SSSSSSSsssshhhhhhh Puss Is Sleeping :)
By Jacque

5 Nov, 2009
So Many GOY Members/Friends have stood by me & asked about Dear Puss since the Awful Accident Monday Eve, Hes Home & Laying on His Fav Cushion with 1 of My T-shirts over him as he loves to be Covered Over :) The Opps went well & hes to go 4 a check up next Monday :) Love 2 u all 4 caring & taking the time 2 Comment its helped me loads :) Im feeling better this eveing 2 :)
Comments on this photo
Im trying to work out if its his head or his feet i can see Jacque..All snug there and with your scent next to him, couldnt do better than that, Well except for some chicken :) XXX
5 Nov, 2009
Im feeling so much better tonite Skill thanx :) Dee the Dark bit is the top of his Head hes facing right & u can just make his ear out :) He didnt eat when he got home cos he`d filled his belly when he woke from the Opp @ 3ish :)
5 Nov, 2009
He's in safe hands Jacque.....He'll be fully recovered soon xxxx:>)
5 Nov, 2009
Aw.....sorry to hear about the accident Jacque......poor little boy....hope he's on the mend now and youre feeling a bit better. X
5 Nov, 2009
Oh dear, sorry to see the poor fella laid up but hope he soon get's better!
5 Nov, 2009
So good to see him tucked up asleep at home...
5 Nov, 2009
Pleased to know you are feeling better Jac.
Love to Puss and wishing him a good convalescence. xxx
5 Nov, 2009
Awww, sleepy pusscat !
I thought my cat Maddie was the only cat that liked to be covered over !
She loves to have one of my fleeces over the top of her when she sleeps
5 Nov, 2009
Thanx every 1 :) He was more covered than this Louise i removed it a little to photo him :) Some nites he gets into bed underneth the quilt & snuggles with his Cold Paws/Nose rite into your Back making u feel all cold& shivery :) lol
5 Nov, 2009
It's nice to see Puss sleeping peacefully and out of distress Jacque. I hope the checkup will go well. Do you have any news about his eye yet ?
I'm glad you're feeling better aswell. Take care xxx
5 Nov, 2009
Hi Hywel Puss had the Eye Removed this morning & had his Jaw Fixd @same time :) I think hes on the mend 4 sure now as he seems much happeir 2nite :) XXX
5 Nov, 2009
Lol Jac! I know what you mean - Felix snuggles up under the blankets too and if he wants more room he sticks two claws (one from each foot) into my back!
5 Nov, 2009
He must feel much more comfortable now the op is over, Jacque. He certainly looks cosy and settled in the photo. So glad that you are feeling better too. Hope you all have a good night. God bless.
5 Nov, 2009
Ah Sorry about his eye. I was hoping he could have kept it. Anyway you have him safe at home now so he'll improve with your care Jacque. Have a good night's rest xxx
5 Nov, 2009
Better to lose the eye now than for it to become infected... this way Puss will still be a mighty hunter :-)))
5 Nov, 2009
Oh Bless........."DO NOT DISTURB" puss in recovery........
5 Nov, 2009
What a happy photo. That might sound a bit odd - but wait a minute! He's home, he's going to recover too. Bless you both. :-)))
5 Nov, 2009
Glad you both feeling better ..fortunately cats dont seem too bothered by fireworks so glad puss can rest.
5 Nov, 2009
Right Jacque thats Puss sorted out and time will be the great healer, now you go and get some well earned rest and put your feet up.
6 Nov, 2009
Bless he looks so comfey xx TC.
6 Nov, 2009
great to have him back home Jacque xx
6 Nov, 2009
glad to see Puss back home with you.....
6 Nov, 2009
He looks so comfy Jacque , plenty of sleep that will do him good , it's a great healer , glad to see him back xx
6 Nov, 2009
He looks really comfy now Jacque bless him,he should be alright now he's had the opp give him a hug from me....
6 Nov, 2009
Hi all Puss is doing ok apart from hes not ate any thing since the Opp :( iv tried Chicken & Salmon but he wont eat it :( Going 2 try him with some Crab /Shrimp Paste L8r in hope thatl work&make him Hungry ?? il give Puss all your Love&Well wishes as soon as hes a wake :) Hes drinking ok & im giving him Milk that is 4 Cats :)xxx
6 Nov, 2009
Smokey likes cat milk, with him drinking such alot with his kidney's just give it him as a change from all the water he drinks.
6 Nov, 2009
Water must get boring 4 them 2 hey Clarice :(
6 Nov, 2009
I'm sure it as to....
6 Nov, 2009
Bless! He looks so cosy! If he ate earlier today, I wouldnt worry about him not being hungry just now, he probably wont eat much for a few days until he gets used to the work that was done on his jaw!
Poor baby, but he's got you there to spoil him rotten, so he's a lucky poor baby!! :~))
6 Nov, 2009
Bless him, late finding this...been following your blogs but missed this picture! Pleased he is recovering now Jacque, and that you are feeling better too.
8 Nov, 2009
How is Puss doing Jac?
8 Nov, 2009
Hi Jacque hope Puss has started eating again, if not give the vet a call tomorrow. If he likes fish try poaching a small amount in milk and flaking very finely.
8 Nov, 2009
When I had problems getting Smudge to eat, I gave her raw mince in tiny amounts. Very soft on the mouth.
8 Nov, 2009
That's a good point too!
8 Nov, 2009
Mind you, I even minced her all-time favourite, prawns for her!
8 Nov, 2009
Our cats love raw mince!
8 Nov, 2009
Hi all its 845pm Monday eve & Puss had his check up this morning with his Vet who is plezd how Puss is healing :) The3 Stiches that hold the Nylon Rods in Pusses face will be there 4 a good 6wks but Puss dont seem 2 be noticeing them much ! His eye is ok & hes eatting a little which is better than Fridays news when i left u :)
9 Nov, 2009
That is very good news Jacque! Give him more cuddles from me please
9 Nov, 2009
Hi MG Puss will enjoy them thanx :)
9 Nov, 2009
Great news, Jacque!! :~D
And from me!!
9 Nov, 2009
:) Thanx Madp :)X
9 Nov, 2009
So glad that Puss's checkup went OK and that he is eating a little now. That must be a great relief for you, Jacque.
9 Nov, 2009
Good news Jaq - i'm really pleased. x :>))))))))))))
9 Nov, 2009
Good to know Puss is eating and coming round..loved the cuddly shot of him Jacque..tough kitty's to you and hugs and Puss...~Cat
10 Nov, 2009
Sorry to hear about his eye, cats are pretty tough characters, he will be bouncing around again in no time, just wait and see........
10 Nov, 2009
Jacque sorry to hear about your Puss cat having an accident. Glad to hear that she is getting better again.....bless. I adopted my cat Twinkle and she only has one eye but copes very well....thought it might help telling you that. I have a problem with Twinkle being poorly at the moment and will have to visit the vet again today as she was terribly sick a couple of days ago and isn't eating and hardly drinking. Anyway take care Jacque and love to Puss cat. x
10 Nov, 2009
Thanx every1 4 your comments im giveing him 24 hr care & was up @ 5am this morning wipeing his little nose cos it was blocked & he was having probs breathing :( i take him 2 bed with me @ nites so i know what hes up 2 & Puss z its much nicer in Mummys Bed ;)
10 Nov, 2009
Aw bless, thanks for the update Jac - so relieved to hear that Puss is home and on the mend. Such a shame about his eye. There's a cat lives at our local pub who has one eye - he looks a real old soldier with his 'battle wound'! They seem to cope well. If there is one good thing to come out of this, it's that Puss now knows that cars are dangerous. Since Birtie had her run-in with a car about 2 years ago, she is MUCH more sensible about cars. When I drive round the back of our house, she immediately gets out of the way - jumps up on the fence or into the tree and only comes down once the engine is off. Hugs for brave Puss and for you! Hope you're feeling better now Jac.
10 Nov, 2009
Twinkle has had to stay with the vet for a few days of tests. I hope they can sort her out as she wasn't well at all today
10 Nov, 2009
O No Poor Twinkle :( I really feel 4 u Lin as i hate leaving any of My Pets @ the Vets :( Hope all will be well XXX
10 Nov, 2009
I don't like to leave Twinkle there Jacque but at least she is being helped as much as she can by the vets. The vet that saw her today is a lovely girl and has a gift with animals. She has a calmness about her and I am sure that the animals sense that too. She said that they will do all they can to try to get her to eat and drink and are doing blood tests for kidneys and liver.
10 Nov, 2009
Poor Twinkle :-( There seems to be a lot of members having trouble with their cats at the moment.
10 Nov, 2009
Some Vets have a Knack 4 sure Lin :) My Cats dont seem 2 mind who they c @ The Vets ? But Summer My German Shepherd is very Fussy about who Touchs/Examines her? If she dont like them she stinks the Vets Out with her Lovely Im Affraid Glad Perfume !!
10 Nov, 2009
awww he`s all snuggled up and happy to be home i bet, sleep is a good healer jacque, hugs for puss :o)))
10 Nov, 2009
Bless him. He'll be so tired after all he's been through. Back home and snuggled down with Mum at his beck and call. x You must be so relieved jacque.
10 Nov, 2009
Hi All Puss is all Snug again now iv just given him more Chicken Pieces so his Belly must be full ,Sadly just noticed his Eye Socket has a swelling this eveing so he`l have to go 2 Vets in Morning 4 a check up as it could be a infection Starting :( The Vet z there mite be a Danger of that happening :( xxx
10 Nov, 2009
your very brave jacque, i just couldnt look at anything like that, anything to do with eyes makes me feel faint and sick,, hope its not an infection, think he`s been through enough x
10 Nov, 2009
Hi San i hope more than any 1 its not an infection making it look swollen :( The Vet z there was lots of Pus behind the Eye when they removed it last Thursday which is another reason why it was removed!x
10 Nov, 2009
poor baby,, has he had antibiotics jacque
10 Nov, 2009
Just catching up Jacque.....hope Puss is OK? The swelling may just be an inflammatory reaction to the trauma of the surgery, or like you say, may be an to check it out with the vet anyway. Fingers crossed for puss....he's done really well so far (and so have you with your dedication) xx
10 Nov, 2009
What a shame Jacque, hopefully an injection will sort the infection out. Good luck tomorrow.
10 Nov, 2009
Hes still taking Antibotics San he has 2 aday which i give him in Cat Milk ;) Thanx 4 crossing your fingers Di im just doing what any Pet Owner/Lover would do if they had same situation :)
10 Nov, 2009
Hi Dawn :) Pusses little Front Legs are full of Injection Marks were hes had them in the last wk but im sure Puss wont mind another 1 if it makes him better hes such a little soilder :)
10 Nov, 2009
Poor Puss :-(((((
10 Nov, 2009
I cant wait 4 him 2 be over it all Dawn & be well again , i know its only been a wk but it feels like a lot longer :(
10 Nov, 2009
I know Jacque. I'm just so relieved he came home when he did - some cats would have just gone away, never to return.
10 Nov, 2009
Coming Home is the Biggest Blessing Dawn XXX
10 Nov, 2009
Must feel like a real long week for you Jacque.Puss is getting lots of tlc though. x
10 Nov, 2009
Hi Jane /Ray its been like liveing a Nite Mare 2 be Honest :( Even now i know Puss isnt in the Clear but The Vet & Myself r giveing Puss our all which is all we can do now& yes your rite hes not short of Love/TLC :)X
10 Nov, 2009
Fingers crossed then Jacque. Thinking of you x
10 Nov, 2009
10 Nov, 2009
Hope your visit to the vet's goes well today Jacque. Twinkle is being rehydrated with a drip feed at the moment, although she hissed at them so that's a good sign I Hope.
11 Nov, 2009
Hope he is getting better Jacque pls give him a hug from me
11 Nov, 2009
Just 2 let u all know Puss has had his Medication Changed @ the Vets this Morning !! Because his Eye Socked is swollen they belive its inflammed from the inside stiches causing some Irritaion 2 the inside of it & needs some Anti-Inflamatory Tabs 2 clam it down :) Im so releived its not a infection :) Hes also been given a different pain relif tab :) xxx
11 Nov, 2009
Glad the vet spotted the problem, Jacque. Hopefully poor Puss will soon be feeling much more comfortable and his appetite will return with a vengence!
11 Nov, 2009
Hi Gee :) Im sure Puss is on mend as he meowed & rubbed his head on the Lady Vet all the time we was in there & when she was trying 2 examine him :)She called him a Charmer lol :)
11 Nov, 2009
Poor little Puss he has been through so much in the last week, and so brave with it, let us hope it will keep him off the road now.
11 Nov, 2009
That's good news Jacque, he sounds happy at the vets even though he's been through so much.
11 Nov, 2009
Good old Puss. So glad that he is recovering. Please give him a nice cuddle from me.
11 Nov, 2009
Old snoozy Puss...glad he's recovering so well...bless 'im.xx
11 Nov, 2009
oh that will help Jacque..Sweet Kitty...glad they are there for him..and he has the best in you..he is one lucky Kitty.
11 Nov, 2009
That's great news, Jacque! :~D
12 Nov, 2009
Hi all another prob with poor Puss a riseing Last Nite :( iv given a New Pic & Up-date in a newr Blog XXXX
13 Nov, 2009
Oh no!! I'll have a look. :~((
13 Nov, 2009
Hi Jacque Twinkle is back home again.She was a bit wobbly but She started to eat last night at the vets so they've sent her home. Contented Twinkle.......
14 Nov, 2009
Glad to hear that Lindak.
14 Nov, 2009
What's happened to Twinkle, Linda?
14 Nov, 2009
She was seriously sick everywhere and after that just slept and would eat or drink anything and so got dehydrated she was tender below as well. She is eating and drinking alright now. the vets put her on a drip and did blood tests but they turned out to be o.k.. They were going to end up x raying her but she suddenly picked up.
15 Nov, 2009
So glad she's picked up. It's so worrying, I had a similar situation with Smudge, but it turned out she had an abcess in her tooth! She had to have antibiotics & was ill for a while! She lost lots of weight & all because of toothache!
16 Nov, 2009
thanks for caring Madperth Glad your puss cat is now o.k.
16 Nov, 2009
Puss is Doing Brill Now & eatting me out of house & home :) hes back 2himself ie: trying 2 get into my fridge when i open the Door ,Running around my Feet again when im in Kitchen cooking a meal,Purring 2 his hearts content & making Puddings on My Lap :) Its just so FANTASTIC 2 see im so Happy hes here with us & made it through a Very Tough few wks :) I want 2 say a Big Big Thank You 4 every single Comment u all bothered to make/give it helped me so much & gave me hope/Strength Love Jacxxxx
16 Nov, 2009
Brilliant Jac - I'm so pleased for you and Puss
16 Nov, 2009
Thanx Skill :)
16 Nov, 2009
I'm so pleased to hear that Puss is now doing fine - bet you are spoiling him something rotten Jacque :-)
16 Nov, 2009
Hi MG yes u guessed rite hes being given many treats from the Fridge which is his Fav place to Rub his Chin lol :) Hes had some Yummi Honey Ham today & yesterday he had the last of the Cooked Chicken !! :)
16 Nov, 2009
Glad to here that Puss is well again and lovely that you are spoiling him. Twinkle seems to be alright again thank goodness. She hasn't been out much as the weather has been pretty awful.
16 Nov, 2009
Hi Lin so glad Twinkle is feeling better it must of been such a worry :(x
16 Nov, 2009
Fantastic news! :~))))))))))))))))))))
17 Nov, 2009
Hi Jacque. Ive not logged on for sometime and was sorry to read that your little puss was injured. I'm thrilled that he is much better now. It is not often you get to hear the happy ending first. :-)
5 Jan, 2010
Thanx 4 your kind words Loobee & welocme back :)
6 Jan, 2010
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Awwwww bless! He's on the mend. He will be sleepy for a couple of days after the anaesthetic. How are you Jac? Hope your feeling better too.
5 Nov, 2009