'If I could talk to the animals....'
By oddbillie
Well, it’s been a very busy couple of days here in, still,- sunny Wales as we’ve worked frantically to move the path on in it’s development before the rain arrives – due in tonight apparently! I’ll share the progress on that one in another blog later.
For now, I just wanted to share some pics I’ve managed to take over the past couple of days of the wildlife that has shared the garden with us.Taking them has been a nice way to relax, in between knocking a couple of layers off the hidden wall, so sit back, relax and hopefully enjoy this selection of my favourites…..
So, for starters…..or main course….a bit of Nutty:
‘I love this flower so much I want to hug it….’, said Buzzly Bee!
Pieris Brasicae – Cabbage White. Loads about, but this one stayed still long enough to get me this pic!
One of my lovely female blackbirds who visits every morning & evening – they just luuuurve the Rowan tree, for sure!
ANT & DECK…..geddit!!
No frogs at the pond yet but this little fella paid it a visit before deciding to cross over to the compost bin. He was a good lad and used his Green Cross Code – look right….
…look left…
…look right again…
Don’t think he expected such a tall compost bin…..
’Don’t think I’m gonna get over that somehow!’
….‘this door won’t open either’…….
‘Ah well, I’ll just have to go around it then!’…
And to finish off, my favourite pics of the past couple of days and the reason I’m a very happy chappy right now….apart from having Ali here, of course!
This beauty stayed on my Ostespermum for five minutes or more and allowed me to get about a dozen stunning shots of him. Here are a few:
Go on, just open for me…..
…a little more…
PERFECT…thankyou my friend..
Love this shot. Spent all the time leaning over the balistrade of the decking to get these shots!! lol!
And then this morning, whilst nursing a sore head from much vodka consumption last night – the neighbours opposite invited us over and she was pouring me vodka and diet pepsi….in a pint glass, BRING IT ON! – we sat outside on the decking and I managed to get this hoverfly who accessorised perfectly with my Gazania!
Commence landing…..approaching runway…..
Landed safely and looking good!
Check out all the pollen on his sunglasses!!
A real Up close and personal to finish….
So, if I could talk to the animals,..I would just thank them for making my garden a more interesting and glorious place to be around!
9 Aug, 2009
Previous post: Dem stones, dem stones, dem....dry stones..........!
Next post: The progression of a path......
Ditto Sanbaz...great blog OB...you're my kinda girl with the pints of v & c!! Wonderful photos...Butterflies make you wait for full frontals don't they?!
9 Aug, 2009
I do like the hoverfly pics. Inpired me to take the time to photograph the beasts in our school garden.
9 Aug, 2009
Brilliant blog as per,OB! But Ant & Deck ???????
Em, Fluff, OB is a guy!!
9 Aug, 2009
How many have you had already Fluff? Not still mixing it with Tomorite are you?
Great blog OB, brilliant photos but still waiting for one of that Rhino and I expect a CLOSE up!!!
9 Aug, 2009
9 Aug, 2009
9 Aug, 2009
Thanks SB! The photography thing has just added to the enjoyment of the garden now and I'm loving the close up shot.
Fluff: Yes they do make you wait and a long time at that and all you keep thinking is, they're gonna fly off before they give me a pic! As MP rightly says, I am indeed, a guy! But you're forgiven purely by your love for vodka!! lol!
MP: Okay, I could have put 'Flying Ant & Deck' but it would have been even worse! :0)~
Lily2: It's very difficult to get one of the rhino as they tend to be very shy creatures round these neck of the woods. I nearly had one a few days ago but just as I pressed the button on the camera.......DAMN! He disappeared behind the Hosta. I will keep trying tho, promise!!
9 Aug, 2009
Hee hee!
9 Aug, 2009
Oh yeah...sorry Oddbillie...must learn to read 'about me'' 1st...told you I was confused!!
9 Aug, 2009
It WAs funny tho Fluff, especially since I'd just been LMAO at the "confused" blog you wrote!
9 Aug, 2009
just read it mari, good one fluff
9 Aug, 2009
amazing pics OB well done again
love your blogs very smusing
keep em coming
x x x
9 Aug, 2009
Thanks M. Appreciate your comments. Just working on the path progression one so should post it later!
9 Aug, 2009
well hurry up man!! You know we love your blogs & the weather's dire up here, so PLEASE don't keep us waiting!
9 Aug, 2009
Going as quick as I can.
Need to water the plants as well in a bit. Glorious day here today but rain imminent. Probably moving down from up your way MP! :0(
9 Aug, 2009
I just did a weather blog! Its eased off a bit, but I WONT need to water anything tonight! And my digging's gonna be reeeal messy!!
9 Aug, 2009
Fantastic photos, OB.
9 Aug, 2009
What a great blog and brill photos OB, really enjoyed it.
9 Aug, 2009
Excuses OB I don't believe there are any Rhino in your gaden, proof please!
9 Aug, 2009
I dont believe him either, Lily!
9 Aug, 2009
I loved the bird and the hoverfly. You're a gazania fan like me.
10 Aug, 2009
Thanks Gee & Clarice. Glad you liked!
GG1: Thanks also to you. Really chuffed with the last hoverfly pic as I thought he would fly off but he stayed! Also think the 'commence landing' one is funny!
Yes, although this gardening lark is all new to me and I am learning much, Gazania is the one that has stood out for me and having thought I'd lost them to our friend the slug, they have come back since I put copper tape around the pot!
Welcome to GoY, by the way!
10 Aug, 2009
We're still waiting for proof of the Rhino, OB!
10 Aug, 2009
Have you seen the time MP? It's difficult this time of night as I need to get the jeep out but the large floodlight on the front is out of action so I will see what I can do tomorrow for you. You'll be sorry......
Did do a 'slug hunt' earlier tho and rounded up about 12 or so of the little .....'s! There were 2 on the outside roof of the GH and 2 on the inside of the GH roof.....WHY??????
10 Aug, 2009
Because you're providing them with yummy food!
I'm still not convinced about the Rhino, but I'm willing to be proved wrong!!! Lol!
10 Aug, 2009
Life without all these wee critters would be far less worth the living.
Thank you so much for your keen and enthusiastic eye! Have another voddie and coke on me!
11 Aug, 2009
Don't encourage him, he spends enough time lying on the ground as it is!!
I see you got Ali to release you from your "special jacket" OB!
11 Aug, 2009
For a short while. I'm even cooking tea onight! How good am I?!!!!!
Been planting up my newbies so will share them later in a blog maybe!
11 Aug, 2009
Thanks Bscott. The enthusiasm has taken over in droves and all 3 subjects blend so well together...Gardening, wildlfie & photography!
I may just have a voddie tonight now, or a pear cider!
11 Aug, 2009
OK, look forward to it, as per usual!
11 Aug, 2009
Great photos
13 Aug, 2009
Send me up a pear cider, Dan!
13 Aug, 2009
fantastic blog.
13 Aug, 2009
Sorry Marie, only just come back online. Had a lager shandy instead - very warm here today and we cooked a posh meal for Ali's birthday. It was supposed to be on the Friday night before she was diagnosed with the swine flu the following day but as she couldn't smell or taste anything, we postponed it and did it tonight.....very nice too. I did a duck starter, my own recipes and we did the fillet steak main between us although Ali did most of it.
13 Aug, 2009
Forgot to say thaks to Bscott, bornagain and Suey for their kind comments :0)-
13 Aug, 2009
Belated birthday wishes, Ali!
Glad to see you're on the mend!!
So where's my pear cider, Dan? A girl could die of thirst!! lol!
13 Aug, 2009
postal strikes...out of my hands now. Sent on 'Arrive Day Before Sent' delivery, I'll pick up the expense for that one, but postal strikes...ah well!!
13 Aug, 2009
Good one! LMAO!!!
13 Aug, 2009
How easy was that? Cool!! :0)~
13 Aug, 2009
:~)))))))))) Con artist!!
13 Aug, 2009
oh wow - great pictures - how come when i take pictures of butterflys and birds they just fly away (must be the face.. no dont be rude!!)
14 Aug, 2009
Thanks Geniusscuffy.
It's not easy and for every good pic, 10 are deleted!! It just takes patience and having camera poised and ready.
Keep at it as it's very rewarding.
14 Aug, 2009
Sorry late to this Oddbillie.Great blog and surerb close ups as usual. You will not be wanting to go back to work at all after all this !
15 Aug, 2009
I loved this blog Ob....wonderful close-ups..vodka and all ....:>)
15 Aug, 2009
Thanks BB but did you have to mention work? The 3 weeks have flown by and I will be back at the healm in about 15 hours time - JOY!
Thanks also to you Motinot....vodka is goooooooood!!
16 Aug, 2009
Just dont fall down so much!!!!!!
16 Aug, 2009
Recent posts by oddbillie
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great blog OB, wonderfull close-ups,well done you :o))
9 Aug, 2009