By oddbillie
Not a lot happening today other than we went back to garden centre for 8 more bags of bark and some more stones and NO PLANTS!. We did pick up 1 or 2 stones in the lanes on-route but once again, no photo opportunities – Ali reckons them lanes are full of wildlife in the mornings….Mmmmmm!
Anyway, got back home with said bark and stones and started laying them out and spreading some bark…..
What’s that you say? The 2 new plants in the front that weren’t there yesterday? Oh, where did they come from? Looks like things are growing down there all ready – that’s good isn’t it……….
’*OKAY. YOU GOT ME*. I bought 2 more plants alright. Please see below:
BRUNNERA Macrophylla – Jack Frost
BERGENIA – Harzkristall
Before you all say anything, Ali bought a tray of Hedera – Ivy as well to place around and about the pond:
So, a few more rocks – we still want a few more to make the shape of the pond less obvious – and some fallen branches and you have the pond so far…..
We had our first visitor as well….the Health & Safety officer to give his approval on the work carried out so far….
‘My, my! Is that a Brunnera Macrophylla? Haven’t seen one of those for years!!’
‘GUYS! You got to check this place out’
‘Hey Bill. Look at the new local baths that are due to open soon….’
‘SEEDS…I only see seeds…Mmmmmmm…Seeds’
As for this little fella, not interested in the slightest!!
So, before I came indoors for an early shower, a quick pic of the Orchids on the decking with hazy French Marigolds in the background.
And it wouldn’t be right of me if I didn’t leave you with some pics from the Garden Centre….
Names of all plants on a postacrd please…or alternatively, you could just number and list them in a reply for me…Thanks!
And that’s it for today….short and sweet, ‘makes a change!’ shout the people in the galleries! Oh, we did pick up one more thing at the garden centre that I may mention later and NO, it’s not a plant!!
Adios amigos…..:0)~
3 Aug, 2009
Previous post: POND DEVELOPMENT - Stage 2......
Next post: Dem stones, dem stones, dem....dry stones..........!
I know the last one is a crocosmia, & think maybe possibly perhaps..... the first one looks a bit like echinacea?????
I'm useless with names!!
3 Aug, 2009
Another entertaining blog OB and more good photo's. You are enjoying your new camera. I too have a Panasonic Lumix but an older model. DMC FZ20. Now they have all the features of mine in your compact size one it is tempting to 'trade it in'! Just easier to carry about.
Plant names? I'll leave that to someone else! :o))
3 Aug, 2009
1. Helenium
2. Hemerocallis
3. Catananche
4. ?
5. Gaillardia?
6. Madperth beat me to it.
3 Aug, 2009
That's just cos I'm dying to get some crocosmia, but I want the red one & keep just seeing the orange!
3 Aug, 2009
You want Lucifer then, have a look at Spritzhenrys photos. :~))
3 Aug, 2009
I can never get through her photos, I just keep saying I want that I want that I want that!
3 Aug, 2009
I know what you mean, I like that, this ones lovely, O M G that has just got to go in my new border!!!
3 Aug, 2009
Yep! I'm starting to develop a theme for my garden too (not 2 strict) & I keep looking for plants to go with it, like maroon& gold flowers, & ones with key words in their names!
3 Aug, 2009
I have a bitza theme in my garden, Bitza this, bitza that.......
3 Aug, 2009
Mine is a Buddhist theme! Well, loosely!
3 Aug, 2009
Thanks for your answers so far guys and for the nice comments.
PG: I would def trade in the camera. I got this one after advice from BB and have to say, it's one of the best investments I've ever made....and so compact which is great.
Thanks MP got number 6 and to Wagger for their contribution.
It will help me build up my own A-Z chart on a word document with flowers names, when to palnt, soil etc. Like a quick fix reference guide, if you like so I can look at planting for next year and thereon! HAPPY DAYS :0)-
3 Aug, 2009
That sounds like a great idea, wish I had time to do it! One day!
3 Aug, 2009
It's quite easy in the making as you can just cut and paste the initial table. 4 columns:
1. Resized pic of flower
2. Name - latin & common
3. When to plant/soil
4. General comments on size, flowers when, season,
perrenial etc
I've just started off with A-C with each letter on a seperate page - just scroll down until you reach the second page for B...if that makes sense.
Time is the key though as it's the adding to it that takes the time but I 'intend' to try and have an hour here and there adding plants to it. Then I can look through and decide what to loook for going forward etc.
Might not be everyone's bag but it will help me so not all bad:0)-
3 Aug, 2009
I'll give it a go! :~))
3 Aug, 2009
The pond is really looking great OB. You should have saved those bark bags just in case the rhino does visit! Beautiful photos too, think I must get a new camera as everbody's pics are so much better than mine. It won't cure the wobbly hands though!!
4 Aug, 2009
Just have a couple of cheeky vodkas.....that'll do the trick and 'dewobbleize' the mitts!!
Nothing wrong with your pics as I can see. They are very nice and Ali would love the cats!!
Thanks for the comments, we keep nipping out to check on the pond and every time we do, it's still there!!
4 Aug, 2009
Lovely blog, Oldbillie, and I agree about 'plant charts'. Obviously, as you will understand, with such a big garden, I can't catalogue them all like that, but I have a similar system for my Clematis and hardy Geraniums...it does help a lot.
Sorry, guys, if I'm causing you problems with photos of my garden!
I don't really want to stop posting them, though - as it helps me to keep a record of what's in flower when and where...sorry...:-(
4 Aug, 2009
Don't be sorry, just keep it coming!
4 Aug, 2009
OB your pond is looking fab, im wanting one now lol, will have to sweet talk baz he he, bet your made up with its progress, and some lovely flowers there at garden centre :o)
4 Aug, 2009
Thanks SH and MP is right, keep em coming! Once I've got the pic of the flower inserted into a box on the chart and it's name in the next one, I can look up on here with other GoYers all the info on th plants I have catalogued.
Just keep your coming as we all learn a little a day from each other.
SB!...hope you're attending to your guests!!:0) I had a feeling you wouldn't be able to resist a sneaky peek and pop by to say howdy! Thanks for the comments and yes, we are over the moon with the progress in such a short space of time.
Hope Baz hasn't got to contend witht the clay we did ;0(
I feel a pond coming on Bazzaboy!!
4 Aug, 2009
lol OB, im not negleting my guests they have taken kids to blackpool tower for afternoon, wooohoo
4 Aug, 2009
Lucky old them....think of all that alcohol...and then all those rides :0(~ lol
Ah well, chilled afternoon for you then SB!
Grandson in town here so been keeping him occupied until 9pm! He's mad but a pure delight to have around :0)-
4 Aug, 2009
It's probably good for you to play with kids your own age, OB! Lol! :~)))))
4 Aug, 2009
Why does everybody think that!
Just because I might be slightly 'off the chart'....well, I don't care coz now he's sleeping, I get the lego all to myself so there! :0)-
4 Aug, 2009
Good for you! You play bonnie! It's ok, I get the same thing, but at least my friend's (6!) kids LIKE me babysitting! Who else would get them to redecorate a room while mum was out?
4 Aug, 2009
4 Aug, 2009
Yes, they were slightly surprised, & happy, until the kids came down to breakfast with their jammies covered in dark red paint! Oooops!
4 Aug, 2009
hope your enjoying your time with granson OB,
5 Aug, 2009
Thanks, it was great as always - 41 years old and he makes me feel 8 when he's here....until he's gone, the tiredness kicks in and I feel 61...lol!
Blogging it later as we've just got back from the GC.....more stones and some grasses!
Plant em up shortly and then shower before introducing TerrorJACdyl to the world of GoY!!
5 Aug, 2009
you have been busy OB, look forward to next shots of the pond area
5 Aug, 2009
Excellent blogs of the pond Oddbille, It'll all soon grow in and spread around the place, you'll be out buffalo hunting before you know it!
15 Aug, 2009
Recent posts by oddbillie
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Doesnt take visitors long to find places they are welcome ..soon have a queue developing great bird pics with that new camera.
3 Aug, 2009