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Busy frog.

Busy frog.

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Fantastic Mr Frog.........

30 Mar, 2010


Hard work looking after that lot......Lol

30 Mar, 2010


There are 5 lots of frogspawn now ! Lol

30 Mar, 2010


Busy indeed ...look at all that frogspawn.......

30 Mar, 2010


Thanks Janette....hoping for lots of little froglets !

30 Mar, 2010


Awwwww bless......think you should get your wish with all that frogspawn......

30 Mar, 2010


Aye Janette...also had dragonflies visit and lay eggs last year.Apparently the larvae partial to just as well there are going to be lots !

30 Mar, 2010


Just as well ,theres lots then ,it would be a pity if they all got eaten. it must be fun watching them grow into little frogs....some day I am going to get myself a pond ,next year ,,,,,

30 Mar, 2010


Dont have to be very big Janette...Sid made one from an old water cistern..and Sanbaz has just made a small one too for her garden ! The best thing is that the young frogs disperse into the grass in no mowing allowed for a couple of weeks !

30 Mar, 2010


how wonderfull jane/ray ive this to look forward to and will remember that no mowing in july , thats going to be hard lol

30 Mar, 2010


Good reason to get rid of the grass I hate the stuff lol

30 Mar, 2010


Flippin' heck, that's a lot. Wonder how many will make it to become a frog?
BB ~ Will you have to protect it from the cold/snow we are apparently going to get?

30 Mar, 2010


Oh San...probably be next year youre saying that...unless your frogs are late starters.Most of them have finished spawning now for this year.But just you wait next Spring !

Janette...No grass equals no job for a gardener ! Lol..still...maybe not a bad idea ! Lol

30 Mar, 2010


Hi Pg..hopefully the jelly sac will give protection against the harsh weather ! Will keep informed on progress !

30 Mar, 2010


i can wait jane and pond will be better then for them :o)

30 Mar, 2010


And happy with it .....

30 Mar, 2010


Thats what happened with us San...Ray finished the pond in time for my birthday..First of May...but the following year we had frogspawn in March ! This year even more......its great ! :o )

30 Mar, 2010


i bet it is, worry incase casper goes for them though, hope not, off no im bushed, nite jane, take care x

30 Mar, 2010


Me too San..night night x

30 Mar, 2010


Wow so many Bb........Mr Frog has got his work cut out here! Anyone for tapioca pudding???...:o)))

30 Mar, 2010


Lol...bringing back memories of school dinners here Janey ! Showing our age !!!!

30 Mar, 2010


Ugggg no thanks, remember it well !!!!

30 Mar, 2010


Great photo again Ray, what a huge family. I recall our son when he was young gathering frogspawn and having them in a jar indoors, that was ok until one day my wife saw all these tiny creatures on the rim of the jar waiting to leap into the room. I don't think she has ever recovered from that.

31 Mar, 2010


Well captured lovely little frog in amongst the babies to be

31 Mar, 2010


Lots of babies there is'nt there :o))

31 Mar, 2010



31 Mar, 2010


Thanks all.....
Doctorbob...your poor wife ! Lol

31 Mar, 2010


Pg...what about semolina then !! ? Lol !

31 Mar, 2010


The frogs must have been bursting for someone to build a pond and look what happened. LOL. Lots of Little frogs expected from this lot of frogspawn then.....Good snail and slug detterent. Now I know how jelly babies came about.....oooops! sorry.

2 Apr, 2010


Thanks Lindak..have no problems with snails and slugs...frogs and thrushes sort them Nature intended ! : o )

2 Apr, 2010


Wow! look at all those eggs... imagine the tadpoles when they hatch! (potential insect control!)

3 Apr, 2010


True Lori...if only a fraction of them make it...good news !

3 Apr, 2010


I had a melodious little lady toad who laid ropes of eggs in my other pond...the goldfish cleaned them all up!... sad but true.

3 Apr, 2010


What a shame Lori, but I suppose they are a delicacy to fish. I like toads, such characters.

4 Apr, 2010


Every summer I try to put out toad houses...sometimes just a half pot...or make a grotto under a large rock...Come home all ye toads! the trill of the female carries for a great distance...but it isn't intrusive. The lady toad that sang for weeks til her prince came, was quite loud...but it never disturbed our sleep.

4 Apr, 2010


Hi Lori and Lindak.We have toads too but dont usually see them until late spring when they come out of their nooks and crannies on rainy days ! They dont lay their eggs in our pond though..well not as yet anyway !

4 Apr, 2010


awww lovely photo

6 Apr, 2010


Thanks Eileen...

6 Apr, 2010

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