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Do you remember me?


By Aleyna

Do you remember me? (Miltassia Orchid)

My husband gave me this orchid last year, and I was scary to spread it....
There we go ... :o) it is blooming away for us

Comments on this photo


Well done Aleyna....that is one beautiful orchid :)))

8 Dec, 2009


Unusual flower! Looks like a spider.

8 Dec, 2009


A Stunning Orchid :)

8 Dec, 2009


this a beautiful orchid!

8 Dec, 2009


Yes remember you Aleyna agree with Uma first thought a spider ..

8 Dec, 2009


A lovely Brassia hybrid Aleyna... nice orchid.

9 Dec, 2009


Thank you Amblealice!!! I'm not embarrassed to say I'm proud of myself... :o)))
Yup Uma... it looks like a spider :S
thank you Michaella and Jacque....
LOL Bonkers... It was referred to the orchid... not me... hehehe

hummm Rbtkew....I'm not sure what about you are talking... brassia hybrid you meant the orchid species?
It was sold to my husband as "Miltassia Shelob"....I'd appreciate your comment about, if it is not asking too much :o)

9 Dec, 2009


Very unusual looks like a spider like Uma said as well

9 Dec, 2009


Miltassia is a hybrid between Brassia and Miltonia. If you look at both genus you can see the likeness.There is an awful lot of hybridization in the orchid world, they are very promiscuous plants!

11 Dec, 2009



Fantastic orchid! I've seen many of these in San Diego
in the Botanical Building...they are wonderful!

11 Dec, 2009


In your avatar photo it really does look like a spider so I was rather surprised to see your beautiful Orchid when I clicked on the thumbnail on my home page!

Both you & your husband should be proud to have a lovely plant like this!

12 Dec, 2009


Thank you Balcony,
Husband was very exciting taking pictures about our "spider" orchid this morning... it is blooming away, besides the storms, the winds and the rain...

13 Dec, 2009


Wonderful orchid Aleyna. I had acquired one and a friend of mine that cannot abide spiders, couldn't stay in the house! LOL. I get poor results in the indoor garden with this one, well done for you!

13 Dec, 2009


This orchid reminds me of a spider, but is very different in form to the usual.

13 Dec, 2009


They seem to like sun and light GT, the new bulbs have grown up to the sunny side.
I'll take a picture tomorrow, then you will see that the higher one, hiding behind the AC machine is not as strong as the one exposed to light...

Linda, I have to confess I've been always afraid of spiders... althoug in my grandmother's tradition is said that find a spider web with a spider in the xmas morning brings you happiness for the next year :o)

15 Dec, 2009


SOmetimes the phobias happen to you as a child some bad experience or other but sometimes you see your parents or friends have the fear and it gets you thinking the same. My grandad taught me about gardening and with that came the love of all things creepy crawly.

15 Dec, 2009


Beautiful blend of colours Aleyna....:>)

14 Jan, 2010


Bless him Linda... I also learned with my grands the love for plants, flowers with my grandma and veggies from my they cultivate as a culture!

Thank you Motinot, I'm all proud of myself about being able to spread the bulbs creating new ones :o) good for a first try

17 Jan, 2010


As a child I used to stay over now and again and sleep in the spare room, even though they lived very close to where we lived. Those days were special to me. Our family didn't have a lot of money then but we certainly had lots of fun and were taught how to respect things, and they also loved me and my sister very much.

18 Jan, 2010


Lovely story of life Linda, these feelings of being loved...
Wise lessons about respecting and loving the nature surrounding us...
We'll thankfull for their wisdom, aren't we?

19 Jan, 2010


I may have it wrong.....but I wonder today if money is more important and so everyone seems to go out to work to get more for their homes and children, thinking that is the way to go. I think and this is only my thoughts, that as long as you have enough money to live on then people and caring about them, spending time with them, loving and guiding them, are just or more important, rather than having lots of lovely things around and purchasing the lastest I pod or phones etc. It's nice to have material things and I don't begrudge anyone doing so if that's what they want , but does it make them happy.

19 Jan, 2010


Sorry if my English doesn't not sound properly, I'll try to translate my thoughts, hope it makes sense.
I believe that over the past 20 years or more, with the ease and speed with which information is processed, we lose touch with the values that demonstrate our humanity: love, faith, honesty, loyalty and solidarity. Consumerism is consuming our greatest asset .... the gift of life.

20 Jan, 2010


You are so right Aleyna

20 Jan, 2010

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This photo is of species Miltassia Orchid.

This photo is of "Miltassia Orchid" in Aleyna's garden

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