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Marmy having one of her ' all day ' naps


By Amy

Marmy  having one of her   '   all day '  naps

well she is nearly 20 ....

Comments on this photo


Bless her. I bet the gravel was nice and warm. She's beautiful.

8 Aug, 2009


wow amy you must have looked after her so well, thats very old, she`s so sweet

8 Aug, 2009


Wow hope Smokey's kidney's keep going then for a few years, 3 more years and he'l be there.

8 Aug, 2009


Sounds as though Smokey is doing just fine Carole a good age as well ..

She is dreadfully pampered Sandy , she will only eat prawns I have to go to Iceland to buy the cheapest bags they have , she has science diet plus her favourite little treat biscuits ...
The birds feed right next to her.. they know she hasn,t got the energy to chase them ....LOL..
In the evening as soon as hubby reclines in his chair she,s there spread out on his knees ..........

8 Aug, 2009


well if you remember i said angelina never catches or attacks anything, not true anymore :o( i caught her with doormouse, she had give it a stomp but no blood or anything, took her in and got a spade to pop the little mouse somewhere safe, i know im soft but it was so cute and i felt so sorry, anyway it started to get itself together and walk, when i went back to check the little mite had gone, so think it was ok,

8 Aug, 2009


I,m sure it was Sandy they are very quick to move themselves , I,ve never seen a Doormouse !!

8 Aug, 2009


first one in my garden as far as ive seem, bigger ears than a normal field mouse, well i think ive got it the right way about lol

8 Aug, 2009


Aww Amy, Marmy is lovely - what a grand old age. My Jessie is 17 next February - I dont know what I will do when she's gone :-( She is so fussy with food these days though, maybe I should try her with prawns too, lol. One day she likes certain cat food and the next she doesnt.

8 Aug, 2009


dawn angelina is exactly the same, i have so many differant boxes, sachets and biscuits its untrue lol

8 Aug, 2009


Jess stays in alot now and I think she misses the kill factor. I think if I could buy tinned mouse she'd be fine, lol. Somedays she likes cooked chicken, some days she like HiLife and some days she like Sheba Pate but then she doesnt - I waste so much food, little madam.

8 Aug, 2009


San and Dawn i echo everything you've just said about different foods !
Sooo many sachets that won't get eaten !
One of mine likes prawns too !
Last Xmas i treated myself to 2 bags of jumbo king prawns and guess who had the lions share ...... ?
A Maddie cat, that's who !!!!!

8 Aug, 2009


We have wasted so many packets and tins of cat food only to throw it away , we have found it better to give her a smaller amount of something she does like .. Prawns ...supplimented with science diet at least it gets eaten , we have another problem she seems to forget when she has eaten and comes in for it at strange times of the day .. we try to make her wait until her normal times but she usually wins and gets another portion .. LOL..

8 Aug, 2009


Amy she looks so comfy and contended a truly great old Lady,

8 Aug, 2009


I'm so pleased to hear all our elderly cats are the same, I was beginning to think something was wrong with Jess. Amy, is Science Diet dried food? Jess likes a little often too, she is quite demanding but I love her :-)

8 Aug, 2009


i find i have to keep some dried food in a dish for angelina, so if she doesnt like or want wet food she has something there, i pass my sachets onto my neibour so they dont get wasted, likes beef doesnt like beef, likes chicken doesnt like chicken, likes fishy doesnt like fishy lol

8 Aug, 2009


Yes the science diet is a dried food Dawn , they have one to suit all the different stages and ages of the cats life , it has everything in it that a cat needs so anything you give it on top of that is extra and a treat , marmy likes it and shes fussy ... :o)

8 Aug, 2009


i may try that amy, do you get it from pet store or supermarket

8 Aug, 2009


Oh San, its so funny they are all the same. Jess always has dried food around but doesnt really eat much. I'll get some of the Science Diet Amy - maybe a small packet, lol - just in case but sounds hopeful if Marmy likes it. Some days I've been so frustrated that I've opened a tin of tuna and up she turns her nose, lol.

8 Aug, 2009


You can buy science diet from the vets or some garden centres sell it , Jollies if you have one near you ...... buy a small one to start with because it is expensive , it,s worth it if they like it they only ned a small amount at a time , it comes in different flavours . chicken for seniors is popular ...

Let me know how you get on ... LOL..
I didn,t know they were all so fussy ..........

8 Aug, 2009


thanx amy will ask at vets, i know he does john welbeloved, something like that anyway, funny name lol

8 Aug, 2009


You,re right ..LOL.. it is a funny name Sandy .. :o)

8 Aug, 2009


~you can get Science diet from Pets at home but it is much cheaper online~
I used to get it for our dogs when they were young but I now buy Nature Diet trays which are cheaper and I think just as good!

8 Aug, 2009


I've got Bonnie on James Wellbeloved Sandra, its a lite diet as she's gradually put weight on since she was spayed. I thought I would try Jess on their dried food so sent for a small free sample, but she didnt like it. I got the J Wellbeloved online Arlene from G J W Titmuss Ltd - I'll check if they doe Science Diet.

8 Aug, 2009


I haven,t heard of Natures Diet trays Arlene , I will see if I can get a sample .........

8 Aug, 2009


These pets are such a worry, lol.

8 Aug, 2009


Hi Dawn~
~have a look at this and .

8 Aug, 2009


Thanks so much for this Arlene, was wondering where to find it, I'll take a look.

8 Aug, 2009


~i mix the meat with biscuit for the dogs and they love it they get a third of a tray each twice a day~I wonder if Natures Menu is the equivalent for cats.I have got to say I am not a big lover of dried food I think it affects the kidneys adversely unless the animal drinks loads of water.
I am looking after Dexter at the moment and I have to feed him and ours separately as he would love to have what they are having ! ~ instead he gets dried.What it does mean is that he will eat anything in sight that he finds on walks whilst mine are not bothered ~ some of what he finds is not very good for him I can tell you!

8 Aug, 2009


thats it dawn "james " not john thanx

8 Aug, 2009


Well it sems us animal lover at least have similar diet probs, Polly my dog, has always had Hillls science diet biscuits, combined with either chicken , tuna and very occaisonally tinned dog food, but as she is now quite poorly she seems to be rejecting most foods except chicken, so I still offer small quanties of Hills diet buiscuits along with chicken or fish depending on how she is, I think as our pets grow older they should be given what they like, as the saying goes a little of what you fancy does you good!

8 Aug, 2009


Marmy has the same colouring as Blodyn. She's beautiful :o)
Blodyn is a fussy eater too - well all cats are really. She will only eat her food if I put her dish where she wants it. If she wants it under the table that's the only place she'll eat it. If she wants it over by the door or outside on the decking or half way up the stairs it's no good trying to get her to eat it anywhere else lol
She also gets little and often. It's no good keeping a cat to specific meal times. They will just waste it. And inbetween they'll go rummaging in bins. I've found it best to give them a little bit when they want it.

9 Aug, 2009


I chuckled at that Hywel !
You're right, they want it where THEY want it ! NOT where YOU want it !!!!!
And yes, they ARE grazers .... they'll keep going back to eat unlike a dog which will scoff the lot all at once !

All our GOY cats sound the same don't they ? :))))

9 Aug, 2009


Wow , and I thought my old pusskins was the only awkward one ... LOL...

9 Aug, 2009


Hywel i find Smokey eats more if i only give him a bit at a time, know it says do not put in fridge, but Smokey will only eat his meat if its been in fridge,think thats why he likes just a bit at a time,then it does'nt go warm in his dish.

9 Aug, 2009


Like Amy says, I thought my Jess was the only awkward one too, I feel much happier now I know she is not the only one. Sometimes Jess will turn her nose up at the food and then I tip it into a different dish and she eats it - oh dear, I dont know.

9 Aug, 2009


I have tried all sorts of dishes Dawn even flat plates , she pushes that all on the floor .. why do they have to splatter it all everywhere anyway ...LOL..

9 Aug, 2009


I know what you mean and also, why do they always have to leave a bit, lol.
Jess sometimes seems to make eating hard work, her teeth are fine but I dont worry now as she can still eat a mouse with no trouble, bones and all, lol.

9 Aug, 2009


LOL .. I can,t remember the last time Marmy caught a mouse at least not that we have seen .. she use to bring them inside , I thought she had brought a rat in once it looked so big beside a cupboard in the porch .. it was a baby rabbit .............

9 Aug, 2009


Jess used to go over the road and bring baby rabbits home too Amy. So sad I know but what a sight seeing a cat dragging a rabbit along the road with cars stopping to let her pass.
In fact, Jess went out the other morning and when I got back from taking Bonnie for a walk there was sadly the remains of a dead bird by the back door - nature I know - there's life in the old girl yet

9 Aug, 2009


Oh....lovely Marmy.......all warm in the sun....shes very happy there Tedward is very picky too, and only one year old! He has never eaten catfood, wouldn't touch it, only certain cat biscuits and Co-op sandwich ham, honey roast please......every day. We end up having cheese and pickle and Ted has honey roast I doing something wrong????? Lol!

12 Aug, 2009


You sound like me Janey! I was feedind Smudge prawns the other day & realised I hadn't kept any for me!!
I think ALL cat's are funny eaters! Smudge thinks she should be fed whenever I go into the kitchen,whether she's eaten the last lot or not!! A bit of a problem right now, since half of the kitchen is in the living room right now!
But at least what she doesn't eat doesn't go to waste, I give it to the hedgehog!!

15 Aug, 2009


Janey ... LOL... they really do use us don,t they ! and we are silly enough to let them ....:o)
Marmy comes running in everytime she hears the microwave 'ding' because her prawns are frozen I put them in her dish covered with cold water and defrost for a few seconds ..... she now thinks that prawns are coming out every time it 'dings' she will sit there waiting for ages for them ......

15 Aug, 2009


Sounds about right! Lol!

15 Aug, 2009


Oh, Smudge and Marmy......prawns, Ted would snickle his nose up at anything fishy, even his ham has to be the right temperature, not straight from the fridge thank you very much, 'twill be silver service next m'lud!! Lol!

15 Aug, 2009


I tried Jessy with the prawns Amy - she ate them the first day :-) but turned her nose up the 2nd day, lol. So, I bought some seafood sauce so I can eat them, lol. She enjoyed a Sheba dome yesterday though. I'm going to the vets with her on Tuesday :-( She seems to have an ear infection and her hearing doesnt seem great :-(

15 Aug, 2009


Hope she'll feelbetter after Tuesday Dawn....:o)

15 Aug, 2009


Thanks Janey, I hope so too.

15 Aug, 2009


Poor Jessy! Here's hoping she'll be ok!

15 Aug, 2009


Ahh poor Jessie , I hope it can be quickly sorted out Dawn , she might have picked something up from the garden ... Let us know how she gets on x

15 Aug, 2009


Janey , is it you ! you keep going to Normandy hall and coming back with these grand ideas .. Ted will have a bow tie on next ...LOL...

15 Aug, 2009


Thanks everyone. I thought she just had a grass seed in her ear or something like that. At least the vet can look inside, she wont keep still for me. I'm taking her to see the vet that knows her :-)

15 Aug, 2009


Aww - lovely Marmy - she looks so content Amy :-)

Enjoyed reading all the above - my Birtie is just the same!! Sometimes she likes Whiskers pouches. Then she goes off them, so I have to make a special trip to Aldie to get Vitacat. Only now, she's decided she doesn't much care for that either. Sometimes she'll only eat the ones in gravey, then it's the ones in jelly........ Her 'thing' at the moment is that she wont touch tuna! What sort of cat doesn't like tuna?! Thing is, just about every variety box you can get has a packet of tuna in it and they are starting to pile up......... naughty Birtie-birts..... :-S

4 Sep, 2009


Hello Sid, hope you're OK. OMG, same here with Jess. Her ears are sorted now, build up of wax and drops from the vets for a week have cleared that up. She seemed to pick up on her food when she initially felt better but back to being fussy again. She liked Sheba domes last week but doesnt like those now - What, a tablespoon of whatever at 75p, but no. Tried her with prawns that Marmie likes, ate them once but not now. Jess has never been a big fish fan, more turkey and chicken - I'll keep trying different ones, she's even gone of cooked chicken .... pity I cant buy mouse in a can, lol.

4 Sep, 2009


Sid Marmy dosn't like Tuna either , she even turned her nose up at prawns the other night and for the first time in ages had a little carton of Felix cod and haddock , she looked as though she was enjoying it but then wouldn't have it again !! I try not to buy a mixed pack ' cos theres always some they dont like ..

Dawn , you could buy some mouse traps ... LOL...

4 Sep, 2009


Theyre as fussy with food as I am!!
Spoilt rotten! Smudge has had prawns, raw steak, smoked sausage & bread & butter this week!

4 Sep, 2009


Amy, I think mouse traps could be the answer. Jess is back to turning her nose up at most things but she craves for raw meat, yuk. She's gone off cooked chicken but likes the fatty bits that I cut off the raw chicken breasts and she also meeoows for raw minced beef - how strange they are.

8 Sep, 2009


Snap ...Marmy does that Dawn .. if I am cutting raw chicken she's there at my feet in seconds and with the raw mince ... I even started to buy and freeze little portions of mince taking a little portion out the night before to make sure it had properly thawed for her , she had it a couple of times and then didn't want it , I think she might have known it had been frozen , these cats are very clever you know ..LOL.. plus I wasn't sure if raw meat was good for her ... it must be alright .. they don't catch anything cooked do they ..LOL..

8 Sep, 2009


Oh dear Amy, these cats give us the run around dont they, lol. I was worried the raw stuff wouldnt be good for them either. At one time she loved cooked ham and chicken but no longer, sigh. I'm sorry to hear that Marmy has gone off her prawns. Jess still likes those Sheba domes at the moment, but only the blue ones, ha ha. I'll get her some tomorrow :-))

8 Sep, 2009


When smudge was unwell last year all she would eat was raw mince! And I had to hand feed her it! She lived wild for a while before I got her & LOVES raw meat!
She likes processed as well! Smoked sausage is the ltest!

8 Sep, 2009


Hi Madperth - to be honest, I think Jess misses killing and eating raw meat. Her hearing is poor now too and she doesnt wander far, which I'm pleased about. She'll sit on the drive in the sun and that's about it. I hope Smudge is OK now after her illness, the hand feeding must have worked well. I may get Jess some smoked sausage, lol. I'll ask the vet, next time I go, if its OK for them to eat raw mince etc. it must be, I would imagine.

8 Sep, 2009


Smoked sausage ! thats a new one , do you mean like the continental type Madperth ... not with garlic ..LOL..

8 Sep, 2009


Yes! She adores garlic!! And pity help me if I have a peppermint aero without giving her some!
She likkes the mmmmmmmmmmmmm one too!

8 Sep, 2009


Really .. LOL.. well thats given us a few new things to try Dawn LOL..

8 Sep, 2009


Hi Dawn! Yes, raw mince is great for them, they get their raw fix, & you know what theyre eating! I HAVE been known to get Smudge raw minced rabbit from the butcher!!
Thanks she's fine! Arthritic, bossy & bad tempered, but fine!!!

8 Sep, 2009


I'm pleased to hear that Madperth .. Thanks :o)

8 Sep, 2009


:~)) I think its instinctual for them to want raw meat, & I froze it in ice-cube trays when she was ill, & defrosted a little at a time. Now I use slightly bigger containers! I used to have an old fashioned mincer that was great! I have also used the blender to mince prawns forher, maybe Marmy doesnt want the efffort of chewing a whole prawn?

8 Sep, 2009


Ah Ha shes gone back to eating prawns Madperth , maybe she wanted a change ..LOL.. I will still try other things to give her a change sometimes ..:o)

9 Sep, 2009


Smudge has too! It must be a prawn week! Unreal, I'm totally skint, & my cats getting my prawns!! :~}

9 Sep, 2009


I did try her on crab sticks once Madperth . cut into small sections , she actually liked them for a while and they are cheaper .. :o)

9 Sep, 2009


AH!!! Thanks! I'll definitely try that!

9 Sep, 2009


Marmalade is becoming even more peculiar , she has stopped eating her science diet or any other kind of food and will only eat her prawns if we hand them to her one at a time , she is behaving like a child or a baby that needs to be spoon fed , is it old age ? , I think it must be she's healthy otherwise .!!!

29 Sep, 2009


Ooo - hello ladies - I'd forgotten about this thread! I'm So glad that Birts is not the only fussy one! Only, she's still a young-un - what's she gunna be like when she gets old? lol

All this reminds me of my sister's cat. She adopted her in Thailand (she's a 'soi cat', soi is the Thai word for street, i.e. a stray). They don't really sell cat food over there - the cats get scraps. So my sister fed her on tins of sardines in tomato sauce!! She loved them - lapped up the tomato sauce as well! And she'd sometimes get fresh prawns too lol My sister is back in the UK now and puss is in quarantine for another couple of months. Wonder what she's being fed in quarantine...........??

29 Sep, 2009


I haven't tried sardines Sid that might be worth a try !
Your sisters cat will probably try everything on offer , then turn her nose up until someone gives her sardines in tomatoe sauce ' cos she's missing them and your sister ... LOL....

29 Sep, 2009


I bet she's missing the warm weather too! My sister was talking about knitting the cat a jumper last time I spoke to her LOL

29 Sep, 2009


It was kind of your sister to adopt and bring the stray cat home with her Sid , she must have fallen in love with it , or did it tag on and creep into her luggage .. LOL.. I,m sure it will miss the warmth especially arriving in time for our winter months , I guess it will lay claim to the fireplace , it might need a little bonnet as well as a jumper :o)

29 Sep, 2009


It's quite funny actually - my sister loves cats, but her husband hates them and has always banned her from having one. But this little kitten turned up at their home in Bankok and, of course, my sister started feeding her and fell in love with her! So, puss moved into teh house 'through the backdoor' and once the kids and my sister had got all attached to her, then hubby couldnt really say no could he?! Actually, there were other kittens my sister had started to feed and were becoming very tame, but she said it cost over £1,000 to bring the one cat back to teh UK, what with vaccinations, flight and quarantine and she simply couldn't afford to bring the others, although she wanted to. Although she did pay to have several ones neutered/spayed - the ones tame enough to catch. She's such a pretty puss - sort of coffee coloured all over but with these little flecks of cream - most unusual.

Cute thought, the bonnet x-)

29 Sep, 2009


My husband never wanted a cat either Sid , our daughter had always been in the habit of rescuing animals and bringing them home , she brought Marmalade home one xmas, she had rescued it from a centre . it had been found in a layby tied up with wire .
Guess where it is every evening , and is right now , yes ! curled up on his knee ... LOL..
Well I think it was a very kind thing to do to bring the puss all this way home especially with the expense and to do something for the others left behind !!
The colour sounds very pretty ,, sounds like a fudge .. :o)

29 Sep, 2009


Ah, they worm their way into your heart don't they :-) Last time I visited them in Thailand often in the evening puss would be curled up right next to sis' hubby on the sofa ;-)

Just to change the subject tho, you know the catfood you can get that has peas and carrots in it - does anyone's cat actually eat the peas and carrots? Birtie very carefully eats around them, leaving a scattering of peas in her bowl lol Don't blame her - who ever heard of a cat eating peas and carrots?!

30 Sep, 2009


Hi Sid, Jessy is like Birtie, she would never touch veg. She's so fussy with her food again just lately, its a real worry.

30 Sep, 2009


Marmy dosn't ear veg. either .. I think they only put them in so that they can put less meat or fish in .........
Today Marmy has eaten and enjoyed some James wellbeloved ocean fish complete food , they are very tiny biccys perhaps they are easier for her to crunch ..
Hi Dawn , they are a big worry aren't they , I think we worry more about what to give them than we do ourselves .. .!!

30 Sep, 2009


Very true Amy.

3 Oct, 2009


And i'll second that !!!

Amy, James Wellbeloved and Royal Canin (not canine) both do small size biscuit, i buy R C for mine.
Millie doesn't have any teeth so has to swallow biscuit whole or 'gum' them instead of crunching so it has to be very small so that she doesn't choke.

3 Oct, 2009


I think thats the answer Louise , you know I didn't realise just how hard the science Diet is until Marmy stopped eating it , you get so use to tipping it in a dish without touching it , I tried to squash a piece in my fingers and you couldn't , it's so hard , she can manage the tiny ones much better also if I put a few at a time on the floor instead of in the dish she eats them better ........

3 Oct, 2009


Did you see Fluffs blog about cats & tuna, within that a member said that cats lose their sense of smell as they get older and I'm sure this is Jessy's problem. I know its not the best way to go but she did eat some dog food the other day, just because it smelt stronger, I know she needs protein from cat food but this is better than nothing, occasionally. I must get some RC, thanks Louise.

3 Oct, 2009


You're welcome Dawn :-)

The RC i give is 'Light' but there are a lot of different types, a lot imply that they're only for specific breeds but i just go by the size of the biscuit !

I buy from a small independent pet food supplier and they'll actually open packets and let me see the shape and size of biscuit !

Amy, Whiskas make a very small pack of treats which are biscuits, the biscuits are miniscule, try Marmy on them too :-)

4 Oct, 2009


I haven't seen Fluffs Blog Dawn I will have to look for it ... when we had a dog Marmy would sniff the dog food and then walk away ... she would stand in the queue with him though when I was cutting up meat .. LOL.
I will have a look for the tiny treats Louise , she likes the Tesco Combinos Treats with chicken and cheese , they are like little pillows , soft and crunchy with a soft centre .. sound good enough for us don't they ..LOL..

4 Oct, 2009


Yes, they do :-)))))

4 Oct, 2009


OH, Cheese! Now you're talking! Birtie can hear a packet of cheese being opened a mile off and if she sees you go near the fridge, she's there!

Birtie gets gingivitis (sp?), which is a worry and she goes off her biscuits and then her meat. Nobody knows what causes it. She's a young cat, healthy, doesnt get unhealthy treats - makes me feel like I'm doing somethign wrong when her teeth get sore :-( I read on teh internet that one cure is to have all their teeth removed.......over my dead body!!!

6 Oct, 2009


Sid, Millie had to have her teeth removed at 7 months old because of the same gum disease.
She just couldn't feed herself because of the pain.
I wept and wept when i was told her teeth had to come out, wept again on the day but ..... afterwards ...... it was like a light going on Sid :-)))
She never looked back, eats and eats and loves her food :-)))

Apparently, cat flu is one of the main causes for the gum disease.

6 Oct, 2009


Oh really Louise? That's very interesting! I am sure I would be VERY upset if her teeth had to come poor beautiful pusscat!! She's had it come back about 3 times now and each time she has antibiotics and it clears up. She's had all her jabs, so not cat flu. Her head is a bit 'squashed ' tho lol bless her. She had a bad ear infection when I first had her and she has a weepy eye sometimes. Seems she's just prone to head-things. Vets gave me a free packet of food for her to try - she did like it so will get some more.

6 Oct, 2009


The eye and the ear 'thing' is the same as Millie, Sid :-/
Millie had antibiotics a few times before the teeth came out too.

6 Oct, 2009


How sad I haven't come across this before , how lucky for your puss cats to have found such loving ' parents ' to love and take care of them ..

I'm trying something new for Marmy .. I bought a couple of tins for her to try , it's called .. Purely ...ocean fish in a succulent jelly 50% fish , no artificial preservatives .. 44p a small tin .. she absolutely loved it .. and has almost finished the second tin , the pet store I bought it from is a 28 mile round trip for me .... you can't win can you ! by that time she may have gone off it and want something different ..LOL...

6 Oct, 2009


Louise - that's a coincidence.... I did say to the vet last time that I thought she was prone to head things. She gave me that look that says. "look if you think you can do my job, why are you here?" LOL I find I get that look from computer technicions too..... Anyway, she didn't suggest taking Birtie's teeth out, but I do worry if and when the problem returns... :-(

Amy - ha ha - probably. I know Asda sell fishy cat food which is meant to be nearly pure fish. I remember it was 4 packets for £1, which I thought was quite good. Birtie did like them for a while and then went off them :-S

7 Oct, 2009


Ooh....I've just caught up with this catfood yours...Ted and Pops love the James Wellbeloved biscs...though they're a bit expensive...Ted is such a faddy eater....but Ian has been buying frozen chicken chunks from Farm Foods as Finn wasn't too well last week. 3 kilos for £10. When cooked we mix it with rice and all the animals love it, and it doesn't work out any more expensive than canned or dried food............

7 Oct, 2009


Janey, that's a good deal, i buy chicken too !
Millie especially is given anything that she'll eat .... what with being so toothless and all, she's always been extra spoilt !!!!!

7 Oct, 2009


Marmy won't eat chicken or any meat unless it's raw , I even gave her some slices of best salmon as a treat after we had visitors , she turned her nose up and walked away .....
Asda sounds a better deal than where I got mine Sid , only problem is Asda is 20 miles away and I would have to try it before I bought a lot of it ..................

7 Oct, 2009


Well go on then, off you go, what are you waiting for? lol lol Also, impressed you have to try the food before you give it to Marmy LOL I know what you meant te he he....

8 Oct, 2009


LOL... Sid , I wouldn't quite go that far .... :o)

8 Oct, 2009


Yeah, 20 miles is a bit far LOL LOL

9 Oct, 2009


Amy, Louise, Janey! Help! Don't think Birtie is very well :-( Last night she had really bad diahorrea in her litter trey :-(

She's been off her wet food recently, so I thought I'd try her on some of the dry food mentioned here. For the last few days, she's has a little wet food, but mainly the Wellbeloved Ocean Fish dry food. She liked it! Not sure now whether it's the change of food that's upset her tum or if there's something else wrong :-( :-( She seems pretty bright - gone outside now - and was playing yesterday.

1 Nov, 2009


Poor you, poor Birtie, i wish they could tell us what's wrong :-(

I would think of the changes you've made to her diet and go along those lines firstly and maybe remove the new dry stuff for a week and see how her tummy is for that period.

If she's bright, outside and playing it could just be that she's had too much too soon - of the new stuff.

1 Nov, 2009


Yeah, I hope that's what it is Louse. I've just been searching the net for info and one site suggests not feeding at all for 24 hours.....not sure Birtie will like that very much tho!!! It also said to keep them in so you can keep an eye on them, so I think I'd better go and find her and bring her in. It's not as if I changed her diet over night....I started with just sprinkling the new dry food over the top of the Whiskers biscuits she usually gets and only took the Whiskers away completely after about 3 that a 'sudden' change of diet???

1 Nov, 2009


Hmmm, wouldn't have thought it was sudden but maybe her system finds the fibrousness of biscuit alone, too much.

1 Nov, 2009


Oh poor Bertie Sid ..I would do as Louise says and take the dry food away for a few days to see if he improves ......... Marmy has been having the James Wellbeloved Ocean White Fish for some time now , since we last discussed it ,she likes it very much , she still has her prawns as well though ....... she has had no ill effects ...

Sid I don't think dry food would cause diarrhea , dry food usually goes the other way , as he has been of the wet food recently do you think it's possible that there was a bad batch ! or that he has found something to eat outside that hasn't agreed with him , people are putting allsorts of things out for the birds to eat now !
I'm pleased that he is playing outside , that must be a good sign ...
Let us know how he gets on Sid ... :o)

1 Nov, 2009


My Larry would do that Sid..he ate grass outside sometimes for it..but he was always so particular..never would eat but one brand of came and that he is more of an outdoor cat at my daughters have not heard anything from her about it..and they all eat dry there..Friskies I think....luckily that was his

1 Nov, 2009


Thanks folks. She seems ok in herself, so I'm not too worried now. I did the test of pulling up the scruff of her neck to check she wasn't dehydrated and the skin went straight back, so guessing she's not. I've taken away her James Wellbeloved for the timebeing and put her back on her normal Whiskers buiscuits (which she turned her nose up at!!). I'll try her again on the JWB in a few weeks and if the same thing happens again, then I'll know. Pity, as I really want her to eat something more healthy than the Whiskers stuff...

Amy - I did wonder if the wet food was a bad batch, as she didn't like any of the packets, but it was a new 'pate' type, so she might just not have been used to the texture. Got a new box with groceries on Saturday and she's eating that - it's one in jelly tho. Ho hum......

2 Nov, 2009


It's odd that you should say that about the pate stuff Sid ' cos Marmy won't touch it ...

Let us know how he is when you try him again on the Jwb ... he dosn't sound ill if he's eating the new batch alright .... ..

2 Nov, 2009


No, she's not acting ill at all Amy, it was just a bit of a shock...well, y'know! She spent yesterday evening all curled up on my lap and seemed content enough bless her.

BTW, Birtie is a 'she' lol Just like Sid is a she too - we're a bit gender-confused in our house LOL

2 Nov, 2009


LOL ,, sorry Bertie ... she sounds happy enough Sid , Marmy is very confused about what time she should eat since the clocks changed , she whinges and whines at for her tea , I try to make her wait but she gets all round my feet so in the end I give in , having said that she is always looking for food lately ... Her tummy is almost touching the floor .. she is sitting beside me now and I know it's 'cos she wants her food ..... LOL...

2 Nov, 2009


I have an old girl too Amy..she is over 21 + now..I just went to her favorite perch and took her to the window to watch the sunrise with me..she loves that and seeing the birds coming to eat...she also got just a bit excited when the young neighbor cat came bounding across the field to be stealthy in the grasses...I am sure it brought back a few good memories for her..she turned to me as if to say..ok..nuff excercise...take me back to my warm spot...which is the top of the dryer...since it is high and she likes high..and it gets extra warmth from the ceiling heater there..which I keep on for her and the pipes that could freeze once it starts that freezing business..she prefers the laundry room away from terrible dogs that share the rest of my space with is close and I pass by her often on my way in and out..she always gets pets and we chat if she is eats a dry cat food for inside cats and her other best favorite thing is the juice off of canned tuna...she can here a can opener very well still.... I cannot get away with anything...she is much sweeter now than she was as a younger cat..she was a fiesty fighting, hunting cat that would have nothing to do with another animal at all and barely us skin folks..but she was born in the laundry room she is living in it is her home..she was my husbands cat when I married him...she has been here longer than me.. :o)

2 Nov, 2009


Ah Cat , they do like to be carried to see outside views while being comfortably curled up in your arms , mines the same , we have to make her walk a little way each day or she wouldn't get any excercise ... we have started to light the woodburner on cold days , guess who is on the chair nearest to it ! ...
I've never tried her on Tuna juice , she dosn't like Tuna in cat food so i'm not sure that she would like it .......
They do mellow in there old age , I remember once when a kitten wondered into the garden she flew for it and turfed it out , she dosn't even bother about the birds now ...........

2 Nov, 2009


It is as if they just sit and blink and remember...she has had to go with me in my truck a few times lately because of realtors coming by to show my house..she sits quietly with the dogs and we go sit and stay warm at the beach watching the waves..she seems to take it all in stride..something she would have never done before. It would have been just a nightmare to do that with her....

2 Nov, 2009


Amy and Cat - reading what you say about your elderies reminds me so much of my old girl, Goldie, who passed away at 17. I have many, many lovely memories of her. She was only a little cat - smaller than most - but clever and brave, courageous even! She loved her human family and had many human friends - she was a people cat, but turned into a fearsome attack-cat should another feline be silly enough to enter her territory! She tolerated other pets with distain, even allowing our house-rabbit to groom her! Of course, she outlived all the others. She had a long and healthy life - the only glich being a suspected poisening that resulted in a week at the vets being fed through a tube, it was touch and go, but she recovered. She once followed my sister to work - a distance of about a mile - nearly into the city centre! My sister watched her out of her office window going up to stangers - probably asking could they tell her where she was please?! My sister had to take her back home in her lunch break! In a photo I have somewhere, she's perched right at the top of a tall ladder that was against the house to clean the windows! She had to investigate EVERYTHING! She even managed to get herself into an empty cornflakes packet once! In winter she would sleep with me under the covers or on my pillow wrapped around my head! She was very vocal and would 'shout' at you if you ignored her! On her infrequent trips to the vet, she was always happiest in the waiting room out of her cage and perched up on my shoulder. She was unforgettable and a real joy to share life with. A really beautiful soul.

3 Nov, 2009


Goldie sounds an amazing character Sid , I would have loved to see her following your sister to work ... LOL... Our marmy use to try to snuggle up to our old dog near the fire , he wouldn't have it , he would keep giving her those looks out of the corners of his eye , stand it for a few minutes and then move at least a couple of feet away from her ..LOL...
I must go , I have my Grandaughters birthday party to go to . x

3 Nov, 2009


oh what a precious girl..those are the ones that make your heart happy...Old Yoda has a great set of vocals going me off all the time if her food is low or she needs just bats you in the he did my daughter a week or so is low..get at it! Soft paw of doesn't know he has much in the way of claws..not sure what they are for beside tearing up cardboard and paper bags...oh and hooking your robe as you go to bed and forget to fill his dish...

4 Nov, 2009


Amy - one day I'd love to have a dog and a cat together - I think it's lovely when they're friends :-) But I can imagine the look of disgust in your dog's eys lol When we had the house-rabbit (Bunsy - yeah, I know - Original!) Goldie would only just tolerate him when we were there to see it, but you'd be surprised at how many times you'd just walk into the room and she'd be down on the carpet with her head tilted on one side and her eyes shut tight with the rabbit grooming her neck where she couldn't reach LOL

Cat - it was when you said you held Yoda to look through the window that reminded me so much of Goldie. One of my last memories of her, she was sat enjoying the sunshine in my bedroom window, just gazing out at the territory she'd known and defended for so many years and she just looked so peaceful. She had a little shaved patch on her neck and another shaved patch on her leg where the vet has shoved things in her. The sun was shining through her fur and she looked like a wise little old lady.... I have a framed photo of her on my desk in front of me, taken in happier times. She's on a chair in front of a Christmas tree with her foot up in the air batting a bit of tinsel :-)

4 Nov, 2009


Aw Sid , that brings tears to my eyes , I dread the day something happens to Marmy , she has little patches of fur missing on her legs it's where the fur has worn thin with age , , we have had so many animals in our lives she is the last .
It is very funny when you have a cat and a dog Sid , i'm sure they pretend a lot of the time not to get on 'cos I have caught them laying side by side out in the sunshine where they think nobody can see them , she missed him terribly when he passed on and would wonder about looking for him , she hasn't a meow , we can only see it , her vocal chords were damaged when she was a kitten found tied up with wire , how can anyone be that crual !

I bet Goldie loved Bunsy grooming her , I can see her with her eyes closed and a smile on her face ...:o)

4 Nov, 2009


I just finished grooming Yoda a little bit ago..she would never have stood for it as a younger cat..but cannot take care of I get out my hair groomer and take care of her loose furs..she lay on her back and let me groom her tummy even..something she would have never dealt with not all that long ago..but looks at me with gratefulness in her eyes now..she watched as I cleaned up her litter and blankets..and got her all set up with fresh food and water..then I picked her up and kissed her little old head and told her she is a good girl and she settled in for more sleep. She is teaching me so much...I see Yoda looking that same way so often Sid..I know how endearing it is to see it..and how it pulls at your heart strings..xx ~Cat

4 Nov, 2009


Sid .. Cat.. if we ever have the choice as to what we would like to come back as in a new life it would have to be one of our lovely spoilt pussy cats , nothing could be looked after or have a better life than them .

Sid , has Bertie recovered from her upset tummy ?

Marmy is settled into her armchair near the fire , i've been in and checked on her , her little face is tucked into her paws , she's away in her dream world ....:o) x

5 Nov, 2009


Amy- I had tears in my eyes writing it!! It's important to remember tho. She was a very special girl and much loved by all her family :-)

So sad that Marmy was found in those circumstances - poor thing <:-( I decline to comment about such people.

Cat - thanks :-)

I think Birtie's tum is ok now....she seems ok....she had to spend the entire day shut up in the house on Saturday as we had lots of people round and fireworks and she would have dissappeared for the day if I'd let her out. I was happier knowing she was safe indoors, but she didn't necessary agree! Nothing dodgy in her litter tray, so I think she's ok. She's been out all day today. Everyone has gone home now and the house is back in order and Birts is curled up in a tight ball on a cushion on the sofa - I think she's flaked out - not used to being out ALL day!

8 Nov, 2009


glad to hear Birtie is better...xx

8 Nov, 2009


Thanks Cat :-)

9 Nov, 2009

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