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More boots for Terratoonie

More boots for Terratoonie

Herbs planted in Wellies at RHS Hyde Hall

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Brill picture, what a waste of a good pair of welly gogs.

6 Oct, 2009


I like these, brilliant idea.

6 Oct, 2009


i love it..i have some strawberry wellies...

6 Oct, 2009


how many more paul, lol

6 Oct, 2009


love these

7 Oct, 2009


Very nice looking!

9 Oct, 2009


Great idea.

Don't sling 'em in the dustbin
just put 'em out to dry
then fill 'em with some compost
you can do it if you try.
Cut some holes at random
plant 'em daintily
flowers from the garden
savoury herbs for tea.
Green ones, blue ones, black ones,
rubber welly boots
hang 'em where you want 'em
mini gardens filled with roots.

10 Oct, 2009


Good one Linda, very poetic. Well done!

10 Oct, 2009


great poem lindak :o)

10 Oct, 2009


Thanks both but the boots idea is really great. The children could all plant one couldn't they.

11 Oct, 2009


yes children would love that, novelty ideas they do like :o)

11 Oct, 2009


Love the boots Paul - just found them after a question about how & what to plant in wellies. Inspirational!

6 Nov, 2010

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This photo was taken at RHS Garden Hyde Hall.

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