mirror mirror on the wall
By Sanbaz

20 Feb, 2010
casper is getting so vane, or is he just nosey lol
Comments on this photo
hi loise ive had to move my lovely figurines incase he knocks them off and the mirrir id hung by cord so hope its ok, all i do is move things around all the time with casper lol
20 Feb, 2010
Does he watch the tv yet ?
Both mine do it but Millie especially .... they love to see birds and go looking for them when they fly across the screen !
20 Feb, 2010
lol yes he does watch tv, his little head bobs up and down or side to side, he heard a cat on tv other night and shot to the window to see hahah
20 Feb, 2010
He's just checking he looks nice before going out San, hair in place makeup on!!!might just have a lady friend he is taking out.
20 Feb, 2010
lol yorkshire, well she will have a long wait he cant go out yet, not till ive had him 4 weeks and use to us and the house, :o))
20 Feb, 2010
how old is he then San
20 Feb, 2010
He is becoming a star! We should make him the GOY mascot!! Can't wait to see him in the garden in the summer!
20 Feb, 2010
ha ha, they get everywhere, dont they. I like his collar Sandra.
20 Feb, 2010
I wonder if he thinks he has a playmate now! Must be a bit like having a toddler in the house having to move everything to a safe place.
20 Feb, 2010
It is Gee. I've moved all my house plants upstairs and vases - they've smashed two already.
20 Feb, 2010
When there use to be any wildlife programmes on and there use to be birds on it Smokey would go right up to the screen to watch them and his mouth was all on the go, when the moved of the screen Smokey would go round the back off tv, he must have thought they would fly out of it. I think when they see thereselves in the mirror i think they think its another cat.
20 Feb, 2010
yorshire he is about 4 they say but i thing a bit younger than that,
aww thanx sooze i will tell him that lol
thanx dawn got collar fron sanctuary had some lovely ones, he will have a few soon, i was always buying new ones for angelina, its like a fashion thing for cats haha :o))
your so right Gee its defernatly like having a child again lol
lol carol casper runs to window if he hears a cat on tv ;o))
20 Feb, 2010
20 Feb, 2010
hows smokey today carol
20 Feb, 2010
Not to bad, he's asleep at moment thats why i'm on here for a bit as soon as he wakes up he will be wonting me to settle down so he can sit with me xx.
20 Feb, 2010
aww glad he is holding his own carol, poor old man, give him a gentle hug from me plez xx
20 Feb, 2010
Dont really think Casper has settled with you at all San !! Lol
20 Feb, 2010
think your right jane, looks very unsettled doesnt he lol :o))
20 Feb, 2010
Cracking photo San, looks like he's trying to climb thro'. He's a cheeky monkey! :o))
20 Feb, 2010
I sure will, dont think he's going to give in easy, he's already coped with kidney failure for nearly 2yrs, think he likes the good life he as.xx
20 Feb, 2010
should have called him alice lol through the looking glass , thanx val :o))
im sure your right carol, doesnt want to leave you ;o)) xx
20 Feb, 2010
Mirror Mirrror on the wall Im the fairest of them all Lol he is a right character isnt he;
20 Feb, 2010
glad to hear Smokey is holding his own Clarice....its all that TLC.........
20 Feb, 2010
he sure is carole, trouble is ive had to move everything , you dont mind a few cheap things getting broken but not my wedding presents, my circle of love figures, expensive and dear to me :o))
20 Feb, 2010
Thanks, BB he his certainly getting plenty of TLC xx.
20 Feb, 2010
You may have to end up getting a china cabinet San !!
20 Feb, 2010
thats an idea jane, i will try to get something that will go on wall, dont have any room left for free standing furniture, good thinking jane :o))
20 Feb, 2010
Now thats what I call vain...lol! :o)))
20 Feb, 2010
lol sandra ;o))
20 Feb, 2010
lol great photo
20 Feb, 2010
thanx eileen, he`s everywhere, cant keep up with him lol
20 Feb, 2010
How old did you say you thought he was, San ?
20 Feb, 2010
sanctuary said about 4 louise but im not to sure, he`s like a kitten playing around, they go off their teeth apparently
20 Feb, 2010
When i got my 2 from the RSPCA they said they were about 1 but i'm sure they were younger !
20 Feb, 2010
if they are strays its possible their teeth seem older as they havent been looked after, casper is so quick and seems to catch on quick, like he has been trained, im going to ask my vet what he thinks when we next go, i dont think they can be sure louise, his body is very kitten like to, slender but not thin like starved, just young
20 Feb, 2010
20 Feb, 2010
great pic.....
20 Feb, 2010
Bless him.........
21 Feb, 2010
thanx holly... and dotty.. he jumps places i didnt think he could get at lol, constantly moving things :o)) he`s sat watching the snow this morning
21 Feb, 2010
"Is that George Clooney in there?"........:o)
21 Feb, 2010
lol janey,, i wish it was hahaha :o))
21 Feb, 2010
Ha ha...he's exploring. Once he can go outside he'll probably stop leaping on everything, and you'll be able to put your ornaments back out!
21 Feb, 2010
I love it Sandra , he is keeping you amused ..LOL.. I bet you can't keep your eyes off him ...... :o))
21 Feb, 2010
hope your right potty,,,he was stood on one of my plants before looking out of kitchen window , my black hollyhock which was sprouting but now squashed :o(
amy he is so funny even though he`s trampling everything in site lol, bites baz`s toes while he sleeps, and runs at your shoe laces when trying to tie them lol :o))
21 Feb, 2010
super pic Sandra..reminds me of Percy when he was young .he loved mirrors or anything shiny ,thought there was another dog and got very excited..
23 Feb, 2010
lol deida, i moved things to another spot and he keeps climbing there to even though no room to walk lol, something is going to get broken soon i can see it ;o)
23 Feb, 2010
Great shot, Sanbaz. I had a cat who behaved similarly once - when she was young, during nature programmes she'd get on top of the telly and take swipes at the screen when birds were flying about. Not to mention watching the fish tank for hours and occasionally unable to resist leaping at it, or getting on top of it. She's also the one who got stuck in the loo - I'd heard piteous cries from the bathroom and she was straddled with all four paws inside the pan and couldn't get out. I've no idea why she preferred to drink from the toilet than from the water bowl I put out for her - and she did love a mirror!
25 Feb, 2010
Twinkle drinks from the toilet Licks the water from the shower floor, and loves to drink the water from the dehumidifier. If the level is too low she will put her paw down inside scoop the water out and lick the moisture off her paw. She used to chase wildlife on the telly screen too. WHen we first had her she went into everything and even now gets shut in the wardrobe because you haven't seen her creep in. She meows loud enough to be let out and there are usually a pile of clothes on the floor when you open the door again. I stopped Twinkle from going on to the kitchen surfaces by keep on lifting her off and saying NO. She doesn't do it anymore. You have to have eyes in the back of your head and a good sense of humour. LOL
25 Feb, 2010
lol bamboo poor cat stuck in loo, did the cat do it again or leave the loo alone after that,they do get up to some silly things dont they :o))
lol lindak seems they are all very much alike with doing silly things, like you i keep telling casper no when on work surfaces, but untill it sinks in i have to keep them extra clean and do them again before cooking just to be sure, its hard work having a cat lol, by the way he was on lounge window lastnight howling and waging his tail, when i looked out because it went on and on, there was a little puss flirting at the window at him, think it was love at first sight hahah, had to go tell her to go home in the end :o))
25 Feb, 2010
Twinkle has been very licky, fussy and loud at the moment....think it's that time of year for romance.......she sniffs everythink in the garden and the local toms are paying a call and spraying.
26 Feb, 2010
Hmm - last time I had a cat that did that, Lindak (at 5 months old) we ended up with 6 new kittens a few weeks later... Had her speyed immediately after!
26 Feb, 2010
Twinkle's had the op Bamboo but she still has strong instincts.
26 Feb, 2010
yes they still have feelings im sure which is sad really, must be frustrating for them, casper`s lady friend was at the window again lastnight lol
26 Feb, 2010
Romance in the air then Sanbaz.
27 Feb, 2010
not sure about that linda, she will be dissapointed i think lol no tackle!
27 Feb, 2010
How odd, my cat showed no interest at all after the op -maybe she learnt her lesson from nurturing six kittens though!
27 Feb, 2010
maybe its a male thing bamboo lol
27 Feb, 2010
Yea, that'd be about right!
27 Feb, 2010
lol, bamboo
27 Feb, 2010
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He might think it's a window, mine do daft things like this !
20 Feb, 2010