 Aug, 2009


Yep! Just remember to cut off the jaggy bits!! :~))

3 Aug, 2009


You might need to make the pond a bit bigger if Zebra and rhino come calling but don't forget to collect the dung!

3 Aug, 2009


Ouch MP!! there's a thought....side of the road, by Wickes.....fiver a bag!! Genuine Rhino dung...

We could be on to something hereLily2....Oh, just thought. One stumbling bags to put it in... Forget that idea then!! :0(

3 Aug, 2009



3 Aug, 2009


Brilliant incinerator DAN!

15 Aug, 2009


Glad you appreciated it Indy!!

Rare one as well. Surprised it stayed still as long as it did!!

16 Aug, 2009


LOL! I'm STILL waiting for you to introduce us to the Meerkats!

16 Aug, 2009

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