My One and Only Iris
By Pansypotter
- 12 Mar, 2010
This is first bulb to open in my garden, everything is so far behind, but nevertheless this litte flower was a very welcome sight dont remember planting it, maybe I will get some more welcome susprises.!
Comments on this photo
Thanks Carol it is a vivid blue, I have mixed feelings about Iris, like the colours and markings but always seem so stiff and formal to me!
12 Mar, 2010
I've got some mixed iris in a pot growing, but no way near to flower....
12 Mar, 2010
I know what you mean about Iris. PP...
but this one has lovely shades of blue..
12 Mar, 2010
Thanks Terra, maybe if it was in a pot I would appreciate it more, looks lost in the soil!
12 Mar, 2010
I think the ones that you weren't expecting and come as a surprise are the best .. it's a lovely one Carole :o)
12 Mar, 2010
Thanks Amy You are right! will go and give it a little pat now! Lol
12 Mar, 2010
Well its one more than we have Pansy.....and its a beauty......
12 Mar, 2010
More than I've got, PP, and what a brilliant colour. I bought 40 iris bulbs (supposed to flower June-September) from our Pound shop last week. and have popped them in pots around the garden and a few in the greenhouse. Fingers crossed they grow :)
12 Mar, 2010
Thanks Maureen and Gee, Im sure you will have lots of beautiful Iris's in June Gee ;0)
12 Mar, 2010
lovely carole even though alone :o)
12 Mar, 2010
12 Mar, 2010
Thanks Eileen and Sandra ;-)
12 Mar, 2010
Stunning! They do multiply quite quickly! Look for more next year. :-))
13 Mar, 2010
Thanks David thats good to hear will be on the lookout ;0)
13 Mar, 2010
Lovely to see this splash of colour Pp....
13 Mar, 2010
Thanks BB, but would you believe it I went out today to take another peep at it and its completely disappeared! not a trace, do you think someone loved it so much it devoured it?
13 Mar, 2010
A bird Pp ? We had a few orange crocuses disapear too !!!
13 Mar, 2010
Well never mind as long as someone enjoyed it!!
13 Mar, 2010
: o)
13 Mar, 2010
Oh no!!! This is too bad, Pp :-((
Have never heard of birds going for anything but yellow before, but can't think of any other culprit, unless the slugs/snails are out and about?
13 Mar, 2010
Its gorgeous and a wonderful photo too, yes slugs and snails like them I can vouch for that as they ate my bigger ones last year.
15 Mar, 2010
That is a terrible shame, PP! Such a beautiful flower but gone overnight!
I have some Dutch Irises that come up every year but they are only white! They were a mixed batch of bulbs when I planted them 4 or 5 years ago but the other colours seem to have died out! Most unusual!!!
17 Mar, 2010
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12 Mar, 2010