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Watering Can no 2 for TT


By Amy

Watering Can no 2    for TT

Comments on this photo


Is that one suitable for the Antique's Road Show ?
Looks quite vintage...Lol.

15 Jan, 2010


It is very old TT ... LOL...

15 Jan, 2010



15 Jan, 2010


an antique for sure, nice one ;o))

15 Jan, 2010


Definitely vintage - I love the shape of the handle.

15 Jan, 2010


I bet thats older than me.!!!!

15 Jan, 2010


It holds a couple of gallons , it's a lovely old one .... I would say it is older than you Yorkshire :o)

15 Jan, 2010


Love this one very elegant handle, looks very old any idea Amy?

16 Jan, 2010


Thanks Carole , I,m sorry I've no idea as to how old it is , I know that we have a spade that was Tony's Grannies i'ts well over a hundred years old , she was three months short of being a hundred when she died and that was 40 yrs ago ..

16 Jan, 2010


Wow Amy that is a grand old age isnt it! the oldest in our family has been 80 my lovely Auntie Irene, she was my Mums elder sister and we were so close in my childhood has she lived in the next street and my Mum and Aunty shared the childcare of me and my brother and Aunty Irene's three daughters, both sisters working alternative shift work as machinist, those were the days, funny how a watering can bring back so many vivid chilhood memories!

16 Jan, 2010


Nice memories Carole , I can remember being told stories of the mills and knockers up hitting the windows with poles in the mornings to wake the workers and the sound of cloggs going up the streets , i'm not sure if it was all true .. :o)

17 Jan, 2010


That's my fave Amy....very attractive, could be Art Nouveau...shall we ask Paul Martin? (Ooh, yes please!!...Lol)

17 Jan, 2010


Amy my Great Grandfather and Grandfather were Lamplighters, going around all the streets in Salford where they lived ighting the street lights they also did the early morning round waking people up for work at the mills, and they did use a long pole to tap on peoples bedroom windows ;0)))

18 Jan, 2010


Only if we can share him Janey ...LOL...

Carole that's very interesting , I bet you could tell some good stories sitting round the winter fire that have been passed down to you , I would love to hear them :o))

18 Jan, 2010


Thanks A my maybe I wil get round to writing a little blog one day, I have some old photos of my ancestors!

18 Jan, 2010


One of my great grandfathers was a lamplighter too, PP, but in London :)

18 Jan, 2010


Aha more stories ... tales of murder and lurking in dark alleys in foggy London ... lol

Yes Carole , that would be nice , look forward to it ... :o)

18 Jan, 2010


Snap Gee, what year was your Great grandfather born? mine was born in 1848.

18 Jan, 2010


My great grandfather was born in 1866, PP. His father was also a lamplighter, both in Islington.

18 Jan, 2010

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