-11.7 oC Today at 8.37am
By Dawnsaunt

7 Jan, 2010
Fed up with it now!
Comments on this photo
Move it indoors Dawn it will read a kinder temperature ha ha ha Lol
7 Jan, 2010
-8 here lol Milky
7 Jan, 2010
Me too Dawn :-(((
8 Jan, 2010
Yep. Definitely fed up with it. Another heavy fall last night and more forecast. Milky's idea sounds good but can anyone spot the flaw in her thinking?
Spritz was worried about her plants survival and I think just about the whole country is now in that position. Looks as though its going to be a good year for the nurseries as much of their produce is grown in controlled conditions but the prices will rise dramatically.
8 Jan, 2010
omg -eleven.....all my nursery succulents woulld die if that happened here.....or id have to heat my tunel. it would cost a fortune....its all fleesed up at the moment and our lowest temp has been -two.....
stay warm Dawn...
8 Jan, 2010
-20 in Scotland last night so I heard. They said it would be colder than a fridge freezer in some parts of UK last night.
8 Jan, 2010
Brrrr.....its cold enough for me here in Northumberland on the coast, we have minus 5...a veritable heatwave....lol......
8 Jan, 2010
Well you all better get ready as they announced last night there are going to be power cuts in the next couple of weeks, but did nt highlight which parts of UK are going to have them. The gas company is also keeping an eye on the gas used, trying to get enough out, with out electric no gas for ignigtion to light it.
8 Jan, 2010
OMGggggggggggggggggggggg Dawn that is sooooooooooooo Colddddddddddddddd :( Stay Safe & keep warm :)XXX
8 Jan, 2010
One good point about this weather.......all those seeds that need cold stratification should germinate well(hopefully)
8 Jan, 2010
Oh Dawn , ours didn't get that low ..... we were snowed in this morning . we have a five bared gate and the snow had piled up against it , I don't think we will be going anywhere today ...
Good thinking Mageth , I could take my seeds out of the fridge and put them outside !
8 Jan, 2010
Its ~4 here at the moment, but its lunchtime......The pond is totally frozen. Hubby driving me nuts, Grandchildren too, as there is no school...Having to wait my turn to get on here. Toto.....I think in thaws not flaws he he he .....Keep warm people...and wrap up those plants we have at least another week of this forecast....
8 Jan, 2010
Bright sunshine here at the moment but we've had some flurries of snow too. My new fridge can't be delivered until next week now - not that I really need it at the moment! No idea of temperature but it didn't feel too bad as there is no wind, thank goodness.
8 Jan, 2010
Please check out my new Blog for gas rationing and cuts and even colder over week end.
8 Jan, 2010
Same here Dawn -6 in greenhouse at 11am this morning, beautiful sunny day but not thawing much.
Yes Toto think you're right I know I 'm getting worried about quite a few of my plants especially some of my succulents, all covered with fleece, but several don't look very good.
Oh dear haven't heard about the powercuts sixpence,thats all we need,have to ask hubby when he comes home he works in the control room at Cottam Power station, see if he's heard anything.
8 Jan, 2010
Well we got cut off here and it has been on radio and son just phoned to say about rationing gas with companies how long before we get it and cuts.
8 Jan, 2010
ERRRRRRRRrr so cold....keep safe and warm dawn..........
8 Jan, 2010
Oh my goodness that is cccold..
8 Jan, 2010
Oh crikey....too chilly.........we've just had our heaviest snowfall and its still falling, huge silent flakes....poor birds....:o(
8 Jan, 2010
did i say minus two.....when i went to my tunel at 9am it was still -4....so i guess it must have been about -6ish at the coldest point last night....
8 Jan, 2010
Hi Everyone, sorry I'm late on here. What a nightmare it is. I hope you're all safe and warm, shame the plants are suffering though.
8 Jan, 2010
only -2 here tonight not to bad dawn
8 Jan, 2010
Positively summery then Sandra.
9 Jan, 2010
lol yes dawn haha, we wish
9 Jan, 2010
We've just ordered a small gaz burner enough to boil water or soup on and a gaz portable fire just in case we get cut off as we have nothing to heat or cook with if the services do get cut.
10 Jan, 2010
That's cold enough for me Dawn. The lowest we have had is -4, here's hoping it warms up soon. Keep warm.
10 Jan, 2010
Let's hope Bob
10 Jan, 2010
Hope ahoy Dawn. There has been a bit of a thaw here in Yorkshire today. We may be in for a break..............but don't quote me!
10 Jan, 2010
thaw here too, still have a bit of snow lying about. Had a grey wagtail in the garden today.
11 Jan, 2010
We had snow last night and this morning, going to work it was very scary, lots of ice, the worst its been here. Just touching -0 here at the moment, lets hope it gets better soon.
11 Jan, 2010
Thawing here Dawn but did freeze overnight, we have a really steep drive which was clear but because it had rained then froze, bit slippy this morning, really embarassing because got half way up and started to slip back practically had to get on my hands and knees to get to the top, just as the paperboy arrived, lol, I think he probably thought I was drunk,lol.
11 Jan, 2010
Oh my Simbad, you must have been a sight for sore eyes, lol. Why is it if we slip of do something a bit silly, there's always someone around to witness it.
12 Jan, 2010
That was cold, dont remember it being as cold as that when we lived in Leicestershire, mind you I was very young and very hardy in those days lol
13 Jan, 2010
Ha ha Dotty - I think you must have taken the warmer temperatures down south with you.
14 Jan, 2010
Yes at one time I would have agreed with you, but not after the last two winters, this one was colder than last years......what will this winter bring? a return to the balmy ones we used to have?trust me to decide on a jungle garden lol
19 Jan, 2010
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Ugh :o(
7 Jan, 2010