Momma Out with Her New Baby
By Greenthumb

28 Mar, 2010
Amazingly, they deliver babies in February! Cold! Now its warming up their coats are rich, the baby was in some other trees already a little horse! She was very calm for mamma moose.
Comments on this photo
Wonderful , welcome little horse and well done Mommma in al that cold weather!
28 Mar, 2010
Lovely to see and hear about this, GT. It's incredible how they survive isn't it. Beautiful animal.
28 Mar, 2010
Thanks. They are amazing. It is said they can wait for a warm day to give birth. Timed just right. The baby is almost 5ft tall.
All moose will charge and stomp you into the ground, Brian. They almost never run. A mother with a baby is the most dangerous. But they will put back their ears before that so you have a moment warning. I was still in my car. This is just at the corner. This animal is often more dangerous than a bear. They are not afraid.
28 Mar, 2010
Gosh 5ft that just my size lol
28 Mar, 2010
:-) He'd fit right in ....for a month or
28 Mar, 2010
28 Mar, 2010
They are huge and brave.... have you seen the e/ms circulating of the cow with two calves frollicking in a sprinkler? and the man in Minnesota who raised an orphaned bull calf and now uses it as a draft animal on his farm...says he lets it go off on it's own during the rut...but it always returns and he puts a blue marker on it so that local hunters won't kill his "Minnesota Clydesdale" Great pic, Gt....
29 Mar, 2010
Wow, I didn't know about those stories Lori. They are a tough and fascinating creature, but I think I'll continue steering clear of them. Someone gets trampled at least once a year. I just keep to the car. The man using one as a work horse sounds so interesting. Those bonds formed when we raise anything are so strong.
29 Mar, 2010
When we lived in Moosonee a native family had adopted a moose calf when the mother was killed... the calf finally was transported south to a rescue farm where it would be checked out by a vet...and raised at a zoo... I have a picture a friend took of my two sons with the calf... we heard later that it was just too weakened by all the attention and transport and that it died...sad. not all rescues are successful, unfortunately.
30 Mar, 2010
True. And moose calf's look older and tougher than they really are. The mother raises them for a full year or two, only making them go around the time she is about to have another. There are a lot of lost yearlings about then, not sure what to do, and definately not brave. I'm glad they tried to help it though. Always worth the effort.
30 Mar, 2010
Thanks for sharing about the moose and calves. The picture is great. They are big strong creatures, and they are only protecting their young. You can't blame them for having a go really.
30 Mar, 2010
:-) They are just defending their own. Their size is just so immense that there is nothing that could really get them, and they know it. A grizzly will think many times before facing one of these, and never one with a baby.
31 Mar, 2010
I have always had a love of the Indians and the way that they treat the wildlife. They only take from nature what they require to live on and make use of all of it.
1 Apr, 2010
I have always admired that as well. I also admire the close observation they took of the manners of each created being and how they would apply that example as natural manners to face challenges and enhance life. Some beautiful and balanced thinking.
1 Apr, 2010
We could all take a leaf out of their book and way of thinking then perhaps there wouldn't be so much wastage in this world.
1 Apr, 2010
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What do they do if they get upset, charge or run you seem pretty close
28 Mar, 2010