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Sweet little baby piggies


By Amy

Sweet little baby piggies

Sorry it's not very clear , I couldn't get any closer !

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AAAaaawwwwwwwww their SOOooooooooo Cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee Amy :)

8 Feb, 2010


Little piggies.........fancy coming out into this cold when they were all snuggled up in Mum's cute Amy...:o)

8 Feb, 2010


I love pigs....and these are gorgeous :o))

8 Feb, 2010


Have to agree they are sooooo sweet :o)))

8 Feb, 2010


Thanks Jacque / Janey / Bloomer / Carole ... .. they were gorgeous all pink and plump , I love to see them running together .... ... They could have waited for some warmer weather couldn't they Janey .. :o)

8 Feb, 2010


Lol.......did you see Montys Dream Farm last week Amy.........with the couple who were hoping to open a nursery/cafe/shop and bought a selection of pig breeds.....I love the Tamworths, and another breed with a woolly curly coat like a fleece.....they were a great attraction.............

8 Feb, 2010


Nice to see them out in the fields, Amy. Cute, ain't they?

8 Feb, 2010


Oh Yes Janey .. LOL.. I had never seen curly haired pigs like that before . . they were great .. pigs are very intelligent , I saw a programme once were they gave the pigs balls and a selection of things to play with and they loved them .. .. If I thought about it to much I would become vegetarian .... and I would miss my bacon :o(

8 Feb, 2010


awww so sweet amy, bless their little trotters lol ;o))

8 Feb, 2010


They are cute Pg .. there were lots of them , but there was a huge hedge in my way and I couldn't poke the camera through enough to get a good photo .....

8 Feb, 2010


LOL Sandra ... :o)

8 Feb, 2010



8 Feb, 2010


What lovely little family of pigglets, hope these little pigs are not going to Market!

8 Feb, 2010


aww never thought about that carole ;o((

8 Feb, 2010


awww they are really cute

8 Feb, 2010


Amy ~ I have not eaten meat for 20 years, and bacon is the one flavour I miss. But I couldn't eat it.....

8 Feb, 2010


gosh you are strong potty,,, im not sure i could do it even though i cant think about where my meat comes from, it upsets me especially when i see young lambs in fields ;o( good for you potty..

8 Feb, 2010


I can't think about it Carole , it upsets me if I do ! They are cute Eileen :o)
Pg .. my son became a Vegetarian many years ago when he was a student it was Bacon that finally got the better of him he started eating it again ............

8 Feb, 2010


I bet you've some happy memories of helping your Grandad with his pigs and little pigglets Homebird ,... :o)

8 Feb, 2010


LOL , I can just see that sqeezing through your toes , did your mum dunk you in the water trough afterwards ...LOL...

9 Feb, 2010


I can see it now ....LOL..

9 Feb, 2010


hello amy you and pete,john,allen,bill,fred looked very well lol .i have trouble with names till i actualy remember them lol. pigs are at least as inteligent as dogs in every way and about half as strong again pound for pound .i used to be a slaughtermen about 18-20 years ago dealing with pigs . i do like them though but like everyone i do like bacon etc . pork is such a diverse and reasnably cheap meat its hard not to buy it or chicken .my faverite pig is the warthogs i think .there so ugly there pretty with personality . i like the way they graze on there font wrists with there trotters facing backwards.take care bye for now xx

9 Feb, 2010


and like i have room to speak about weather another animal is good looking or not lol.

9 Feb, 2010


Thanks Leigh ...You missed some ....LOL... they are very clever , , I wish you hadn't told me that , how old do the little ones have to be before ' this little piggy had to go to market '.. :o(

Beauty is only skin deep Leigh .. we look deeper than that :o))) your'e not bad anyway ... LOL... x

9 Feb, 2010


Aww Amy, I love pigs. My Dad used to keep the odd one when I was little, despite what people think, they are very clean animals, I can almost hear those little piglets squeeking and squeeling, bless.

9 Feb, 2010


Ahh Dawn you have the room for the odd little piggy ... problem is I know you would make a pet of it and then it would never go to market .. ( I say market 'cos it sounds nicer than the other ! )
I love them to .. I nearly had one once , it had escaped from it's field and was running up the side of the road , I stopped , it was an awful job catching it , I was very tempted to pop it in my car LOL...

9 Feb, 2010


the little ones are 6 months old amy as it goes and yes it is young i know.chickens are about 7 weeks old believe it or not and bullocks about 10 months to a year .i always did it as pain free and professional as i could as most of the workforce did including 2 woman .i used to go and stroke them and give them mints . i know beauty is skin deep but thanx for the complement amy . shallow i am not and honest to the point of sounding rude but i prefer though i can be subtle shooting from the hip.take care bye for now xx.

9 Feb, 2010


6 months is that all !! poor little things , i'm glad they can run free outside and aren't shut up like chickens ... .. :o(( x

10 Feb, 2010


yes me to chickens get a terrible deal in life .strange that they are the most commen domestic animal that is actualy extinct in the wild . sorry about making you sad . they have know awarness is the most importent all honesty i would say they dont know whats happening to them even in the slaughter house . they are more botherd about there strange seroundings id say.take care bye for now amy xx.

10 Feb, 2010


Hi Nosey, talking of slaughtering - we have a friend who's a butcher but one day per week he works in the slaughter house. He came to our house after work one day, when Bonnie was still a pup and as soon as he came up the drive, towards the gate, she ran off, tail between her legs - I think she could smell death, maybe she thought she was next, lol.

10 Feb, 2010


well dogs pick up on a humans inner self so hes probably as a slaughterman quite a posative strong energy . dogs are predetors so death should atract them its more likley the nature of the man.

10 Feb, 2010


Interesting stuff Nosey. What painting/sculpting projects do you have on the go at the moment?

10 Feb, 2010


hello dawn im drawing an orangutan female holding her new born . i got a real thing for orangs i do believe . im weighting for the better weather so i can get out and sculp in the garden . im not sure what yet . im toying with the idea of putting a big nearly finished glass painting out of an old glass table at the back of my pond with the artist still painting it out of concrete and rubbish . this is wear my strange and twisted mind comes into its own lol.xx

11 Feb, 2010


I'll look forward to seeing your painting when done and your idea for the pond sounds great.

13 Feb, 2010


well you know me dawn so you will see it the moment i do it . take care bye for now xx .

14 Feb, 2010


I'll watch out for the finished product :-)

14 Feb, 2010


hopefully this summer dawn or knowing my inpatiance as soon as the weathers better xx .

14 Feb, 2010


Love em......

14 Feb, 2010


I love pigs, but when you breed them you take on the resposibility for them of doing the best you can for them. The males unless used for breeding I suppose have to be grown on for meat. As long as they are well looked after and don't have to travel far to the slaughter house then I consider that compassionate. I had a couple of goats that I kept for milking and used to breed every other year with them. The males were grown on for meat. It wasn't an easy thing for us to do but when you take the lifestyle on you have to face what to do with the animals that are bred to enable the milk supply to continue. People buy meat from the butchers and do they think about it? Anyway the babies are lovely and it's great to see them grow. PIgs like a good scratch don't they, and a mud wallow. I suppose it keeps the flies from biting.

15 Feb, 2010


People are a lot more compassionate and aware of better treatment for animal welfare these days , it's high lighted on programmes for cooking etc. which can only be a good thing .. sister in law use to breed and show goats at county shows , she started off with them when her young son had Asthma.. I have to say that I'm really not very keen on goats milk .. .
We all seem to have a soft spot for pigs .. they make us laugh :o)

15 Feb, 2010


My Dad kept goats too, I never liked the milk Amy, especially the first lot after the nanny had kiddied. Is it the beastings? the first milk. My mum made egg custards from the milk, combined with goose eggs (we also had geese), the custard stood about 4 inches high. People fetched our goats milk for their children with ashma and eczema. My dad often had a piglet too - his friend bred pigs and he would come home with the runt of the litter ..... gorgeous.

15 Feb, 2010


Happy days Dawn , Tony said his mother use to make a beastings pie sometimes there was streaks of blood in it ,yuk.. . his father was a farmer ...
The first time Tony's sister brought me a cup of tea I thought it had 'gone off ' I daren't say anything and drank it ..LOL... ..

15 Feb, 2010


Yep, happy days Amy. I know what you mean about the tea with goats milk - you get the whiff before you drink it. I couldnt tackle it and mum wouldnt buy cows milk - hence started to drink black tea and coffee.

15 Feb, 2010


i agree lindak theres no need to do more than whats needed at all and like you say if there wasnt a demand there wouldnt be a supply .i hate the thaught of eating a dog but realy how can i say that when i eat cows,chickens,sheep etc . it is what it is. so considering that theres just know need to be cruel or make it any harder than it has to be . i hate cruelty and bullying which to me is kind of the same thing.ill stick to the cows milk i think lol .take care bye for now xx.

16 Feb, 2010


I don't keep goats anymore but I still drink the milk. I used to find that if you fed them strong flavoured food just before milking the flavour came out in the milk Nettles were great and made the milk taste beautiful. THe milk was very rich after they had had their kids. I made cheese and yogurt.

16 Feb, 2010


Thats interesting Lindak ... . Tony's sister use to sell the milk until the new laws came in a few years ago preventing her from doing it ... she has been seriously i'll this last couple of years so has had to give them up as she was unable to care for them anymore ...did you grow your own Yogurt from one batch to another ?

I would have to draw the line at eating dogs Leigh , and horse meat which is normal to eat in France .... it's just the thought of it , it would make me sick , but then again who knows what you would do if you were starving :o(

16 Feb, 2010


I think I got some sachets to add to the warmed milk to start with it was a long time ago Amy. I seem to remember I did it in a thermos flask. I think that the worlds gone mad with all these rules and regulations they have for everything nowadays. It was good enough practice with the milk beforehand, and I think all these regulations put a lot of people off of doing smallholding now. It seems to me that they want every apple to be the same size and every vegetable perfectly clean. What happens to all the veg and fruit that doesn't comply? What a waste.

16 Feb, 2010


I know what you mean Lindak , it is crazy ... I did see a programme where they were saying that the supermarkets might start to sell odd shaped veg etc. at a reduced price to see if the public would take it ...... it could be interesting to see what happens ~~

I have a yogurt making flask , I do like it but often forget to make it .!

16 Feb, 2010


hello amy people eat humans if there hungry enough .i wouldnt eat horse or dog it would be like eating my niece .i know its hypacrytical but i cant help it . i just cant say anything realy if other people eat these things . they just dont haave to be cruel . you find at markets the farmers smack the cattle etc with sticks with know respect . if i see them i rip them a new bottem . theres just know need.they sell od shaped mushrooms in tesco for less money . your right a lot of these regulations are redicules .anyway id better go before i start running on about the wrongs and rights of the world lol .take care bye for now xx .

16 Feb, 2010


I buy those mushrooms Leigh , you get a big box , they make a lovely omelet , .., .. a cruel person is a nasty person who probably isn't liked very much and takes it out on a defenceless creature that can't retaliate .....

16 Feb, 2010


yes horrible people unlike me and you hay amy xx .

16 Feb, 2010


Oh yes .. we are nice people aren't we Leigh ..... LOL...

16 Feb, 2010


My Father was a farmer/butcher and bred pigs which were organically reared (although he didn't know he was organic at the time) they lived outside, and only had the best to eat, he loved them more than his wife (my Mum) seriously!!
we just thought of them as roast pork..... they led stress free lives and tasted delicious.

16 Feb, 2010


fair play dotty .wear would we be without a nice bit of cracklin anyway lol x x x.

16 Feb, 2010


Ah ..! now than can you tell me why I can't make crackling like I use to , it dosn't seem the same .. is the skin thinner ?

16 Feb, 2010


and yes amy we are nice people .there are a few about dont know .theres some on here i believe lol including you and your hubby . im proud of being a basicly good friendly reasnably honestish lol inteligent man and a scruff lol.i havnt always been all of these and i guess everyone has there moments .its called being young i think lol .i love this site and the people are nice even getting a couple of dodgy gardner friends in dereham excuse my spelling amy lol .right ill be of before i get boring
ps bye the way amy that glue i showed im my last blog is brilliant . my pond is sorted .i thaught it was going to be a night mare lol xx.

16 Feb, 2010


I did see that you had sorted it Leigh i'm glad to hear it , I wouldn't want you to lose all those lovely big fish ... I wonder who the dodgy people in Dereham are !! I'll have to avoid them ...LOL...

16 Feb, 2010


i should amy i wouldnt want you to bump into them.i think they live close to the rail track lol all my love leigh and mel xx.

17 Feb, 2010


Thanks for the warning Leigh . That's a bit to close for comfort ...LOL... love to Mel x

17 Feb, 2010


yes i would sneak out of your drive incase they spot you amy lol lots of love leigh and i will pass your love on to mel take care bye for now xxx

17 Feb, 2010

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