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The Seeds They Are A Sprouting

The Seeds They Are A Sprouting

2weeks ago I spent the whole morning sewing seeds including Dalihas, Lavertera, Viola, Blue Poppy, Direma, Lupins, Sweet peas, Larkspur, Calafornia Poppies ,Foxgloves,Verbena Bonaris and Bottlebrush. Its wonderful to see that already more than half have begun to sprout, the Lavertera was first to appear followed by the Dalihas so I am going to be very busy over the next few weeks pricking them out!

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Ooooooo PP these look so Healthy :) Is your GH heated ? :)

26 Feb, 2010


Looking good, PP. Well done :o)

26 Feb, 2010


They are looking good,Carole.I was determined to do some yesterday,I brought compost inside from shed,to warm it up,propagator and seeds all ready,
and realised I had forgotten seed trays...doh,and as the rain is torrential,there is no way I am going to the shed again! Don't you just hate it when that happens?
anyway,I repotted my orchid instead,which was long overdue, :o))

26 Feb, 2010


There are many you have, PP! You will be very busy...:) It's so lovely to see these little seedlings' development, isn't it...

26 Feb, 2010


Well done Carole , you are way ahead of me , I have promised that I will start some serious business at the beginning of March , hoping we will have some warm sunshine to help them along .......

26 Feb, 2010


Thanks everyone, its such a great feeling when they start to poke through the compost you just have to reach for the camera and share. Harry thinks Im daft his words were What you taking a picture of seeds for, you will bore everyone to death! [ hope your not] lol
Sorry you didnt get back to the shed for your seed trays Sandra, but can't blame you its been a dreadful day!
Amy have'nt seen sign of the Bottlebrush, or Fishing Rods yet but fingers crossed they wont be long now!
Jac its a converted garage now Utility room great for arty and creative things, Harry made a staging in the window for me for my plants and there is a frost free heater in there ;0)


26 Feb, 2010


I was telling Jacque the other day, i just enjoy being on my own in my little greenhouse and my little radio on when potting on, and i go into a world of my own while i'm do them. :o))

26 Feb, 2010


me too carole, although how is it your nose starts itching when your hands are full of wet compost lol

26 Feb, 2010


:o)) jobs with you i'll do your seeds and you can paint my fence for me.

26 Feb, 2010


Think I'll stick to seed planting and the itchy nose lol

26 Feb, 2010


:o)) thought you

26 Feb, 2010


well done carole :o))

26 Feb, 2010


Your seedlings are doing very well. I will have to make a start soon but it is very cold today here, and very windy :(

26 Feb, 2010


Thanks Sandra
It is an effort Gee when the weather is so cold and miserable, its been pouring down all day here.

26 Feb, 2010


You did well Pp..severe flooding here today..drains blocking and roads flooding..over 18 hours of torrential rain. What next ??

26 Feb, 2010


You may ask BB but surely it can't get any worse, it amazes me how we all after a few mutterings just shrug it off and get on with life. it does tell you something about the human race doesnt it!

26 Feb, 2010


How exciting Carole love this time of year, onto my second lot of seeds in the propagator too, can't resist sowing loads every year, never know where I'm going to put them all,lol, just love growing them, always seem to find somewhere to shoe horn them in, I've got galega, gaura, felicia fillifolia, delphinium(pink) and tomato's to prick out this weekend if I can find any more small plant pots in the greenhouse,lol.What variety of Dahlia are you growing?I have some dahlia 'bishops children' just showing their first lot of dark leaves, do actually know where they're going though,lol.
We had all the rain to yesterday, but actually fine here today :-)

27 Feb, 2010


Well done Pansy you will have lots of lovely flowers this year.

27 Feb, 2010


Thanks Toto do hope I will have lots of flowers, I know the lavetera will be a safe bet ,grow them every year but some of the others its first time for me;0)

Thanks Simbad The Dahlias are the annual type can't remember the name lol you seem to have some unusual ones havent got Feicia or Gaura have you grown these before?
Like you say where to put them all until they are ready to go in the garden and the sheer work behind pricking them out, there seem to be hundreds, but I dont prick them out until they have a pair of true leaves, do you wait for this to happen? only some Goy members seem to prick out as soon as they sprout. Ive also got a free packet of tomatoe seeds which were free in Gardeners World magazine, but Im holding back until Ihave some of the other seedlings settled.

27 Feb, 2010


Carole the felicia fillifolia is one I haven't grown before, swapped the seed a couple of years ago and just found them at the bottom of my seed box its a south african shrub member of the aster family, books say its frost hardy so worth a try,grows to around 3ft and in spring covered in masses of mauve aster like flowers with yellow centres, quite excited about that one, have grown gaura before collected the seed from my own plants.
Its plant pots I'm always running out of and get through huge amounts of compost, but love watching them grow, must admit this time of year when they're in windowsill propagator I do tend to prick them out before true leaves appear as they get so leggy reaching for the light,later ones in the greenhouse I leave a bit longer, have a stand that holds 15 seed trays which they are all growing away in, but have moved it into the sunroom were its a bit warmer.
Be exciting to see which variety of Dahlia you have look forward to seeing your pictures :-)
Like to know how you get on with the bottlebrush have some seeds but haven't sown them yet :-)

28 Feb, 2010


Felicia sounds very attractive, I will be interested to see how it progressesI have also decided to prick some of my seedlings out otherwise I will get swamped with them all lol
The Bottlebrush seeds were off Amy who is also going to try growing from seed, [no sign of mine yet!] its so interesting isnt it watching them grow, my Antirhinums are sprouting now but they are so minute compared with some othe others you wonder how they can grow into such sturdy plants. Happy Planting;0)

28 Feb, 2010


Know what you mean Carole I grew lobelia tupa a couple of years ago plants were over 6ft tall last year, but the seedlings were minute always amazes me, noticed you're growing dierama too grew those three years ago from seed flowered for the first time last year, lovely, they can be quite slow to germinate though, remember sowing them in trays outside in early spring and it was august time before I pricked them out so don't give up, good luck with the rest of your seedlings :-)

28 Feb, 2010


Yes Sinbad there isnt any sign of Dierama as yet after what you have said I will be very patient

28 Feb, 2010


They look just like grass at first Carole :-)

28 Feb, 2010



28 Feb, 2010

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