The progression of a path......
By oddbillie
So 2 days ago, Ali took her son shopping and on her return, handed me a little pressie for working so hard in the garden. A bag of mealworm for the Robins and…….
…..these 2 little half-barrel tubs!
‘Thanks very much’ but you know what this means though……yes, you guessed it, another trip to the GC to find something to plant in them!!
So, seeing as we needed to get more bark and some other bits, that’s where we headed and came back with these 2 specimens….
CHRYSANTHEMUM – Gardenmum white. Very clean & fresh looking.
…and CALCEOLARIA – Sunset Orange Bicolour. Enchanting..
The Chrysanthemums look great in the smallest tub but unfortunately, the Calceolaria was too deep to put in the bigger tub so…..yes, we’re going tomorrow again to find a tub for it and something else for _this__ lonely tub! We do need more slabs for the path as well so it’s not just a frivolous trip to buy plants! Which leads me nicely onto the progression of the path.
After knocking out a layer or two of the hidden wall, we set to work raking the area, which, if you remember, was full of stones itself and after we had finished putting the turf, stones and the weeds that Ali cleared from the border under the conifers, we ended up with this little lot – a few trips to the tip next week methinks…..
….unless of course Gee, Tony Robinson and his Time Team do want to pay me a visit about the Roman wall? If they do, they can save us the trips and take as many bags of artefacts as they want!!
So, the night before last, the path looked pretty much like this….
So we laid the slabs out roughly where we wanted them We are looking for a sort of random look……
We took them back up and I raked out 7 bags of sand to roughly level the area a tad before the membrane went down. Then, I put the slabs back with a little quick dry cement under each one before putting the gravel around them. Because the positioning of the slabs changed slightly when they went back down, and seemd to be closer together, we didn’t have enough of them so as Ali is off for next week, we will be going for more tomorrow.
So, how does it look so far?
See for yourself…..
A couple more angles to show how it blends into the veg patch/GH area….
There’s still the other half to do which, we hope will be finished tomorrow/Tuesday, weather permitting, but it’s looking really good we think! I had the idea of the large rocks/stones in my head which Ali couldn’t picture but I think they give some depth to the path as you walk down. A border along the right hand side will soften this harder landscaping with planting to hopefully compliment the path. Can’t wait to start on the border but that’s for another day!
It’s been a lot of hard work and sweat……
…why the long face mate? It’s not like you had to do any of the work!’
Our peppers are coming on…
….and our chillies…..
…and our Winter bedding from last September is still blooming marvellous
Anyway, time is moving on and hopefully, so will the path tomorrow and if all else fails, I can always call on my new apprentice…..
Needs to sort his hair out first though!!
…to be continued!
9 Aug, 2009
Previous post: 'If I could talk to the animals....'
Next post: I'm leading you up the garden path.......
Sorry, OB, Tony Robinson is busy and I can't pedal on my trike that far either. Your path looks great but how did you manage to get Bruce Forsyth to part with his head? Didn't you do well?
9 Aug, 2009
Brilliant blog OB, & well done on the path! It's looking really good!
9 Aug, 2009
OB looking good, notice you have got my greenhouse, well like mine, but mine is only 6ft-4ft.
9 Aug, 2009
Thanks all for your comments.
SB: The grass runs down alongside the path but I will be taking more of it away to create a border - woo-hoo, more plants!! Ali wants to try and incorporate 2 more seating areas as well - one each end of garden. Watch this space!
We will keep a marginal amount of grass moreso for the colour, the softness and above all, the birds like it!
Gee: Give us a twirl my love!
MP: Thanks and hope the blog was worth waiting for!
Clarice: Ours is 8 x 6ft but what a nightmare trying to put the thing up. Made in China and 'annoyed' in Wales! lol! I managed to get a base of breeze blocks down to get it level as the garden has a gradual slope into the bottom left hand corner by the pond but weather stopped us putting the GH up for another 6 monthhs. Only went up in April!!
9 Aug, 2009
It certainly was worth waiting & waiting & waiting &................. for, sweetie!
9 Aug, 2009
You don't hang around do you? Every day something new in your garden, lovely to see it coming along so quickly. The path looks really good but what are you going to do when you've finished it all, won't be long at this rate! Yes I know, a garden is never 'finished' there's always another idea.....and another..... :o))
10 Aug, 2009
sounds great, i love seating areas, the sun moves around"when its here"so its nice to have a couple of areas to sit without dragging your chairs with you lol
10 Aug, 2009
lol SB! That's what Ali said so more expense! Have to get back on ebay for a bit to raise more funds.
Lily2: It's a case of doing it while I'm off to be honest. I had 2 weeks off - just starting 2nd one now - but also had the added bonus of a 3rd on when Ali had swine flu a couple of weeks ago. My staff didn't want me back in work so I end up with 3 wks off!!
We had the money there as we had been saving wih this in mind and not going away or anything. If I can get the hard landscaping done before I go back next Monday, the rest should be easier. I'm hoping to get a border dug out alon the path and I've got another 24 patio slabs to lift up - JOY!!
What will I do when I've finished it all?
Join an Interior Decorating blog site!! To be honest, it will be nice to be able to sit back and relax whilst we enjoy the fruits of our labour. Also, I'll have more time to catch up on everyone's blogs/pics on GoY as I'm trying to work through them all but it takes a while!!
MP: Glad you enjoyed!
10 Aug, 2009
I did indeed!
10 Aug, 2009
It's a full time job in itself working through all that GoY has to offer, don't know how people who go to work manage to do keep up and do gardening as well!
10 Aug, 2009
Ditto Lily!
10 Aug, 2009
Your garden is coming along very nicely, and quickly too.
12 Aug, 2009
It'll come to a halt now Silverbelle as money is running out and I return to work on Monday - HOORAY, a rest at last!!
12 Aug, 2009
Dont dare stop the blogs Dan!
12 Aug, 2009
Lol MP! I'll try not to. I will enjoy what we've done so far and then think of subjects for blogs. I've already got 2 in mind on the back burner for when work cease - temporarily, of course!!
12 Aug, 2009
OK, I'll let you off!
12 Aug, 2009
Off what????
I've not done or said anything....yet!
12 Aug, 2009
With stopping work, it's soooo much fun watching it!
BTW, I've decided to folloe the terrorJACdyl's orders, so from now on, you are DAN!!
12 Aug, 2009
Lol! No argueing with that!
12 Aug, 2009
12 Aug, 2009
Ahhh yes Gee and Ob, Brucie is looking really good these days but Anthea is looking a bit green in pic 14 :o)))))
12 Aug, 2009
Always did think her teeth were a bit crooked Bob!
12 Aug, 2009
Ok Dan! Progression of a kitchen part whoknows?
They've got the units in, electrics done, plumbing done (except my outside tap, that's gonna be a sneaky extra!) & my cooker back in! Just the painting & flooring to go! YAY!!!
It looks like a kitchen, I even got my washing done after 5 days without the machine!
I can get my clothes back in my wardrobe & fill the cupboards now!!!
Fridge & kettle still in living room, & it's still a buroch (mess) but it's all getting there!
12 Aug, 2009
Sounds great girl. Hope you're taking plenty of pics for the blog??
Does it mean you can also have a wash now?? :0)~
12 Aug, 2009
I've been washing, cheeky! The water was still on in the bathroom!
Yep, taking pics every day (where you can see a change!)
Not of the pile of ironing tho! Or the washing!
I'll need to iron nearly ALL of my clothes, not fair!!
12 Aug, 2009
Something for you to do when it's raining eh?
Ali does all the ironing here except my work shirts. She's not a fan either, I have to say.
On the positive side, at least you're starting to return to some the house, not with you :0)~
Ali was asking this morning if you've always lived in Perth?
12 Aug, 2009
I HATE ironing!
Normality? What's that???
No, I'm from Edinburgh originally but I've been in Perthshire for 10 years & Perth itself for 6.
12 Aug, 2009
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looking great OB, love the path and that area, have you any grass or not bothering with any? oops just seen some in last pic,,, sorry
9 Aug, 2009