By Sanbaz

16 Feb, 2010
little robin has been singing happily most of the day,
Comments on this photo
Aawwwww this is a Lovely Robin Photo San :) Well Done u X
16 Feb, 2010
thanx janey its pretty cold out here today to, rained this morning but sun just coming out now, was going to do a bit out there but cant seem to motivate myself lol
16 Feb, 2010
sorry we crossed jacque, glad you like it, he doesnt seem to mind me going close especially when he is singing and showing off lol x
16 Feb, 2010
Great pic Sandra. :o)
16 Feb, 2010
cheers Terra ;o))
16 Feb, 2010
I love listening to birds Sing San :)When i was in GH this morning i could hear lots of different Birds :) Im getting 2 Robins in My Garden @ present & they keep fitting :(
16 Feb, 2010
He must sense Spring is in the air although not much sign of it in my garden! a great picture Sandra
16 Feb, 2010
He looks like he's well fed to me aswell as fluffing up as its still cold outside i think.
16 Feb, 2010
jacque maybe they are fighting because its not mating time yet, only really get together to mate, im sure thats probably it, i love to listen to the singing to, its theraputic :o))
thanx carole :o))
16 Feb, 2010
hi carol sorry we crossed there, its pretty cold today so think he is fluffed up but also he never stops eating lol
16 Feb, 2010
That is a lovely photo San. really cute :o)
16 Feb, 2010
cheers amy ;o))
16 Feb, 2010
lovely photo...........
16 Feb, 2010
What a fat robin, you must be feeding him well!
There's one in the trees nearby singing its little heart out.
16 Feb, 2010
I have a little robin that always joins me when I am working in the garden.
A couple of months ago I saw a sparrow hawk catch a small bird in my garden. It landed on the path outside my window and held its prey in its claws until it stopped struggling. It then flew off to eat the poor thing!
16 Feb, 2010
thanx holly... :o))
lol val isnt he just, but think its also the fact its cold today :o))
linda how awfull to see that happen, it happened here just before end of summer and it really upset me , guess thats nature, glad your robin is ok :o)
16 Feb, 2010
Oh Linda, so sad , but thats life--------- i would have beenso upset too San.
16 Feb, 2010
great shot
16 Feb, 2010
its tough being a softy val lol
thanx eileen :o))
16 Feb, 2010
Well done little robin.keep singing..spring is in the air..we hope lol
16 Feb, 2010
lol deida ;o))
16 Feb, 2010
Thats a brilliant pic,Sanbaz...He is lovely...:o))
16 Feb, 2010
thanx sandra :o)) was lucky he wanted to pose today :o))
16 Feb, 2010
Lovely shot San.
16 Feb, 2010
Hi Sanbaz
I felt so sorry for the little bird caught by the sparrow hawk, but I also felt terribly excited about seeing such a wonderful bird of prey in my garden in Glasgow.
Isn't life strange?
17 Feb, 2010
Beautiful shot of your little robin and nature can be so beautiful as well as so very cruel at times
17 Feb, 2010
thanx dotty :o))
linda i know exactly what you mean i felt the same, to see a bird of prey is wonderfull in itself :o))
gina thats what makes it so interesting isnt it, i love nature and what joy it gives us :o))
17 Feb, 2010
Great photo, Sanbaz. I could hear my robin singing yesterday but just couldn't spot where he was sitting :)
17 Feb, 2010
thanx Gee he has been in garden today to picking up grubs while we were digging and chopping at old stumps, lots of taste grubs :o)
17 Feb, 2010
Hi San..Jane here.Ray will be off line for a couple of weeks as he has had to travel 250 miles to visit his Dad who has had a hospital but recovering slowly.Youre stuck with me ! Lol
17 Feb, 2010
lol i think i can cope with that jane :o)) i do hope everything will be ok for rays dad, bet that was a shock, poor man, give ray my reguards when you speak next x
18 Feb, 2010
Lol...thanks San ! Will pass on your regards to Ray when I speak later on the phone ...x
18 Feb, 2010
Great shot your new photos!
20 Feb, 2010
cheers sooze glad you like them :o))
20 Feb, 2010
Lovely pic, good shot, Sanbaz - it's either very cold and he's fluffed up, or he's been eating too much! Any idea why some robins have that paler area under the red breast and some don't? I've got 3 that visit and only one of them has that pale area, the other 2 don't.
22 Feb, 2010
hi bamboo im not sure to be honest, could it be male and female, will look it up and see , thanx :o))
22 Feb, 2010
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Thats a smashing pic San..........he's fluffed up though, so its still really cold.....:o(
We had some sunshine this morning and I managed to put Jasper the canary out under the BBQ shelter for a couple of hours............this is the first time since last October...:o(
16 Feb, 2010