Tomato plants disaster?
By pennyplant
Well, I said I wouldn’t grow any toms this year because in 2009 and 2010 my attempts were an absolute disaster.
But, never a one to be beaten, especially by a mere tomato, I popped some in and, low and behold, they too were a total disaster!!!
SO, deciding to give them one more try I put some seeds in the greenhouse. HURRAH!! Success, or so I thought until this afternoon, when a friend told me I was growing them in the wrong soil/compost!!!
All I want to do is eat one of my own, homegrown, tomatoes. Will I ever win? Answers on a postcard please:-(
4 May, 2011
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Penny, if they are growing, just go with it! What happens to them? Have you just planted the seeds? Is there any growth? As Oliveoil says, what sort of compost are you using? Keep at it...they'll pop up when you're not looking!
4 May, 2011
I'm with the above..if they growing carry on...
4 May, 2011
Oh yeah, I agree keep growing them on, we all have our own ideas, likes and dislikes, the end result is what counts, I wish you every success with them....
4 May, 2011
no stamps ~ thought i had better write the comment on here.
would you be happy to buy a little plant to start with and do the rest yourself?
4 May, 2011
ive got 36 growing now,last year they died on me like you,so i put in that many i thought one has to make it,and i just plonked them in any compost,they have all come up but in the poly tunnel not outside like last year,go for it girl
5 May, 2011
I grow them every year andstart the seeds in march in a propagator in multipurpose compost, the move out of there has been easy this year as its been so warm ( it can be tricky in cold springs)they are now in 3" pots and they still get covered with bubble plastic at night-- they'll soon be moving into grobags but never outside-- too windy and uncertain here for any success outdoors
5 May, 2011
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28 May, 2011
Oh dear, what sort of compost were you using then Penny? Have another go, don't be beaten, he who dares wins!!!! eventually. Sorry no postcard available. lol. Keep going.
4 May, 2011