changing the colour scheme
By oliveoil
I have just learned how to change the colour scheme and print size on my internet page:
I clicked on Tools bar on the internet toolbar, clicked on Internet Options,
clicked on Accesibility, ticked all the options
then went back to the Internet Options Clicked on Colours and chose my own style colour and font colours
Click Page on the toolbar and you can change the text size also.
Hope this is ok for you all I managed it so am sure anyone can good luck
16 Oct, 2010
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Hey Oliveoil, I have done it, only took me a few mins. I now have my much loved GREEN screen and blue and orange fonts, very nice, you are brilliant, thank you so much. I am now a happy GOYer again!!
16 Oct, 2010
Great stuff, now you're classed as a tecky, lol, never too old to learn I knew we would get there if we persevered. lol
16 Oct, 2010
Thrilled to bits (now I can stop moaning on comments.Lol) !
16 Oct, 2010
Atleast one happy Gran out there then. Nope two cos I am so pleased I found out how to do it too.
16 Oct, 2010
One little drawback though, everything is green now! Can't win. Maybe I can continue moaning then because I am becoming a right 'victor' lately!
16 Oct, 2010
I know that one too, me and the OH we laugh at each other becoming Grumpy old Men and Women. lol it is soo sooo true to life that programme. Good to laugh though. keeps you young. lol lol lol!!!
16 Oct, 2010
Bye the way I like it all green, my favourite colour.
16 Oct, 2010
young and moany !!!! Lol :0)
16 Oct, 2010
16 Oct, 2010
Whoops we posted together there! I must get some housework done, not washed yet either!
16 Oct, 2010
I am off to shops now also, see who I can moan about doing their shopping. lol
16 Oct, 2010
By the way also, I mentioned your blog on the moany comments blog so maybe you will get more response later on!!
16 Oct, 2010
Have fun moaning, I seem to really like it!
16 Oct, 2010
I will!
16 Oct, 2010
very clever Oliveoil, mine was slightly different but thanks to your help i managed it ~ hadnt even thought of it being possible before ~ any more tips?
16 Oct, 2010
I appear not to have the same process as you describe Olive - I clicked on Tools but don't get the options you describe, internet options is not listed. Is it different cos I'm using Firefox?
16 Oct, 2010
No idea Bamboo, but all I did was use the Help programme on my computer and it told me what to do. Not that clever, just asked the question and it came up with the answer. Clever things these computers. Wish I could claim the expertese, but no not my brain, that would be really asking too much of it. lol.
16 Oct, 2010
Bamboo. I use Firefox and using Olives idea I've sorted it out.
Click tools> options > content > colours
and choose the ones you want and untick the boxes which says " allow pages to choose their own colours" and "use system colours"
This means that all websites will use your own colour scheme( There may be a way to make the colour changes only affect one website but I haven't figured that out yet. I'll let you know if I do or can anyone help?
I've tried a few colour schemes and the second to the blackest text on light grey works well but there are dozens of colour combinations you could try
16 Oct, 2010
Thanks Anchorman - my son just told me the same thing, but I'm not sure I want to change all the web stuff I do to the same colours...
16 Oct, 2010
I tried following your instructions, no avail....I've still got the same blue colours...think a phone call to the son-in-law is in order.
This grandma (nana) is still in the confusion zone despite your and Oliveoil's guidance.....hmmm
16 Oct, 2010
No good for me, changes every site I go to...
16 Oct, 2010
Same here, print was so small on Facebook (the only other site I've actually viewed so far) that I've gone back and reversed my actions.
16 Oct, 2010
Thank you,I am very happy to have my colours back
16 Oct, 2010
Are you using Internet explorer or Firefox Whistonlass.
My instructions will work for Firefox
Also I'm asking on another website to see if we can just change the settings on one website (this one) not all the ones we view.
I'll let you know
16 Oct, 2010
I will look forward to the answer on that one Anchorman, I also would like to keep my other sites different, but eh ho I like the green that I have got back into now. No glare any more eyesight says thank you and I don't have to sit back in my chair anymore to read the print. lol.
16 Oct, 2010
I'm using Firefox, not sure why it isn't working for me. Like Oliveoil I only want the changes on GOY....dont' want other websites changed. Ta, AM.
16 Oct, 2010
It wont change only GOY folks, it has to be all of them, but I am going to put up with that until the lads on here change us back to our green.!
16 Oct, 2010
Me too Grandmage, me too, I like it now the colour I have chosen.
16 Oct, 2010
Which colour have you got Olive.o?
16 Oct, 2010
It took a little bit of getting used to but now I prefer my other regulat websites in the colours I've chosen for GoY
I am using a medium black for text and a light grey as background and it is all very restful
16 Oct, 2010
Wake up, work to do !! I might try that, now I know which knobs to twiddle!
16 Oct, 2010
I have a sort of sage green with black print and dark green for other things.
Lot easier on the eyes, ANCHORMAN WAKE UP!!! no sleeping allowed, pleased you are getting used to it.
16 Oct, 2010
Olive how will we know if GOY changes back to green?? Lol and I now have light grey with purple text, its very smart and easy on the eyes.
16 Oct, 2010
I will have to pass on that one Grandmage, probably someone will complain LOL and then we will know, by golly we will know then. lol
16 Oct, 2010
16 Oct, 2010
I've tried but the only colour choices it gives me are blue grey and black lol.
Well I got rid of the ice colour but it's all white now. Oh why did they have to mess it all up :o(((
16 Oct, 2010
I have a lovely apple green !
16 Oct, 2010
Oh Dear :o((
All the other sites I look at have gone green aswell :O
What can I do now ?? lol
16 Oct, 2010
Nothing as far as I can see Hywel, sorry but think we have to put up with that for now.
16 Oct, 2010
I've been playing around with text and back ground colours and visiting my regular web haunts to see how the colours look and I'm now happy with the overall effect. I've chosen a mid green for text and a light grey for backround. This looks nice on GoY and OK elsewhere.
It is a bit of a shock seeing sites I've used for years in new colours but it's surprising how quickly I've got used to them . The main thing is non of them have the horrible white glare that GoY has ( until I fixed it )
I'd suggest people play around with colours until you find something which suits you .
Funnily enough I put one of my old regular sites back to the colours I had it set to before today and now I don't like it as much as when I have it set green and grey.
On the other site where I asked a question about changing colours on one site but not wanting to change colours on others they suggested this:-
It looks as though it will do the job but it might be a bit complex for me
16 Oct, 2010
The wikipedia link goes right over my head...but on a positive note I've fiddled around with all manner of colour combinations and I think I've found something that suits my webpages. I sure hope so....whew!!
Thanks for all the suggestions...not sure how I managed to sort it but it's looking good. :)
16 Oct, 2010
That's the ticket Whistonlass. :0)
Some colour variations look good on one site and less good on others but with experimentation a good compromise can be found.
I'm really please with the combination I've settled on which imo greatly enhances GoY and imroves many of the other sites I visit.
16 Oct, 2010
Sorry to have to amend your praise of my efforts, AM....but I've had to revert back to letting Ajay and Peter's colours stay for now!
I tried to go to my email inbox and couldn't read a thing so back to the drawing board again! Ugh!
I did try to edit/delete my previous post but I guess it didn't work...sorry to disappoint :(
16 Oct, 2010
Odd that. My email isn't affected at all.
16 Oct, 2010
My son thinks it's because you are using Outlook Express and I don't.
Not to'll all get sorted. Getting just too weary to try anything
16 Oct, 2010
Well at least we know we can do something else other than white now guys, we have given it our best shot, some you win some you don't we have all learned something in playing with our computer tools lol. Like I have said many times we are never too old to learn. Keep at it Whistonlass it will come right in the end. Good luck everyone.
16 Oct, 2010
It really is a big nuisance that so many of us on here have wasted hours of our lives trying to fix a problem which didn't need fixing.
Frankly other than the bigger photo I think I preferred everything about the old GoY set up
The bigger text is , I suppose, better for some although I guess most people wear glasses if they can't see normal sized text.. I certainly do.
Anyway at least I have a solution I can live with.
16 Oct, 2010
Ok Anchorman I am off to my bed, tired out all this thinking not good for my old brain. Goodnight everyone.
16 Oct, 2010
Brilliant the experts on the site I use to get answers to computer problems have given me an Ad on for Firefox users that allows you to modify text and colours by site so you can have different sites set up in different colours
I'll practice a bit with it and if I'm happy I'll give you the link on here
16 Oct, 2010
That looks a possibility, AM....but I'm not too good on understanding the computer jargon so I'll wait and ask my son-in-law to take me through the process. Just sent my son the link and he thinks it's a good solution. Ta muchly.
16 Oct, 2010
I've removed the link to the firefox ad on because I decided on balance I hadn't spent enough time using it Whiston. i'll check it out more tomorrow before reposting the link if I'm happy with it
16 Oct, 2010
Good plan...I'm a chicken when it comes to changing anything on my greatest recent lesson learned though was the "home" and "end" keys! It's saved me arm ache with all the scrolling up and down I was doing previously!
Tomorrow's another day....I'll just put all this computer technology to bed for the night....
16 Oct, 2010
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8 Apr, 2010
Brilliant Oliveo, will have a go, but give a few days to manage it,Lol !
16 Oct, 2010