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Azalea 3

Azalea 3

This is the last pic. of this unknown shrub...

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How pretty the colour of the pink is.

28 Mar, 2010


That is such a soft pink Fp, it's gorgeous :~))

28 Mar, 2010


Thank you Ladyessex...Yes it is a pretty pink , Fb has described it
well a nice soft pink : >))

29 Mar, 2010


Ah gee, you making me blush now

30 Mar, 2010


the flower shape seems very open... lovely thing.

30 Mar, 2010


I always get a wonderful display, with this Camellia Lori, gives me so much pleasure....: 0))

30 Mar, 2010


hi love ur pics .( you get deer ,how lovly wish i did) i have dog ,cat,horse and hens .wud love to live more in country.:0)

7 Apr, 2010


Thanks Cristina...Glad you enjoyed my pics! Yes, i do get Deer coming
into my Garden early hours of the morning...I have a Security light that
comes on, whenever anyone enters my Garden..Usually about 2 or 3
Deer come in. `Its lovely to watch them..,They are now known as Pests
Damaging people`s Gardens, they are now being culled!!! : >(((

7 Apr, 2010


Do your camellias fall as a whole flower or slowly starting with the petals? If whole flower, your camellia is Camellia japonica and if only petals, that's Camellia sasanqua ~~~

10 May, 2010


What an unusual way of finding out your plant`s name.....i have them close
together, so it will be hard to notice, i will have to keep my eye on them
thank you Tm...: ~))

10 May, 2010


My pleasure Fp~~ :) We differentiate these 2 plants and call them in different names in Japanese language~~; Tsubaki and Sazanka ~~~ :) It is said that samurai warriors disliked the way Tsubaki fell from the tree - it reminded them of someone's head having being cut and fell on the ground, oooooohhhh :(

10 May, 2010


I have had a lot of heads on the ground this year!!!!!! They get swept back under with the lawn broom to give life to the next lot of buds to be formed in the summer.

12 May, 2010


Mine are in Pots Doriac,... i have Clay soil, which they don`t do well in, i
have tried.... so i cannot sweep the heads under the lawn...i sweep them up
and put them in the Compost bin, so eventually, do go back in the ground
again, thats the beauty of recycling...

12 May, 2010

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