An ugly duckling or what!
By Toto

26 Aug, 2009
Baby Wood Pigeon on ground at work. Hope mum and dad not too far away.
Comments on this photo
i think hes cute!!
26 Aug, 2009
Me2 Suey :)
26 Aug, 2009
Poor little might hope he/she finds the parents.
26 Aug, 2009
Thanks all. I hope they weren't far away and came back to him/her soon.
26 Aug, 2009
This ugly duckling could be a handsome swan in a few months Toto.....Bless.....
26 Aug, 2009
Me too but if they see humans close by they might keep away until they have gone, then come back later like you say
26 Aug, 2009
They really are NOT pretty birds, are they! Poor (big) thing! I hope there isn't a mirror in your garden, Toto!
26 Aug, 2009
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
26 Aug, 2009
I totally agree
27 Aug, 2009
Well, at least a handsome Wood Pigeon Milky.
No mirrors at work Spritz, I couldn't work there if there was.
27 Aug, 2009
I think he/she looks cute aswell
27 Aug, 2009
He's not an ugly duckling, Toto, he's beautiful :) Hope you've adopted him if his parents have abandoned him!
30 Aug, 2009
He's not at home Gee, he is where I work and I wouldn't move him as his parents would never find him if I did and they will do a much better job of bringing him up thanI ever could.
31 Aug, 2009
Perhaps you and your workmates could sponsor him, Toto. When I worked at our local hospital a very tired homing pigeon arrived and stayed several days - we bought food for him and made sure he was OK each day until he flew up, up and away :)
31 Aug, 2009
That's fantastic Gee, well done. I only saw this little pidge on one day and when I looked for him the following day he was nowhere to be seen. I hope mum and dad are taking good care of him, I hate to think of the alternative.
31 Aug, 2009
Newly fledged....sure he will be fine.Sorry late to this great shot Toto.
5 Sep, 2009
Thanks Bonkers.
6 Sep, 2009
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Im sure His Mum/Dad think he/she is Gorgeous Toto :)
26 Aug, 2009