Dan & Ali's delightful day out at Duffryn gardens #3 - The Final...
By oddbillie
Well peeps, it’s been a long but hopefully, exhilerating walk for us all and with the end in sight, let’s pick ourselves up and be on our way.
Now we’ve moved on to the area I last showed you at the end of #2 and these are some of the photo opps that arose for me. Enjoy and I’ll be back shortly…..
….and one more for the road….
A couple of Osteospermum – white….
….and purple
This is just a nice bed….
Smoke too many drugs and you get stoned!!
Another buzzly bee…..
Camoflagius Jacketaria – Kidenthia
Unsure what, but very nice….
This was on the same bush….
And so round to the front of the house….
Where we bump in to Dougal from The Magic Roundabout
And we stumble upon The Leaning Tower of Treeza
Dougal under blue sky…..
A nice tree….
….covered in Linda Barker’s wallpaper again….
Hey, fancy trying up there….?
Now wasn’t it worth walking up to….
A bit closer….
Let’s keep going up this little hill…
The view down from up there….
Nice tree…
Does this look like a face to you?
Nearly back near the start now and some lovely ferns….
We’re actually going to have one last look at the first part of the Arbortum, if that’s okay guys….?
I didn’t know that trees had bums……s’pose they gotta let off wind as well, from time to time!!
Now a few nice pics to enjoy….
Some tiny friends were resting on this fine tree
3rd one in a year
Anyone reminded of the car wash brushes as you drive through…..?
One of the nice touches for a couple of obvious reasons was that dotted about, were trees that had been planted in memory of ex-staff and others. Each has a little commemorative tag on them like this one:
and the tree planted for Geoff….
…..which hactually had really nice leaves and plenty of flourishing new groth…
Remember I said previously we were being followed? Well, there seemed to be 2 Speckled Woods that guided us round all the time we were there and as we were nearing the end of our fabulous walk, they each decided to give me one final photo opprotunity before flying off……
their cousin also paused for a quick photocall as well….
Tried carving our names into this tree but got carried away with the ole penknife…..
Calluna vulgaris – Elsie Purnell
Okay folks, that’s pretty much it. If you just want to wait in the car park whilst I pop in to the gift shop and I’ll be 5 minutes>
Only bought a couple of ceramic toadstools which look like this in their new home….
We may need a drink when we get back so how about a nice bottle of…….SLOE VODKA?
And at the price they charged me, it will be a ‘drunk VERY sloe vodka’!! Nearly choked at the price so hope it’s worth it.
And finally folks, just 2 pics that reminded me of WALTON MOUNTAIN. Don’t ask why and maybe youhad to be there to see it but it felt like it so here they are….oh, and thanks for joining us on this fab walk around Dyffryn Gardens……
G’nite Bobg…..g’nite Madperth….g’nite Sanbaz….g’nite Mookins….g’nite Lily….g’nite Fluff…..g’nite lincslass…..g’nite David….g’nite Clarice….g’nite Crazydi….g’nite everyone I missed………
PLEASE NOTE: NO trees were harmed during this walk!!
20 Sep, 2009
Previous post: Dan & Ali's delightful day out at Duffryn gardens #2.......
Next post: 'GoYs, glorious GoYs.....'
Thanks Sue, glad you enjoyed. Did you catch the first 2 parts as it was 'quite the walk'!!
20 Sep, 2009
Not as yet, but you can be sure I will ! ;-))) Got to get my puff back first, not as young as I used to be !! lol
20 Sep, 2009
Really enjoyed these blogs what a lovely place .to go the house looked very grand .I also liked the waterfall and your friends that took you round.It must take some looking after.Some smashing flowers was the single yellow a welsh poppy .
20 Sep, 2009
lovely blog Dan, enjoyed it, loved the trees and close-ups, think the white flower might be camellia, but might be wrong, anyway you aint done to bad with the kodak have you! so stop complaining lol :o)) ive enjoyed your`s and Ali`s blogs on your day , well done
20 Sep, 2009
Yay! Gifte Shoppe!
That was great, Dan, really enjoyed the tour!
Does look like a cammellia, that white one. Could be a magnolia stellata, but think they flower earlier in year. Dunno, but lovely, anyway!
Really good series of blogs, Dan and Ali.
20 Sep, 2009
yes magnolia are early Bscott, i like them to :o)
20 Sep, 2009
Good morning Dan! (well, afternoon!)
Lovely pics as always!
20 Sep, 2009
well done dan very good blog & pics, i almost felt i was there with you too..............oh i was :o)
just looked up magnolia and i think these ladies are correct xx
20 Sep, 2009
Thanks Mavis and glad you enjoyed it. Not sure about the Poppy but will try and find out for you.
San: You wouldn't believe how hard I had to concentrate with the Kodak....thanks for the comms and glad you liked it.
AFTERNOON Marie? Tired still....? :0( Don't overdo it girl.
Thanks Bscott. The gifte shoppe was only small but some good books in there. Bit expensive thoough for my liking!
20 Sep, 2009
Great tour great pics I loved the fern from underneath.
20 Sep, 2009
Think it's magnolia grandiflora. Thanks for a grand tour.
20 Sep, 2009
Love the dougal tree & the waterfall! And the angles you take pics from sometimes. We have those tinkling toadstools...get enough wind round here to set them off...& that's just the husband!!
20 Sep, 2009
Wagger beat me to it again - magnolia grandiflora which flowers off and on from June to September. The flowers only last about three days and smell strongly of lemons.
Nice walk though :-)
20 Sep, 2009
so is it the tree magnolia thats springtime then andrew
20 Sep, 2009
There are many different magnolias Sanbaz. M.stellata and M.soulangeana are the two you see most often in gardens and they both flower in the spring (the latter may carry a few flowers about now too)
20 Sep, 2009
thanx andrew :o)
20 Sep, 2009
can't say we noticed the lemon smell, but we couldn't really get that close to the blooms. The actual blooms were really large though approx 8" or more perhaps, the tree was really huge too. Very achitectural tree :o)
20 Sep, 2009
Brill blog and photos,
20 Sep, 2009
Great Blog OB. Enjoyed the tour very much........
Can anyone else see the 'tree sprite' in the 'Linda Barker' tree..........or have I had one too many today?...lol
20 Sep, 2009
...erm...one too many, SB! I think I got too sidetracked by the gifte shoppe to notice! Dan...they're always a bit on the dear side, aren't they? Great shame, but always worth a fossick around.
Thank you, Dan and Ali, really great!
20 Sep, 2009
LOL Dan! I got up at 9! But I was out finally getting round to dismembering the remains of the old sofa, got some useful wood & leather out of it but the foam had to go, full of damp spores, NOT good for the breathing!
Ali, You were pretty lucky seeing the magnolia in flower if theyre so short-lived! :~))
20 Sep, 2009
whats tree sprite silver... i see a shiny thing to the right
20 Sep, 2009
Think it's a soft drink made from tree bark and lemonade & lime....LoL!!
20 Sep, 2009
lol Dan grrrr :o)
20 Sep, 2009
Nah hated the blogs Dan they were terrible .... coz I wasnt there!!!! :o))))
Seriously though I loved reading through both Ali's and your blogs, the shots were great as usual and you have got some competition with Ali too, mind if you had a camera like hers just think how good yours would be :o)
That waterfall looked soooooooo peaceful and serene.
20 Sep, 2009
Lol Bob!!
Ali has the older camera which is still very good in fairness. We sort of look at things differently although tend to like similar, if that makes sense so the difference is sometimes there in the subject matter or angles etc.
The Kodak disposable is very good and great value for money - over 480 pics in one day......gotta be good value in anyone's book!!!
The waterfall was peaceful as was the whole place in general........
You'd love it there mate, I'm sure.
20 Sep, 2009
Kodak disposable my eye!! LOL!
20 Sep, 2009
marie, have you read the first part of this walk?
20 Sep, 2009
Yes, of course!!
20 Sep, 2009
Well then you will have seen the proof of my Kodak disposable on the 3rd pic.......
Why do people not believe me? Puh!
20 Sep, 2009
Puh!?? Wuss!
Because we KNOW about yourr super-duper new camera, dummy! LOL!
20 Sep, 2009
That is all poppy-cock marie to make me sound good!
It's just me and my lil ole Kodie for company.....:0)-
20 Sep, 2009
Aye, aye! And the band played 'believe it if you like'!
20 Sep, 2009
I'm believing you Dan I know what good pics you can get off of a box brownie so your Kodak disposable would blow it's socks off. And yeah I would love it there and I will get there one day, the Wales border is only 30 minutes away from us.
20 Sep, 2009
Watch it, Bob! I SHALL find you when you move up here!!
20 Sep, 2009
20 Sep, 2009
He laughs, but is it the foolish laugh of false confidence, or the nervous giggle of a scared man??? LOL!
20 Sep, 2009
Nervous giggle .... yes definately a nervous giggle :o))
20 Sep, 2009
Nite nite.
20 Sep, 2009
Night!! LMAO!
20 Sep, 2009
Morning Dan, This is a fantastic blog as were the other two. I haven't been ignoring them even though I've commented on Ali's (no sexist favouritism honest), just needed time to read them properly. Have been having trouble keeping up with GoY lately. It looks like the perfect place for a day out, how did you manage to get blue sky too? Love the waterfall and the pic of Cosmos, my favourite flower.
Thanks for the wonderful guided tour, I feel like I've been there. :o)
21 Sep, 2009
i aint been to Duffryn Gardens for years!!
Have you seen Changeling??
All joking aside your blogs are AWESOME!!!
Well done
22 Sep, 2009
you know how i know your...................
From the Cardiff area???
Coz thats where Duffryn is!!
22 Sep, 2009
Hi Changeling & Steve! Welcome to GoY!
22 Sep, 2009
geat blog..ive been mmeaning to go there. after seeing your blog i just might have to go there it looks lovely.
2 Oct, 2009
Well worth a visit Sandra. It's such a relaxing walk with so much to see. We will go back again, maybe in Spring with a picnic and hopefully the house will be open then too.
Thanks also for the help with my Aeonium. Will do as you say with the cuttings I thnik.
2 Oct, 2009
aeoniums root well water when u take the cuttings then only water once a month at this time of year. when the realy cold weather starts in november i stop watering mine altogether till feb/march..
i was invited to sell plants at dyffryn last year but it clashed with something and i couldnt go. but it looks lovely from your photos.
3 Oct, 2009
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11 Sep, 2009
Good Morning Mr. OB.
And you have certainly made it a good one with this lovely walk through a beautiful place !! I love getting out of the city and blogs like this allow me to do just that.
With the beautiful pictures and wonderful commentary, I really do feel that I was there with you. You've set me up for the day 'our kid' !
Lovely !!! ;-))))))))
20 Sep, 2009