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For GF & Cat 1

For GF & Cat 1

Ceiling roses!

Comments on this photo this what we were thinking of????

4 Nov, 2009


Personally I always hung hops from the chandelier! "Hops in the house, money all year!" Lol!

4 Nov, 2009


Lol! Well they're roses, & they ARE on the ceiling!!
OG, good idea, but where'll I get hops up here! They drink them all!

4 Nov, 2009


Drink a drink containing many Es, mixed with liquor, and then you'll soon easily be scraping yourself off the ceiling. How did you get up there in the first instance? :-))

4 Nov, 2009


They ??? lol ;-))

4 Nov, 2009


Crossed over there David ! lol

4 Nov, 2009


Well, Sue, I can still see two (roses) - lol!!! :-)

Yes, we did! :-))

4 Nov, 2009


No ... the 'they' I was referring to was Marie saying 'they' drink them all !! Lol ;-))

4 Nov, 2009


I said where, not how, David!! I got up there in the first place by standing on the coffee table! You know my ceilings are really low!!
There are a dozen roses around the light fitting, btw!!

4 Nov, 2009


Oops! Now WE crossed over, Sue! I was referring to the fact that I live in Scotland, & it'd be really difficult to get hops cos they all get turned into alcohol!! :~))

4 Nov, 2009


love your ceiling roses what a good idea;o)

4 Nov, 2009


Thanks Carole! How's my pal this week?

4 Nov, 2009


No, I did NOT know you have low ceilings, and we do NOT all hop. skip and jump, or otherwise turn everything into alcohol!!!! Hip, Hip, Hop. Hic!.............. :-)

4 Nov, 2009


LOL Marie ....What I was laughing at was the fact that you said 'they' drink them all ..... like you never touch a drop !!! ;-))

4 Nov, 2009


David........... Ya numpty! You've been in the house!
I didnt say ALL of 'you', I said all of the hops get turned into bevvy!
Sue, I NEVER drink beer! It makes me sick! Too many years behind a bar, I think!

4 Nov, 2009


Thanks for asking Marie, On top form Sunday establishing how many glasses of wine he is having Christmas day lol


4 Nov, 2009


Lol! Unreal! I've been Xmas shopping today at work, & another lot to do on Sunday!! Tell him I said Hi!!

4 Nov, 2009


Will do, will show him your pictures with the flood, he has a thing about floods Hope you enjoyed the Christmas shopping lol ;o)

4 Nov, 2009


It was an experience!! :~}

4 Nov, 2009


You're saying that all the Scots get turned into alcohol? Fermented or pickled?

4 Nov, 2009


Both, OG!! Lol!

4 Nov, 2009


They do say that never a truer word than those spoken in jest !! (tee hee hee !)

5 Nov, 2009


We had an old friend and colleague who went home to retire in Perth , i'm pretty sure he would have helped anybody to get fermented or pickled ...LOL...

5 Nov, 2009


Really surprised you needed to ask how she got up there David .. did you not see that pic as Bride of Dracula ?

Apparently that red stuff they drink gives you wings ...

5 Nov, 2009


LMAO, GoYs!!
Where is your friend, Amy?? Might give him a call, lol!
Ray, good one!! You are so right!!

5 Nov, 2009


Thank you Marie for posting this. Your photo is the most illuminating on roses I have seen on GOY.

6 Nov, 2009



6 Nov, 2009


Very clever GF ! Lol ;-))

6 Nov, 2009


Cheeky sod, aint he? But I thought that was especially bright of him!

6 Nov, 2009


Ooohhhhhhhh !!!!! ;-))

6 Nov, 2009


It wasnt THAT bad!!

6 Nov, 2009


If you say so ! Lol ;-))

6 Nov, 2009



6 Nov, 2009


Marie I have seen the light but please remember to change the bulbs for spring or you might be brassed off with black roses.

6 Nov, 2009


Hee hee! I will endeavour to remember!

6 Nov, 2009


Hello Lol ..... how are you ? ;-)))

7 Nov, 2009



7 Nov, 2009



7 Nov, 2009


Hello Su and Per I am super thank you. I am not lo in hel lo at all Sue as long as the bear does not eat minging ham. I am full of green beans today. Things are looking rosie again now that the lights have been turned on and never again do I want to be in a Black pool.

7 Nov, 2009


Oh dear me !!! I am completely copying Cat with the snickers !!
Please excuse me whilst I dry my eyes and go up (and then come back down) the stairs ! The way that I am snickering, I feel that I may have to go 'up' again !!
Just one question ........ 'minging ham' ??

7 Nov, 2009


Cant wait to see his excuse for that one!! ;~)

7 Nov, 2009 it's something to do with Bir ming ham....? Come on GF and spill the beans....;))

7 Nov, 2009


Can tell that you live up the M6 Di !!! Didn't even clock that !!!! LMAO !! Oh .... I love being a Brum !! tee hee hee

7 Nov, 2009


LOL Sue ;))))

7 Nov, 2009


So come on then Lol ..... spill !!!
tee hee hee !

7 Nov, 2009


Di ....... I've just realised ...... you don't know that GF asked why everyone was calling him Lol .... !

7 Nov, 2009


Nope....not a clue usual I'll be barking up the wrong tree whilst getting hold of the wrong end of the thrice lol! (Blimey...this madness is catching....)

7 Nov, 2009


Not madness our Di ....... just our side of town! Lol .... oh ... sorry GF !!

7 Nov, 2009


Lol!! Well I've had my daily lols must go and rattle some pots and pans! Catch you later, my Aquarian

7 Nov, 2009


Daily Lols .... that really says it all doesn't it ??? Nice one Di ! xxx

7 Nov, 2009


Should be available on the NHS Sue....:))
P.S. Ooops....just burnt the tea....;(((

7 Nov, 2009


Shouldn't it just !!!!
Takeaway time methinks !! Enjoy the burnt offerings !! LMAO !! xx

7 Nov, 2009


Sue Bearmingingham - I can't spell like a wizzard

7 Nov, 2009


Wasnt Sue a panda??

8 Nov, 2009


Yes she was Marie ! I'm still tryng to suss GFs comment .... a wizzard ?? Only thing I can think of is Roy Wood, founder of Wizzard, who is a Brummy. But I'm no doubt totally on the wrong track !! lol ;-))

8 Nov, 2009


You're probably right! Shakespeare's mind works in mysterious ways! Lol!

8 Nov, 2009


Spell, you know, like beglamour, like a wizard, misspelled wizzard like lizzard, a snake with legs that sneaks in and runs amok. I can bearly keep an oar in, so adrift, what's a Brummy?

10 Nov, 2009


LMAO !!! It's ME Orgratis ! lol ....... A person from Birmingham in England ! :~)))

10 Nov, 2009


Hee hee! GREAT question, OG!! LMAO!! I've often wondered just WHAT they were myself! No, only kidding, Sue!!

10 Nov, 2009


Well ..... what could I expect from a common or garden 'wifie' (Sure I've spelt that wrong ... but I can't remember where to find it !! LOL !)

10 Nov, 2009


No, You spelt it right!! Hee hee!
Ahm no a wifie, Ahm an Edinbugger!

10 Nov, 2009


I'll agree with the last two syllabubawoobabubbles !! Lol

10 Nov, 2009


You can get pills for that, I think!!

10 Nov, 2009


Similar to a Brummybugger ??? LMAO

10 Nov, 2009



10 Nov, 2009


Definately !!

10 Nov, 2009

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