Autumnal colour at Whiteswood all taken on 31st October 2011
By oliveoil
This is the colour on the last day of October this year, it is pretty amazing, mild day, quite cloudy but it makes you glad to be alive with such spectacular colour in the garden in Autumn – hope you are all getting some nice weather too it all helps pass on the dreary months. I could not believe how dark it became and so quickly last evening, not looking forward to the next 7 weeks then hopefully it will start and improve – well daylight wise it will.
The wood (which is about 80 acres in size) is mainly oak and so has not really started to change colour up to this moment, but the self set Silver Birch trees are an amazing yellow, some have lost most of their leaves but a lot still hanging on in there.
This year, I am thinking that I should leave the borders to die down a little bit more naturally.(last year I cleared up the borders at the end of November). My thinking last year was that I would not be able to see the spring bulbs if I did not clear out the borders they are planted with crocus, narcissi, miniature iris and daffs with odd tulip bulbs dotted around and about. But I wondered, after the very hard winter we had if the plants would have benefitted from the cover of dying and dead plant materials. I have decided not to do much clearing away and leave it to die down more naturally this year and not to start the big clean up until after the christmas festivities. Well that is the plan and of course if will be reliant upon weather, hopefully not as much snow as in the last two winters. Well that is the plan, I do not know if I can stand to leave it untidy through the next couple of months or not. Your views on this would be helpful, I am wondering what everyone else does. I suppose you could call it an experiment for or against an autumnal clear up. Only time will tell of course as to which is the best way. Enjoy your gardens while ever you can and I hope that you are getting some mild weather to be able to walk out in your own gardens.
31 Oct, 2011
Previous post: Heucheras and Autumnal Colour at Whiteswood
Next post: Absent without permission!!! LOL but hopefully back now for some time.
Hope you have a good day Annella thank you for looking. It has been a lovely weekend weatherwise. Think though we might just pay for our lovely autumn. I hope it isn't as bad as it was last year, I cannot stand the cold weather. Like to see the snow and icicles but am always pleased when it has gone.
31 Oct, 2011
It's hard to imagine at the moment being so mild.
31 Oct, 2011
I love the red berries on the holly :o)))
Well done Annella, on cutting the grass !
31 Oct, 2011
I know Annella, the only thing spoiling it is the early dark nights. :o((((
I do too Terra, they were very early as well this year, hope they stay on there until it is time to deck the fireplace at Christmas.
31 Oct, 2011
Yes ... I wonder how long the berries will last ..
In my gardens, the robin is enjoying those on the pyracanthas ...
31 Oct, 2011
I'd leave it alone. It will be so dark soon, you won't be able to see much of it anyway.
31 Oct, 2011
Can't believe this mild weather Olive ,lets hope it lasts a bit longer. I wouldn't imagine your garden ever looks untidy. I leave perennials that have seed heads for the birds and other perennials that maybe slightly tender.Agapanthus flower heads I leave on as the frost on any flowers like these look effective in winter.I always tidy the leaves around all the roses to prevent disease (blackspot etc.) going into the ground.Leaves in other parts of the borders ,I pile up around any tender plants such as penstamens.I do like to see clean borders , but all I do is when it gets to very early spring I either dig the leaves in that are left or clear them up.
31 Oct, 2011
Lovely pictures Olive.
I have tidied up some of my garden already because the weather has been dry for the last 3 weekends here. I am at work during the week so I have to make the most of Saturday/Sunday (luckily I can access the internet during my lunch break at work - so it's not all bad!!).
I think it is one of those questions where there is no right or wrong answer - it's just down to personal preference.
Whatever makes you happy.
31 Oct, 2011
Your garden looks lovely Olive, the berries are a grand sight to see, we are experiencing a beautiful show of colours, both in our gardens and the countryside. Love the pots with the cyclamen, I simply cannot keep them at all, I keep trying but they do not seem to like me at all, lol.
After last winter its difficult to know what to do for the best, I keep clearing the leaves off my bottom lawn but I`m leaving them on my beds and borders, I just knock them off the shrubs and plants, its damp and dull here today but is still very mild, so I keep having a potter here and there between housework, like you I do not like the dark nights at all as to the snow I like it on xmas cards....
Lovely to see your garden Olive...
31 Oct, 2011
Really a beautiful garden you have Oliveoil. Plenty of autumn colour.
31 Oct, 2011
Thank you everyone for your lovely comments.
1 Nov, 2011
I have really enjoyed watching the progress you have made during the Summer in your lovely garden ... and it still looks lovely at the end of October ... well done! . . . . .
1 Nov, 2011
lovely pics and your garden looks lovely at time of year :o))
2 Nov, 2011
Thank you girls, glad you have enjoyed looking at the garden, hope you are well and enjoying your gardens still, weather is changing now, had a little rain this week, but daytimes have been really sunny and mild. Hope it stays like this all through November. Fingers are crossed. Thanks again.
2 Nov, 2011
It all looks so lovely Mum. I think perhaps you are wise to leave it all. They do advise that don't they. I can never do it of impatient and too tidy, but I think it will help if we get more awful frozen weather again...let's hope not though....still lovely and mild for now.
5 Nov, 2011
Thanks Karen, so far have managed to keep my hands off the dying plant matter. I have planted a Cornus Controversa? (think that is how you spell it) and a Abelia (the yellow leaved type - supposedly evergreen) in the bare bit in which used to be the Plum tree border and just done a bit of weeding and preparation for the roses arriving. Hopefully they will be here soon. Hope you enjoyed your hols the pair of you and that Rachel and Callum are ok after the trials of MOLLY dog. lol. In fact hope Molly is ok after the trials of Rachel and Callum probably more to the point!!!
6 Nov, 2011
lol...too right! :)) x
6 Nov, 2011
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They are lovely pics Olive. I had a nice weekend out in the garden and even cut the grass but back at work today.
31 Oct, 2011