Dan & Ali's delightful day out at Duffryn gardens #2.......
By oddbillie
So, are we all feeling refreshed and ready to move on?
Good, so let us commence with part 2 of our walk….
Just to let you know that this little fella won’t be joining us..
And as for Little & Large….
Time to start moving folks but I’m afraid I don’t recall the names of each section now so just enjoy the views…
Rosa- Baroness Rothschild
Rosa – Madame Isaac perriere
Sunny side up…..
With a few fuschias at the far end….
The circles on the underside of the arched bit are the reflections off the small pool below…
This is nice…
Stumbled upon these two little tykes who I fearded at first, may be trouble….but they turned out to be armless!!
Almost tropical…..or Torquay…
D’ya think pink suits me?
Love this pic….
Hmmmm….BIG trunk and which way to go….?
Zauschneria Californica…
Onwards and upwards….under the fallen tree….
At least my Hostas aren’t alone with the dreaded slugs!
Wonder what’s through here?…..
Forget that,…..just turn around and face the opposite way….
2nd one this year…..actually, 2nd one in years for me!
Just nice…
This one conjures up summer meadows….
Agapanthus – Blue Triumphator…
Scabiosa Caucasica – Perfecta Alba
Mighty BIG bee….
And on the one next to him….
Just a nice pic….
And love this one…
We’ve just walked through this area…
We’re still being followed….
Galium Odoratum…
Dead but delightful…
Beautiful tree and colours…
And then we turn a corner to see this wonderful site…..
Anyone for Croquet…..?
And as you walked down to the little borders, this is what you see in some of them looking back from whence we came….
Looks like the top of a jigsaw box….???
I just liked this photo….
The house looks very nice and hopefully open_, next time we visit!
The next couple were taken just outisde the back of the house…
Okay everyone, not long to go now but I think we’ll stop for a sandwich and a sit down before we push on with the final and shortest leg of our walk.
When we have had a quick snack, we will be moving on up to this area and beyond…..
Don’t go too far please as we need to stay together as a group!!
19 Sep, 2009
Previous post: Dan & Ali's delightful day out at Dyffryn gardens #1.......
Next post: Dan & Ali's delightful day out at Duffryn gardens #3 - The Final Steps.......
What a fantastic range of plants and colours. Love the topiary and the long views. The house looks well worth a visit too. Great photography, guess that must be Ali with the good camera? :)
19 Sep, 2009
Gorgeous walk, thanks, man that bee was a beaut. If only I can have a garden like that with 10 helpers I'll be happy.
Nice walk, but now for a cuppa tea hey Oddbillie
19 Sep, 2009
Glad the day turned sunny for you beautiful phot'os :)
19 Sep, 2009
Really like visiting places like this especially the gardens,thanks to both of you for sharing your day out,smashing photographs and love the captions..........
19 Sep, 2009
you are really good at taking pics, do you ever enter them in cmpetitions?
I always love your blogs
so a hearty thanks for the tour
x x x
19 Sep, 2009
Great tour OB...thanks honey...loving that Galium.
19 Sep, 2009
Okay so whats the very first bug, is it an earwig?
Great close-ups tho' and, as Mookins said, competitions should be entered with those. And it just goes to show that even dead flowers can be photogenic.
Brilliant tour Dan thanks again, is there a part 3?
19 Sep, 2009
Eeeeeeewwwww! Bugs again! You coulda warned me!!
The rest of the pics\were fab tho!
19 Sep, 2009
Hey Marie...where've you been?x
19 Sep, 2009
I sat down with a coffee & zonked last night! When I woke up I went straight to bed & slept for 12 hours!
I STILL feel tired! I was working today too!
19 Sep, 2009
Well thanks all, really glad i could share what we experienced. Really lovely place and sooooo full of photo opportunities. I took over 480 in total....so glad it's digital!!!
CD & Gee: Glad you liked the plants and yes Di, loads of ideas for sure.
Doon: 10 helpers and a sit-down mower......gotta have a sit-down mower!!
Aster: Yes, it was a cracking, sunny day albeit occassionally windy early on.
Lincs: Thanks for the kind comments. We're now looking into more places for next year as we prob won't have a BIG holiday again as lots to do here. Days out are good anyway!
Mookins: Thank you so much for the kind comments. Ali has been saying for weeks about entering my pics in to some comps but wouldn't know where to begin! We're having 2 of them put onto canvas as we speak - 1 for Ali and 1 for me. See how they look an all. She also says I should have my favourites on large print and put into clip frames for my little office so may do that. Have you been up for hubbys award ceremony yet for his photos?
Fluff: thanks kindly and not a bad Galium, is it?
Bob: Not sure what the first bug 'thingy' is to be honest! Chuffed that you also mention comps for my pics, it's quite humbling when you kind folk mention my pics in those terms. Who knows Bob, maybe I will look for a channel to enter them in comps? OH, and YES, part 3, 'the final steps', is on its way......
MP: I tried warning you about the bugs but you were asleep :0) You feeling any more awake now kiddo?
Thanks again all.
19 Sep, 2009
Well young lady...you take it easy! Too much work makes the Hatter a sleepyhead!
19 Sep, 2009
I think you should be looking for gallery space, get an exhibition going!
I'm a bit more awake thanks Dan! Of course I am, its night time!!:~))
I think the last couple of weeks caught up with me. Been a tad stressful!
But I'm fine!
You DO SOMETHING with those pics!
19 Sep, 2009
LOL! Fluff, I think you may be right!
19 Sep, 2009
Hubbys night is the 30th. See what happens if you do enter them, you get whisked away for nights out and all sorts. I have said to my hubby many times and Im sure bobg will agree as hes another photographer that you should always be loud and proud of your pictures
Loud and proud
x x x
20 Sep, 2009
Lovely pics, Dan! What a nice place for a day out. Right, I've had me snack...ready for the next bit...oooH is there a gifte shoppe?????
20 Sep, 2009
Excellent mookins. Is he getting excited, indeed, are you getting excited?
Just for you.....LOUD & PROUD!!!
20 Sep, 2009
B, why are you so excited about the gift shop?
20 Sep, 2009
Lovely blog, thoroughly enjoyed the variety of areas and plants (and even bugs). Particularly liked the aconitum and the dry eryngium heads - very artistic.
20 Sep, 2009
Can't help it, Marie....shopaholicitis...I just love gifte shoppes, though have to confess am sometimes disappointed by contents and even more disappointed when I can't waste money on what my husband calls 'fritterments'!! It ain't a day out if there's not a gifte shoppe to fritter money away in and a tea roome!!!!
Loved that Mme Isaac Perriere rose, we've got some of those, really tough and the perfume is heavenly!
Loved the ladybird pic!
21 Sep, 2009
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Great blog OB...thanks for taking us with you :)
Loads of great design ideas there....thanks for sharing :)
19 Sep, 2009