4 Amy
By Jacque

8 Jan, 2010
The Finished Collage Of Bobby My Mums York Terrier :)
Comments on this photo
Thanx TT its going in a Frame 4 My Mum :)
8 Jan, 2010
He gives the impression of being very patient and obedient while he has his photo taken. :-))
8 Jan, 2010
He was very good for me Muddy & i only took 5mins to take 20 pics ;)
8 Jan, 2010
8 Jan, 2010
Thanx Helen :D
8 Jan, 2010
That brilliant Jacque, i like that are they easy to do ????
8 Jan, 2010
Sooo cute lovely collage
8 Jan, 2010
Thanx Stripes/SixP :) I did this on Picnik im glad u like it :)
8 Jan, 2010
What a little cutie you are Bobby...
8 Jan, 2010
He's lovely Jacque :o)
8 Jan, 2010
Great collage, Jacque. You really are getting the hang of it and a great representative of the 'Collage Club'. ;o)
8 Jan, 2010
Thanks Jacque .. I've seen the other one , I think they are lovely , I love the blue background on this one .. Bobby did behave well didn't he . i'm sure your mum will be thriled with it , she will have it beside her hospital bed and be able to see Bobby all the time ..... :o)
8 Jan, 2010
awww he`s beautifull jacque, i so want a little doggy, im going to have to work on baz lol, great collage jacque ;o)) sorry your mum isnt well jacque x
8 Jan, 2010
hes so cute,lovely pic.
8 Jan, 2010
beautiful my favourite dog!! the wee Yorkie!!
9 Jan, 2010
Ahhhhhhhhhh Jacque...... its lovely...... hes lovely.......... i am a great yorkie fan.........
9 Jan, 2010
That's a beautiful pressie for your Mum, Jacque, I bet she will be thrilled. Well done :)
9 Jan, 2010
Thats lovely, used to have a Yorkie. Cinders
9 Jan, 2010
Thanx every 1 4 all the Lovely comments ,Im glad u agree this 1 is nicer Amy ,Thanx 4 sending my Mum well wishes San she has a Fractured Hip that she did in a Fall @ home& will be in Hospital 4 another 9days yets so i thought a Pic of Bobby would be nicer than Choclates @ itl last longer :)
11 Jan, 2010
What a lovely little cute face he as. Look at him looking up at you.
11 Jan, 2010
He was watching My Sisiter Clarice as i asked her to call him so i could get different pics of him :)
11 Jan, 2010
rrrrrr he is so sweet, looks if butter would'nt melt in his mouth :o))
11 Jan, 2010
That looks really professional Jacque.......bet you're Mum will love it....all best wishes to her for a speedy recovery..:o) X
11 Jan, 2010
Bobby can be naughty Clarice but not when i took the pics ;) Thanx Janey 4 your kind comment & wishes im sure she`l be ok in no time :)
11 Jan, 2010
Sorry to hear about your mum Jac - hope she soon recovers, I'm sure that seeing pics of her Bobby will cheer her up! xx
11 Jan, 2010
Thanx Liz im sure it will as she loves him 2 bits :)
11 Jan, 2010
Thats a fantastic collage of Bobby, who is gorgeous, love to give him a cuddle!
11 Jan, 2010
Hi PP Bobby does love Cuddles :)
11 Jan, 2010
Lovely well done to you.......
13 Jan, 2010
Lovely Jacque - you're really professional at these collages.
13 Jan, 2010
Thanx DD/TCG :)
14 Jan, 2010
14 Jan, 2010
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This photo is of "Collages" in Jacque's garden
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That's lovely Jac :o)
8 Jan, 2010