casper playing hide and seek
By Sanbaz

27 Feb, 2010
casper loves hiding and playing in joe`s wash basket
Comments on this photo
lol sue, let him out for the first time today and all was fine, kept coming back to make sure we ere still here lol
27 Feb, 2010
he thinks its a great cat
27 Feb, 2010
lol holly, its funny when he tries to roll it ;o)
27 Feb, 2010
a nice cat.
27 Feb, 2010
cheers yorshire ;o)
27 Feb, 2010
Bless he looks full of it Sandra =^..^=
27 Feb, 2010
oh he really is stripes, i love him to bits ;o)
27 Feb, 2010
What a character......
27 Feb, 2010
and he knows it dotty,, took him a while when we let him out today, a bit nervous for his first outing :o))
27 Feb, 2010
Funny cats always like to be nosy with bags and to play with them, my cats when they where little, i use to put a paper bag on floor and they would play for hours with it. :o))
27 Feb, 2010
lol carol,hard to get a paper bag these days ;o)
27 Feb, 2010
Tell me about it, :o))
27 Feb, 2010
How sweet, Casper certainly finds the most comfortable places to hang! :o)
27 Feb, 2010
As I said before San...not sure Casper will settle with you !!! Lol
27 Feb, 2010
lol sandra and jane :o)) he is wanting to go out but ive told him no as its dark now, he did well today and came home a couple of times so i feel better now,
going to let him out earlier tomoz so he can be in and out all day if he wants :o)
jane hows ray doing, glad to be home i bet
27 Feb, 2010
hi San...we have bad weather here...flooding...and Ray has high winds and rain there.Bad forecast tomorrow here too high winds and a flood alert.So Ray is travelling on Monday when things look more settled.Doesnt want that long journey in gales as the van is so light........... x
27 Feb, 2010
aww what a shame ray couldnt get home jane, bet you felt a bit down about that, hope he gets back monday, oh well your stuck with us all weekend now lol x
27 Feb, 2010
Aww San...thats not a bad thing ! Lol x Dont want to risk an accident just for the sake of a vouple of days...anyway he has to do a big shop for his Dad before he leaves so he is well stocked !
27 Feb, 2010
yes your right jane, is his dad doing ok, will someone go each day to see him and help, i do hope he will be well soon
27 Feb, 2010
Yes...carers will go in 3 times a day for a fortnight and then he will have a review.He is making good progress..thanks x
27 Feb, 2010
He's lovely Sandra :o))
27 Feb, 2010
so glad jane he is doing so well :o)
thanx hywel he is a little gem so full of fun and loving to ;o))
27 Feb, 2010
You'll be glad you got him :o)
27 Feb, 2010
i am already hywel, he loved going out today and didnt stay away to long either which made me feel better, i was worried being his first time, thought he would get lost :o)
27 Feb, 2010
Sandra I can see you grinning from ear to ear .. all the time you are watching and being amused by the little beastie ..... LOL...
27 Feb, 2010
your right amy, i love having a pet, even though i still miss angelina im so much happier, im sure she would have liked casper to ;o))
27 Feb, 2010
I bet she would San , and she would be pleased to see you happy again :o))
27 Feb, 2010
thanx amy ;o) x
27 Feb, 2010
Suits you Sir...he looks nice in blue San...:o)....Maybe its the socks in the bottom that are the attraction,,,Lol!!
27 Feb, 2010
lol janey, he does suit blue doesnt he :o))
27 Feb, 2010
So pleased for you Sandra, can just imagine how much enjoyment he is bringing in your life again, he is such a character and a very handsome Cat;0))
27 Feb, 2010
thankyou carole, he really brightens the home up with his antics, and such a good boy to :o))
27 Feb, 2010
I can't get over how huge Casper's eyes are - definitely beautiful in blue :)
28 Feb, 2010
he does have big eyes Gee thats one of the first things that attracted me to him ;o)) thanx
28 Feb, 2010
LOL :) Its so good to see him so Happy San :) Im glad u rescued him ;)X
1 Mar, 2010
thanx jacque yes he is happy,started to go out at weekend and being a good boy coming back after about an hour at the most, just playing around near by gardens, not going to far im sure and we are pretty quite here, not to close to the village main road so should be fine, :o)) x
1 Mar, 2010
Aaaaaw thats great San :) Im so Happy 4 u both X :D
1 Mar, 2010
thanx jacque :o)) x
1 Mar, 2010
aww I thought he was ready to go camping lol
1 Mar, 2010
lol deida :o))
1 Mar, 2010
Thought from the small photo that this was a new covered cat bed but I can see now that he's having a great time exploring everything and having fun. Nice that he can go out now. It's a big relief when they come back home again when first let out. Twinkle took 3 hours to come back when we let her out. We thought we'd lost her. Casper certainly looks very well. x
4 Mar, 2010
thanx linda he is loving being out but always comes back about every hour at the most, if im in garden he is happy to be with me so im pleased about that, you must have been worried i would have been to , casper also seems to get along with my neighbours cat sam(female) so im glad, elain and i would hate it if they were to fall out and one get hurt, so all well :o))
4 Mar, 2010
Twinkle has made friends with a cat we have named FLuffy. They tend to whap each other now and again with a hefty paw but generally they get on.
5 Mar, 2010
i think all cats get a bit slap happy at times linda but dont use their claws, its when they want to be left alone lol
5 Mar, 2010
Does Casper like his scratchy post? Twinkle loves hers except we had to buy the tallest one as when stretched out she is very long!!!!!! It has saved the furniture though from claw marks.
5 Mar, 2010
sorry late linda went back to work and just back, casper does use his alot but im going to get the bigger one cause this one isnt tall enough for him and he pulls it over, he sometimes goes to grab at sofa so i have to tell him off, ive got new sofa and dont want it scratched :o(
5 Mar, 2010
cat's are highly intelligent and soon get the message if you're persistant enough and say No. We have a cat that visits out garden and hides ready to catch the birds and I've only got to trap at the window and point at him and he slinks off now. LOL
6 Mar, 2010
im going to get the bigger scratch post this week for him, the other to small, but your right if we keep telling them,, soon get the message lol
6 Mar, 2010
sanbaz if you get another scratchy post ....a suggestion.....make another square equal to the one the other end of this short scratchy post and fix it the other end. lay the post down so that it's sidwards and Casper may well use it to stretch on.
7 Mar, 2010
ok thanx linda will get hubby on the job, he has a scratch mat to, more toys than my kids had lol :o)
7 Mar, 2010
Gerry used to make a cardboard scratchy post that just sat on the floor. Get a 2ft length of Corregated carboard and a carpet knife. partly cut along every 2 inches, making sure you don't cut completely through the cardboard on alternate sides so that you can concertina it like a fan then squash it altogether and bind it round with some very strong tape.You can repeat this until you have about a foot across. Make a cardboard back for it with a 2 inch edge all round big enough to put it in and place on floor. our cats loved them.
8 Mar, 2010
what a great idea linda, when i next have some of that will try it :o) they like anything which is differant and makes a sound to
8 Mar, 2010
WHen I said corregated cardboard I meant the ordinary cardboard boxes you can get from any supermarket and the corregated bit is usually on the inside bit between thw two layers of card. AM I digging myself into a bigger hole here. You know what I mean!!!!! LOL
9 Mar, 2010
lol linda yes i know what you mean so that makes it easier thanx ;o)) always getting boxes from something
9 Mar, 2010
A lovely picture of a lovely cat. I love the cool green-blue tone of his eyes - Jessie's are more yellow.
12 Mar, 2010
thanx Gb, glad you like him, he`s such a good boy and such great company, jess is lovely to :o))
12 Mar, 2010
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Quite comfy thanks and I`m really not doing any harm Mum....Cute face,lol...
27 Feb, 2010