Fame at last.
By Toto

24 Jan, 2010
Bought these in Wilko's. They obviously recognise celebrity when they see it or at least Johnson's Seeds do!
Comments on this photo
Select +distinctive even lol :)
24 Jan, 2010
24 Jan, 2010
and with a FREE LABEL :o) Lol...
now on GoYpedia Plant Labels....that's fame...
24 Jan, 2010
LOL ! Fame? What about Dorothys dog , Great Italian footballer Scallachi and group that sung Africa ? all called ...
24 Jan, 2010
Hehe, Toto! Thought you would have known about this one. We grew them back in our Wiz of Oz garden, and they are really lovely flowers. Enoy! :-)
24 Jan, 2010
All those attributes and FREE too. You've every right to feel that you've finally arrived, Toto, congratulations :)
24 Jan, 2010
Thanks to all of you except of course Bonkers who has just burst my balloon.
24 Jan, 2010
Oops...sorry Toto !
24 Jan, 2010
Beautiful flowers you have there and you deserve your name in gold for all the wonderful wild life pictures you have placed here.
24 Jan, 2010
Why thank you Sixpence.
Never mind Bonkers I've got another balloon.
25 Jan, 2010
Everythings been said Toto ...... I will wait to see if they are as memorable as their namesake .. LOL...
25 Jan, 2010
Like Amy said everyone as said everything......
25 Jan, 2010
Johnsons have obviously heard about your talents in the horticultural circles Toto.......
25 Jan, 2010
Thank you Amy and Clarice I can assure you that the flowers will be much more memorable and definitely much more beautiful. Mind you they haven't got any competition from me.
You are certainly wrong there Milky. If they had heard of me they would either of renamed the flowers or had a contract put out on yours truly.
25 Jan, 2010
Phew..thank goodness for that Toto ! Glad you had something else up your sleeve !
25 Jan, 2010
these flowers certainly make an impact so the name fits toto :o)
27 Jan, 2010
Thanks Sandra but I'm not sure whether the impact is good or not.
28 Jan, 2010
i think so toto :o))
28 Jan, 2010
So your not sure either.
28 Jan, 2010
no i ment a good impact toto lol ;o))
28 Jan, 2010
29 Jan, 2010
29 Jan, 2010
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Now I know what you are like ~
"Wonderfully compact and uniform...
... ideal for smaller gardens! Lol.
24 Jan, 2010