By Clarice

28 Jan, 2010
This morning he was in a world of his own for ages.
Comments on this photo
Thanks Louise.x
28 Jan, 2010
28 Jan, 2010
Cheers Jacgue know matter what i did or say he sat like that for ages.
28 Jan, 2010
I think that might be an age thing, Clarice. Chloe does that too and is completely in a world of her own, just like Smokey. It's still a lovely photo of him.
28 Jan, 2010
You could be right on that Gee, i'm always in a world of my own :o)))
28 Jan, 2010
My daughter always says Chloe gets more like me every day :)
28 Jan, 2010
28 Jan, 2010
Our Marmy does that as well , we often wonder what shes staring at ......
28 Jan, 2010
Older cats do that. My Fluffy used to do it.
28 Jan, 2010
Day deaming hope they are sweet ones;0)
28 Jan, 2010
And he's by the place to be...:o) Teddy's started staring at the he can see something we can't .........whoooo!
28 Jan, 2010
poor thing, just cant be bothered can he, hugs from auntie sandra xx
28 Jan, 2010
Love and hugs for Smokey. xxx
28 Jan, 2010
He is taking stock of his life Clarice..ours do this a lot....xx
28 Jan, 2010
aww. could be reminiscing..hugs from me too xx
29 Jan, 2010
Given him lots of hugs from you all xx.
29 Jan, 2010
add me to the hug list OOO 3 hugs in fact
29 Jan, 2010
Have done Neellan.
30 Jan, 2010
Hope they worked :o))
30 Jan, 2010
Nellan in this last few mins although he seems and looks ok, just had to clean alot of blood he as just lost. does'nt look good for him does it.
30 Jan, 2010
Aw Carol so sorry bless you and Smokey keep strong O x
30 Jan, 2010
Thanks Neellan , he's just gone back to sleep again, feel so sad as i can't do alot for him but be there for him.
30 Jan, 2010
That's all you can do and he knows he is loved O
30 Jan, 2010
Thats true thanks .....
30 Jan, 2010
Hugs for you and Smokey, from me too.
30 Jan, 2010
It is a lovely picture of Smokey Clarice. Try not to be sad as he will pic up on this. You are there for him and that's all he needs and want's. I know how you feel, we went through it this time last year with our grey cat Oscar. love to you both. xxxx
30 Jan, 2010
Been through it a few times with pets but it does'nt get any easier does it.
30 Jan, 2010
No it doesn't get easier but the pleasure they give far outweighs the grief.
30 Jan, 2010
Agree on that one each time it happens i always say thats it no more i'm not going through all that again, and still i get another one.
30 Jan, 2010
Me too Clarice!
30 Jan, 2010
carol i hope he isnt in pain, are you going to vet monday?
30 Jan, 2010
Will ring up and see what thay say, he was in no pain when i went Tuesday with him, he's still asleep thats why i'm on here a when he wake up he will wont to sit on my knee,if i dissapear of here you know why.
30 Jan, 2010
i understand carol, you just do what you have to ;o) xx
30 Jan, 2010
Cheers Sandra, have sent you an mp.xx
30 Jan, 2010
sent one back
30 Jan, 2010
OK xx
30 Jan, 2010
Clarice...sorry to hear Smokey not too good.They say sleep is a good medicine..He knows you are always there for him...take good care both.xx
30 Jan, 2010
Thanks alot BB, its like looking after a old person 24/7 at the moment but like i say he is an old cat.xx
30 Jan, 2010
Used to give our elderly dogs chicken and rice Clarice...helped them with their digestion.Just a thought.....
30 Jan, 2010
Thanks BB been giving him chicken portions since he was diagnosed with kidney failure 20mths ago tuna he wont touch just does'nt like it at all, use to get bags of chicken portions from asda at first, for £2-99 then steam them and shred it up for him, then found out iceland do a bag thats alot bigger for £3-50 so thats where i go now.
30 Jan, 2010
Aww bless you Clarice.Yes agree Iceland are streets ahead for good value.Used to get ours there for the dogs,and like you,steam it .A matter of coaxing the appetite isnt it.....
30 Jan, 2010
Tell me about it, keep going and seeing if he's still breathing as he as'nt wokeup since he lost all that blood this afternoon, but he's ok x.
30 Jan, 2010
He needs all the sleep he can get Clarice.Bet he wakes up when he fancies a meal ! x
30 Jan, 2010
I bet he does, and when he realizes he his not on my knee :o)))x
30 Jan, 2010
:o))) x
30 Jan, 2010
Sorry to hear that Smoky is not well!
Bless him......He is so lovely.
Freesiaperson x
30 Jan, 2010
Just caught up with this, Clarice, I do hope Smokey is feeling better now. What a worry for you but you are doing all the right things.
30 Jan, 2010
Thanks FP and Gee, he slept for ages, after he lost a lots of blood yesterday, but in the evening he pecked up abit and was sat on my knee alnight, he is not to bad this morning, but i'm just taking one day at a time with him. Like you say Gee i can't do any more than i am doing for him, its horrible to see him going down hill and can't make him better.
31 Jan, 2010
Glad he feels better today Clarice. :~))x
31 Jan, 2010
Thanks alot....
31 Jan, 2010
Lovely- lovely- lovely Smokey, Umka sends you BIG hugs...xx
1 Feb, 2010
Lots of hugs to Smokey. xxx
1 Feb, 2010
Thanks Uma and TT, had another fairly good day again to day up to yet, Been and got him some whitting fish as that should be ok for him to diggest, as he will not have tuna and he must be getting abit fed up with chicken every meal.
1 Feb, 2010
Aw....lovely Smokey Clarice......I hope he's feeling a bit better today, you are looking after him so well........we are all thinking of him and you....much love
1 Feb, 2010
Thanks Janey x.
1 Feb, 2010
glad he seems a bit brighter carol and having something to eat ;o)) go check out my new friend ;o))
1 Feb, 2010
Hi Clarice....Hope Smokey enjoyed his whiting !
1 Feb, 2010
Just checking in on Smokey Clarice, glad he's had a better day (2in a row):~)) Did he eat the fish? x
1 Feb, 2010
Hi everyone yes he as eaten the fish thanks, think cats are alot differant to dogs when it comes to them eating, most dogs will eat anything more or less, where as cats can be very choosey and Smokey is one of them cats, even cat meat he would get fed up then you had to chance not just the flavor put the make of it aswell, anyway a little bit more good news he as been out this morning, which he as'nt done for a while, did'nt go very far and came straight back in, mind you he did'nt pick a very good day to decide he wonted a little stroll as it was raining this morning.
2 Feb, 2010
Glad to hear Smokey has been eating and had the energy for a little outing. Chloe has been very wobbly over the last few days but managed to walk her this morning and she seemed to enjoy it. Everything little thing helps cheer us up, doesn't it?
2 Feb, 2010
I think it does Gee, think its because we treat our pets like babies, and when anything happens to them its heartbreaking is'nt it.
2 Feb, 2010
hi carol so glad smokey had a little peek outside and a bit of very fresh air, bless,they are quite fussy when comes to food, more like us and like a change, hugs smokey ;o)) x
2 Feb, 2010
Cheers Sandra, if he was a dog it would be easier to feed him as they not so fussy as cats are they.....
2 Feb, 2010
not at all, my lab would eat anything even when she was under the weather, greedy but lovely :o))
2 Feb, 2010
Yes my Sheba she got cancer aswell and she would eat chicken with rice and she had to have paster aswell, i know Smokey will go of this fish after a few meals and i'll be thinking what else i can give him, best bit is i've got 17 tins of differant cat meat in the cupboard that i know he will eat, but he's not suppose to eat them now, but at same time if i can't keep him eating he's going to go down quicker still. One min i think he may aswell eat something he likes, but then i think if i do i'm not helping him either, if you know what i mean. xx
2 Feb, 2010
yes its tough carol, can he have tuna or anything like that, you can get cheap tins from asda, or a bit of fresh chicken, i would give him what he enjoys and at least he is happy
2 Feb, 2010
You know our Shane use to feed there cat with tuna, but the vets told them off as its to rich for them, now the vets telling me to give Smokey tuna aswell as chicken, cant work that one out not good for healthy cat but good for a poorly one, but no he wont eat it, your right i had a look yesterday and its only 38p a tin.
2 Feb, 2010
well my sister`s cat has only eaten tin tuna and fresh chicken since a kitten and now is 18 years old carol, never been ill in his life and still going strong,, touch wood ;o)) so im not sure all this modern food is always the best thing
2 Feb, 2010
Yes our Shane still feeds his cat with it as she dont like cat meat and she is 13 so i can't see what harm it can do, plus it does'nt smell like cat meat does either. You know i'm going back years ago when i was little and we had cats and there was no cat meat full stop, did'nt exist and my mum use to feed them bread & milk and they all had long healthy lives, and milk is suppose to be bad aswell, think my mum use to water it down though to make it go farther.
2 Feb, 2010
yes i was told not cows milk, they have special cat milk now but how do we know whats in it, just give mine water, but a treat of a little milk is ok im sure
2 Feb, 2010
I give mine every now and then milk, but make it 1/2 milk and 1/2 water.
2 Feb, 2010
good idea, i have skimmed so guess thats ok no fat in it
2 Feb, 2010
I have skimmed milk as well, just come on here for a while as he's asleep on the foot stool where he is sat on in this photo, its is fav spot except for my knee.
2 Feb, 2010
It's good that Smokey has had a bit of fresh air and another good day. It is a year today that our lovely grey female cat Oscar died, she had been unwell since the previous October with a tumour right between her eyes, as it grew she found it hard to breath but her appetite was never far away, we always gave her what took her fancy at the time, sliced ham/chickenroll/prawns/grated cheese/cream, whatever, as long as she enjoyed it. Eating was so important to Oscar and boy, did she enjoy it! Despite all this 'bad' food she had a good quality of life for the last few months and lived a lot longer than the vets thought she would.
2 Feb, 2010
aww sleeps good carol , you try to chill a bit while he sleeps ;o))
2 Feb, 2010
Sorry to hear about Oscar, thats all we can do really is'nt it, when it comes to them eating, think its the injections and medication they have to take that makes them have such a good appitite, when they are so ill.
3 Feb, 2010
Hiya Clarice, just checking to see how Smokey is, pleased to see he`s had a little wander, even if it was only for a few mins, you can`t really blame him for only staying out a short while as it`s not really warm is it ?.
My cats are very fussy when it comes to food, they`ll eat something at times and then refuse it another, can be very frustrating keeping up with them.
In your shoes I`d be tempted to allow him to eat a little of what he wanted as long as he managed to keep it down and was happy..Sending you both a hug.xx
3 Feb, 2010
Hi Lincslass, it is just being there to give him what he wonts, like i say i know he would eat his cat meat and he's funny with that aswell, as he will only eat it out of a tin not a packet, seen him odd times sitting at the cupboard where i keep the tins of cat meat meow, and that makes it harder not letting him have it, next time i take him to vets i'll see what they say, as its not as if he will live very long, that sounds horrible what i've just said but i've come to terms with it, so to me he is better eating something he likes. xx
3 Feb, 2010
I agree with you, Carol - it can't harm him now, unless it interferes with his medication? It might be worth checking that. x
3 Feb, 2010
I dont think it will do anything to his medication, but if he would keep eating chicken and he liked tuna its suppose to be easier for his digestive system, but i am going to ask first. Thanks Barbara must admit i think me and you are right though xx.
3 Feb, 2010
I think you are right Carol...give him what will make him happy in small amounts. If it makes you feel better to check with the vet then do.. first of all for your sake and those things that you know you would regret not having done. xx
3 Feb, 2010
Thanks alot Cat xx
3 Feb, 2010
Took Smokey back to vets this morning as although i am giving him the proper food he his suppose to eat he either turns his nose up at it and walks off, or he will eat some of it for a couple of days then again does'nt wont to know it, but the vet told me no way should he have his cat meat and as to stick with what i'm giving him, even if he only eats a little its better for him to digest than his cat meat, so cat meat a no go for him. His next appoinment is still for the 16th feb aweek on Tuesday.
5 Feb, 2010
Good that you checked up with vet Clarice.Not easy...but you have to be cruel to be kind sometimes and if he ate the tinned food and it made him uncomfortable you would have felt bad.x
5 Feb, 2010
Hi Clarice..
You are doing very well in caring for Smokey so carefully ..... Very sensible to check with the vet about which foods Smokey is allowed to eat now. It is difficult when you're looking after an animal which refuses some foods.... Please keep us up to date on how things go. Hugs for Smokey. xxx
5 Feb, 2010
Would not want to make him have anymore discomfort if that is what the cat meat would do...poor guy...poor you... xx
5 Feb, 2010
Thanks for all your caring messages, and will let you know how he gets on at vets again on 16th xx.
6 Feb, 2010
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